It was the voice of Caleb Cushing,Freemason/KGC,associate of Albert Pike.
The Knights of the Golden Circle: Albert Pike, Freemasonry and the KGC
Cushing was also the 1861 campaign manager for John C Breckinridge in his run for the Presidentcy against Lincoln.
Plots and schemes within schemes and plots.

Not so much the Freemason connection i would look at the hardest. He became an associate justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in 1852, and during the administration of President Franklin Pierce, from March 7, 1853 until March 3, 1857, was 23rd Attorney General of the United States. Cushing, a "doughface," i.e., a Northerner with Southern sympathies, supported the Dred Scott decision and to such a degree that Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, who wrote the decision, wrote Cushing a letter thanking him for his support.
This is an angle more suited to cast light onto the K.G.C. side of Mr. Cushing. Just my two cents.

Great information to post about the political vertebrae that made up the backbone of the Knights of the Golden Circle!
Thanks for posting it, L.C. Baker:icon_thumleft:

Plots and schemes within schemes and plots.

You really hit the nail on the head with this statement. it is a perfect description of the Knights of the Golden Circle and their inner connecting web of support. Do you truly believe that one man was the spider? If so, who would you suspect?

Thanks, L.C.:icon_thumright:

I can only suspect who was actually whispering into john brown's ear. I have no proof enough to convict. What I do have is proof that John Brown was told who to kill. There was a method to his madness. He was without a doubt instructed on who to kill and of those, who he was to kill first.

L.C. Baker

You really hit the nail on the head with this statement. it is a perfect description of the Knights of the Golden Circle and their inner connecting web of support. Do you truly believe that one man was the spider? If so, who would you suspect?

Thanks, L.C.:icon_thumright:
Judah P Benjamin

Judah P Benjamin

He was Jewish.........:icon_scratch: but he was very important to the sale of cotton as well as the building and buying of blockade runners. He was in a position to obtain the loan that could have saved the C.S.A. but that fell through on him. He lacked the true Democratic political backing. He was Important to the C.S.A. ...yes indeed....but the main man? I just don't think so. My two cents. :dontknow: he definitely could have been and I just don't want to believe it..


He was Jewish.........:icon_scratch: but he was very important to the sale of cotton as well as the building and buying of blockade runners. He was in a position to obtain the loan that could have saved the C.S.A. but that fell through on him. He lacked the true Democratic political backing. He was Important to the C.S.A. ...yes indeed....but the main man? I just don't think so. My two cents. :dontknow: he definitely could have been and I just don't want to believe it..

Judah P Benjamin was in contact with all the major KGC members,and was a Freemason-THE CONSTITUTIONAL GRAND LODGE OF THE ORDER OF THE SONS OF THE COVENANT.As CSA Sec of State,he ran the blockades and the CSA spy network which dealt with codes and ciphers.After the fall of Richmond,April 2,1865,the Union found his Vigenere cipher reel which was similar to the printed Vigenere Tableau Booth left in his trunk at the Washington hotel.The Federals placed Benjamin on their wanted list as one of the assassin conspirators,and unlike Breckinridge who was pardoned and returned to the US,Benjamin was never pardoned and never returned.
While in England,he did provide financial assistance to several of his CSA/KGC associates,including $12,000 sent to Jefferson Davis.
Judah P Benjamin was a major player in the KGC.

I will have to look for contact with other known players(in the circle we have identified). I have not searched for any correspondence with him to this point. He is a perfect candidate, I'll give you that. Have you ever known him by a nick-name or any other code name?


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If you research Jefferson Davis's CSA CABINET you will find many Freemasons,Scottish Rite,KGC,and a member of Skull & Bones,look close at the remaining cabinet at Danville,Virginia,April 1865 and the events that occured.
Benjamin gave his personal copy of Vattels LAW OF NATIONS (used as book code?) to CSA Major E S Hutter who is connected to the 1885 BEALE PAPERS.

He was very involved just as you say. He was an arms reach away from the circle we have, and had direct dealings with one or more of them. It will take a while to filter through for any correspondence. It may be impossible to find if he wrote under an unrecognisable alias. The letters will most likely contain cipher if we are lucky enough to find one.
Thanks, L.C.

If you research Jefferson Davis's CSA CABINET you will find many Freemasons,Scottish Rite,KGC,and a member of Skull & Bones,look close at the remaining cabinet at Danville,Virginia,April 1865 and the events that occured.
Benjamin gave his personal copy of Vattels LAW OF NATIONS (used as book code?) to CSA Major E S Hutter who is connected to the 1885 BEALE PAPERS.


CSA Major ES Hutter "willed" same book, to his son-in-law, an attorney... who is part of the RAGLAND family in Lynchburg, Va.; VLoN is "on-line"... lots of "legalese". HH! GOOD LUCK!

Being a foreign diplomat for the C.S.A Benjamin would have referred to Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS as reference quite often. But code could be made from any manuscript...even a New York Times. It is a possibility that certain parts of the book could have been used as C.S.A. code, but I have yet to run into any. Good info, thanks for bringing it up!

L.C. Baker:icon_thumleft:

Being a foreign diplomat for the C.S.A Benjamin would have referred to Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS as reference quite often. But code could be made from any manuscript...even a New York Times. It is a possibility that certain parts of the book could have been used as C.S.A. code, but I have yet to run into any. Good info, thanks for bringing it up!

L.C. Baker:icon_thumleft:
...but the question remains-Why did he give his personal copy of Vattel's to CSA Major E S Hutter in Danville,April 1865,during his flight from the Union?What made this copy impotant to preserve?

...but the question remains-Why did he give his personal copy of Vattel's to CSA Major E S Hutter in Danville,April 1865,during his flight from the Union?What made this copy impotant to preserve?

GOOD question; MY understanding is that there were THREE books (SECRET books) that Major ES Hutter was ORDERED to BURN in Danville, Va., AND! Major ES Hutter SAVED VLoN; told his brother (CSA PAYMASTER) about it. His brother was RUMORED to be the ANON author of the BEALE PAPERS, written as a "cover-up" for PARTS of the CSA TREASURY deposited in Lynchburg, Va. AND "points" WEST (CODED as "Richmond STORES")... as recommended to Prez. J. Davis by Gen. Robert E. Lee. See Confederate Treasure Coverup...

...but the question remains-Why did he give his personal copy of Vattel's to CSA Major E S Hutter in Danville,April 1865,during his flight from the Union?What made this copy impotant to preserve?

Considering Judah Benjamin never returned to the United States after the Civil War had ended and pardons were flying right and left for former C.S.A. cabinet members. It would lead me to believe that

A) he was guilty of playing a part in Lincolns assassination (recently found ties to the four guilty parties that we have identified)

B) Leaving the book would lead one to believe that there may have been something special about his copy. knowing he would never return to the U.S.A. he may have been passing the torch as you say.

Is it possible to view Benjamins copy of Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS that he gave to CSA Major E S Hutter in Danville,April 1865,during his flight from the Union??

This is great stuff, very interesting and intriguing to say the least!L.C. baker:icon_thumleft:

Confederate Treasure Coverup.

"At War's end, the Confederacy collapses and only a select few know about the very existence of the stash. What to do?"

I think I know what they did. And it is still in motion.


He was Jewish.........:icon_scratch: but he was very important to the sale of cotton as well as the building and buying of blockade runners. He was in a position to obtain the loan that could have saved the C.S.A. but that fell through on him. He lacked the true Democratic political backing. He was Important to the C.S.A. ...yes indeed....but the main man? I just don't think so. My two cents. :dontknow: he definitely could have been and I just don't want to believe it..


After further investigation into the Judah Benjamin question.....I would recant my previous statement, and instead i would say that although i have the personal belief that the true inner circle of the K.G.C. was never headed by a supreme commander and chief. Knowing without a doubt, that two presidents of the United States were members F.P. and J.B. (through correspondence with identified K.G.C. members and support of several K.G.C. plots, both secret, and those plots that are now public knowledge)...." Judah P. Benjamin was as close as an arms reach from anyone in the inner circle of the K.G.C.
I can also say that without a doubt Benjamin was involved directly (through funding support and foreign conveyance) with the gentleman that headed the assassination of president Abraham Lincoln.(John Wilkes Booth's immediate superior) They met on more than one occasion,and in more than one place. Through this gentleman, Judah Benjamin had conveyance directly to the other three Knights of the Golden Circle we have identified.
That would have given Judah Benjamin more than four direct connections inside of Lincolns cabinet. it would also make him savvy to the next generation of operation. This will require more reading and time to determine if he may have continued his roll from abroad, during the reconstruction. Great stuff!:icon_thumleft:

L.C. Baker

Following his relocation to the United Kingdom, he became a distinguished barrister and in 1872 was appointed a Queen's Counsel. A barrister is not an attorney and is usually forbidden, either by law or professional rules or both, from "conducting" litigation. This means that, while the barrister speaks on the client's behalf in court, he or she can do so only when instructed by a solicitor or certain other qualified professional clients, such as patent agents

It is really getting juicy now.......PATENTS! Now to find out what those patents may have been for.....I'm going out on a limb here and I'm going to guess that some of them had a lot to do with some fine inventions destined to make a lot of:3barsgold: for the next generation and many to generations to come....:icon_thumleft:

Confederate Treasure Coverup.

"At War's end, the Confederacy collapses and only a select few know about the very existence of the stash. What to do?"

I think I know what they did. And it is still in motion.


Yep... will look for VLoN at Jones Mem. Library in Lynchburg, Va. or ask around at the L'burg Museum & Historical Society; MOST likely, still in RAGLAND Family possession. I think Peter Viemeister had "access" to it (for review)... DUNNO.

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