Blak bart
Platinum Member
Yes sir... that mind set is still strong in the islanders here. Nothing is wasted....I used to drag a magnet across our property in andros....always thrilled to get a handful of nails...straight ones were used sometimes immediately. Bent nails would be used as fishing sinkers....lead was almost a precious metal in the islands. Today I use much of the nautical pieces I find in my art and driftwood furniture. We also have a thrift type store across the street... they take all manor of nautical items on consignment...much of it stripped from wrecks and resold. The name of this used marine store is "mother ocean" he has a whole group of wreckers bringing him goods. When he sells your stuff he calls and you can go and pick up your money less his comission....10% for me...but I'm sure each wrecker/picker/beachcomber cuts there own deal and percentage. It is a bustling store with a high turnover of goods. Great stuff can be had at pennies on the dollar.View attachment 1929842
Here is an example of my wrecker/beachcombing art. All the port holes were dove up in the bahamas or keys, all the wood is from beachcombing, and all the copper nails and hardware was scavenged from wrecks and recycled, and all the rope and boys were beachcombed....just need some mirrors behind the portholes !!
Here is an example of my wrecker/beachcombing art. All the port holes were dove up in the bahamas or keys, all the wood is from beachcombing, and all the copper nails and hardware was scavenged from wrecks and recycled, and all the rope and boys were beachcombed....just need some mirrors behind the portholes !!