Some time after dark, the party left their place of hiding and proceeded on their "secret expedition". Late in the evening, they called at the house of James P. Doyle and ordered him and his two adult sons, William and Drury (all former slave catchers) to go with them as prisoners. (Doyle's 16-year-old son, John, who was not a member of the pro-slavery Law and Order Party, was spared after his mother pleaded for his life.) The three men were escorted by their captors out into the darkness, where Owen Brown and one of his brothers killed them with broadswords. John Brown, Sr. did not participate in the stabbing but fired a shot into the head of the fallen James Doyle to ensure he was dead. Certainly sounds to me like there was a deffinite reason that John Brown shot Mr. Doyal between the eyes with a definite kill shot to make sure he was dead.'DOUBLE TAPPED" if you would, like a true PAID hit man would do.

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Some time after dark, the party left their place of hiding and proceeded on their "secret expedition". Late in the evening, they called at the house of James P. Doyle and ordered him and his two adult sons, William and Drury (all former slave catchers) to go with them as prisoners. (Doyle's 16-year-old son, John, who was not a member of the pro-slavery Law and Order Party, was spared after his mother pleaded for his life.) The three men were escorted by their captors out into the darkness, where Owen Brown and one of his brothers killed them with broadswords. John Brown, Sr. did not participate in the stabbing but fired a shot into the head of the fallen James Doyle to ensure he was dead. Certainly sounds to me like there was a deffinite reason that John Brown shot Mr. Doyal between the eyes with a definite kill shot to make sure he was dead.'DOUBLE TAPPED" if you would, like a true PAID hit man would do.

Does anyone have any idea why John Brown executed this man? "DOUBLE TAPPED" to make sure he was dead....didn't want him limping away. Why? Gangland exicution by the first gang supported by the Radical republicans. Why was james Doyle so important that he was chosen to be the first to die?? Anyone???:dontknow:
How important was he and what did he do to p.o. the radical republicans and abolitionists? "CLUE" why was he available to be killed in osawatomie? How and why was he there? what was his underlying agenda?

Rebel - KGC:

There's a beautiful thing about a printed book. I can pick one up that's 100 years old and read it just fine. People a hundred years from now can do just the same thing.

Do you know how much information has been lost because it was "saved" on early computers that is no longer readily - if ever - available? True, a paper library can burn up. On the other hand, I'm sure many members of TN have experienced the dreaded hard-drive crash.

Of course computers are here to stay. I think books are, as well.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

PS: Many years ago the great treasure literature collector Bill Hanks said to me "There's no pride of ownership in a photocopy." I think that's just as true of a CD.

Rebel - KGC:

There's a beautiful thing about a printed book. I can pick one up that's 100 years old and read it just fine. People a hundred years from now can do just the same thing.

Do you know how much information has been lost because it was "saved" on early computers that is no longer readily - if ever - available? True, a paper library can burn up. On the other hand, I'm sure many members of TN have experienced the dreaded hard-drive crash.

Of course computers are here to stay. I think books are, as well.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

PS: Many years ago the great treasure literature collector Bill Hanks said to me "There's no pride of ownership in a photocopy." I think that's just as true of a CD.

I agree with you... I LOVE the SMELL of OLD books, and will STILL collect 'em. BUT! Like 78 RPM, LP's, 45's (RECORDS, not GUNS), cassetts; just "high-tech" for ya! ANYWAY...

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When they print my book, if they do, they will have to rewrite one heck of a lot of history books. I will go down in history as the man who fingered Lincoln's assassins 150 years too late to do anything about it.....:dontknow::laughing7: They would have to dig up thier bones and hang them.....:3some:
The truth of the matter is, that they have already faced their maker, and he knows what they did.

L.C. Baker:icon_thumleft:

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When they print my book, if they do, they will have to rewrite one heck of a lot of history books. I will go down in history as the man who fingered Lincoln's assassins 150 years too late to do anything about it.....:dontknow::laughing7: They would have to dig up thier bones and hang them.....:3some:
The truth of the matter is, that they have already faced their maker, and he knows what they did.

L.C. Baker:icon_thumleft:

And that is ALL, that matters...

john brown was a religious fanatic...like all fanatics he was a threat to civil society...
his thought process should only be of concern to those who study human deviants

john brown was a religious fanatic...like all fanatics he was a threat to civil society...
his thought process should only be of concern to those who study human deviants

You have proved my point. Which is describing the "Radical Black Republican Abolitionist" to a T. If what you say is true about John Brown, then how would you describe the men that gave him a list of the names of men he was to killl? And by kill, I mean hack to pieces and then shoot him in the head just to make sure they were dead. That is a crime of unusual malice. Not a self appointed hate crime by a religious self righteous lunatic. John Brown was a man of high stature in the Republican abolitionist circle. A lot of pockets were opened for his cause. And you can bet your bottom dollar he was told who to kill first.

L.C Baker

Gerrit Smith enters the story of Harper's Ferry more than a decade before the raid, when he first made the acquaintance of John Brown. Their meeting led to a collaboration that included Smith's financial support for Brown's move to North Elba, NY, where he and his family established a farm with the intent of aiding black settlers who had moved to the Adirondack North Country after receiving grants of land from Smith. More than three thousand such gifts of land, averaging 40 acres apiece, had been made to poor black men. Smith sold Brown 244 acres of land ( for $1 per acre) on which he settled his family, the deed for which was transferred in November 1849.

When John Brown went to Kansas to fight (literally) against slavery interests, Smith raised money to support his military operations. When Brown proposed the creation of a permanent refuge in the mountains of Virginia, from which armed groups would help to run off slaves, gradually building an army of insurrectionists, Smith again supported him. When Brown raided the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, he had a check for $100 in his pocket sent to him by Gerrit Smith.

Shortly after the arrest of John Brown and his companions, evidence of the role of his Northern supporters began to surface. Much blame was laid at the feet of Republicans like William Seward, whose Irrepressible Conflict speech was linked to the more direct support of Smith and the others. There was fear of indictments, as well as of assassination attempts, as events unfolded. The men of the Smith household were armed at all times, and local militia reportedly provided protection for the Smith estate. Frederick Douglass as well as most of the other Northern conspirators left the country. Smith, fearful of an effort at extradition, and the prospects of being tried in Virginia, apparently became psychotic.(GUILT WILL DRIVE A MAN CRAZY!)

The story of Smith's breakdown was national news in the midst of John Brown's trial. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper ran a front page story on November 26, with an illustration of Smith, and a report of his admission to the Utica Asylum for the Insane. Though some have speculated that Smith's admission was a deception to help him avoid prosecution, there is substantial evidence that his illness was genuine, and treatment necessary. He was released after seven weeks at Utica, having been treated with morphine and cannabis. (REALLY? MORPHINE AND WEED??)A thorough treatment of this subject is provided in the article on this site by McKivigan and Leveille.

Think about it........l.C. baker:icon_thumleft:

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Gerrit Smith was a candidate for President of the United States in 1848, 1856, and 1860, but only served 18 months in the federal government—in Congress as a Free Soil Party Representative, in 1853–4.
The Democrats had a record of victory, peace, prosperity, and the acquisition of both Oregon and the Southwest. It appeared almost certain that they would win unless the Whigs picked Taylor. His victory made him one of only two Whigs to be elected president before the party ceased to exist in the 1850s; the other was William Henry Harrison, who had also been a general and war hero, but died a month after assuming office. We have identified through recent research and investigation, former Whig members, that became Democrats, who were also high ranking Knights of the Golden Circle. (just wanted to say that whigs can = K.G.C.)
Smith, a significant financial contributor to the Liberty Party and the Republican Party his entire life. Besides making substantial donations of both land and money to the African-American community in North Elba, New York, he was involved in the Temperance Movement and, later in life, the colonization movement. Better known as the The Back-to-Africa movement, A staunch abolitionist, STAUNCH meaning he was firm or stead and fast about the principles. This I can only compare to the requirement of the K.G.C. members requirement of being firm on the negro. It is two sides of the same coin. Gerrit Smith was a member of the Secret Six who financially supported John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry, West Virginia.
The Chicago Tribune later claimed Smith had full knowledge of Brown's plan at Harper's Ferry, Smith sued the paper for libel, claiming that he lacked any such knowledge and thought only that Brown wanted guns so that slaves who ran away to join him might defend themselves against attackers. Smith's claim was countered by the Tribune, which produced an affidavit, signed by Brown's son, swearing that Smith had full knowledge of all the particulars of the plan, including the plan to instigate a slave uprising. In writing later of these events, Smith said, "That affair excited and shocked me, and a few weeks after I was taken to a lunatic asylum. From that day to this I have had but a hazy view of dear John Brown's great work. Indeed, some of my impressions of it have, as others have told me, been quite erroneous and even wild."This could explain some of that guilt induced lunacy he suffered for 7 weeks in the loony bin.
In my mind, knowing the actual facts that I know, I can only see Gerritt Smith as a co-conspirator in John Browns actions. Pacing the floor, peeking out the windows, freaking out, every time a horse road by his house. Just waiting for the long arm of the law to snatch him up. He snapped...:tongue3: drove himself crazy....he was just a money man with 1/6th of the plan, not a killer, he didn't have that kind of back bone. Now all of a sudden he realized that he may be indited for assassination.
Luckily he had friends like Mr. Seward to help him get well.......shooting him up with morphine and keeping him stoned on weed to calm him down......in the Loony Bin....so anything that he might mutter in his drugged up state of mind wood be accepted as loonacy.....:icon_scratch: Sure enough it worked! he was cured in less than two months!:hello2: (Right after John Brown's Trial):laughing7: WWWWHHHhhheeeewww! that was close..all secrets die with a dead man.....but not his son. :icon_thumleft: he remembered the secrets.
"After the failed raid on Harpers Ferry, Senator Jefferson Davis unsuccessfully attempted to have Smith accused, tried, and hanged along with Brown.

I believe that after accepting his own guilt in the John brown Killings, Smith, together with Horace Greeley and Cornelius Vanderbilt, helped to underwrite the $100,000 bond needed to free Jefferson Davis, who had, at that time, been imprisoned for nearly two years without being charged with any crime. In doing this, Smith incurred the resentment of Northern Radical Republican leaders.

Sounds like he may have been a changed man.

THINK ABOUT IT! L.C. Baker:icon_thumleft:

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One of the most outspoken of the newspapermen who aided and abetted the Anti-Masonic excitement was a Rochester journalist named Thurlow Weed, a supporter of John Quincy Adams and an astute and able politician. He and Seward had become acquainted in Rochester, and as their acquaintance ripened they became political partners; Weed as a newspaper editor, Seward as a candidate for office.

In 1830 the Anti-Masons of the state's seventh district elected Seward to the New York State Senate. There he worked closely with Weed, who founded and edited the Albany Evening Journal, and became the guiding spirit of the New York State Anti-Masonic party. The leaders of that party sought to make it national in scope, a movement of which the two young men heartily approved. Seward participated actively in fostering this national movement. He was a delegate to a national Anti-Masonic convention in Philadelphia, and in 1831 made a political journey to New England, where he met and talked with John Quincy Adams about the political future. In the New York State Senate Seward spoke and acted for reform legislation, emphasizing the need for a sound paper currency and the usefulness of the United States Bank.




Anti-Mason "party" was the result of the "Morgan Affair" in New York state I think, in late 1820's... "google" William Morgan (anti-Mason) - wiki.

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Anti-Mason "party" was the result of the "Morgan Affair" in New York state I think, in late 1820's... "google" William Morgan (anti-Mason) - wiki.

you are correct, but my point was mr. seward and his doings...
thanks for the input, L.C.

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It was the very beginning of two radical factions of opposite cause. It has been stated and proven that the FREEMASONS and the KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE were quite fond of each other. It was also most likely that in order to reach certain degrees of knighthood, you must have first been accepted as a freemason. it is obvious that being the leader of the ANTI_MASON PARTY, Mr. Seward could have also been a member of a secret society made up of RADICAL BLACK REPUBLICAN ABOLITIONIST with secret assassination plots of there own. Plots that would be set into motion against Franklin Pierce and his KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE pro slavery supporting cast.

The evidence is there, all you have to do is find it. L.C. Baker

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