Video - Journey to the Bat Cave

That is very odd. Wonder if something is going on in the Pitt area or past sinners do not want attention being brought to the area. In the future don't broadcast planned activities. I enjoyed your videos. Thought it would be cool watching a series on interesting sites. Remember what I said on the show. Don't be afraid of anything. Just be cautious. Go with friends and be well armed. Keep a guard with the vehicle. I would go for it. But that's me.

Ryan upon reflection It would be best if you don't post info on the incident and investigation. Could screw things up.

Who has the authority to tell you to stay out of the mountains.
They cant catch you anyway.They wont get out of their vehicles.(
Take a weapon, and do what you want.
Besides that, the pit is filled in.Good luck to someone digging it out without someone noticing.
At least i think it is still filled in.

Ryan upon reflection It would be best if you don't post info on the incident and investigation. Could screw things up.
Geez Frank... way to go and spoil the drama by dropping that tidbit of info. :BangHead:

people feel the need to walk around armed in a national forest..... what a sad state my country is in. so now with an investigation into the death threats i suppose all PM's are fair game in said investigation?

Ryan, i dont think you have made up a death threat. i think who ever made
the threat is prob trying to scare you away, and or just likes drama. who buys
a prepaid to make threats and has it turned on at the place it was bought
maybe someone that dumb, forgot to turn the gps off too. LOL

people feel the need to walk around armed in a national forest.
Daaayyyyuummm... I must really be a wuss. I walk around armed in my own home, let alone when I'm out in boonies. Wonder if there is a Rorschach test for my malady? :dontknow:

Ok Blackbird. Ryan at least let us know who after its all said and done.
You would think after all these years someone would threaten to kill me at least one time. At this point I would welcome the distraction.

people feel the need to walk around armed in a national forest..... what a sad state my country is in. so now with an investigation into the death threats i suppose all PM's are fair game in said investigation?

Wow - you mean that you would go hiking in the Superstitions UN-armed? What do you do when the hungry mountain lion is trying to crack open your buddies skull, throw dirt at him? Cell phones don't work in the canyons either and any help would be a LONG time getting to you anyway. Then there is the rattlesnake you did not see but stepped on and is about to bite your leg - wouldn't that pistol come in handy about then? I want my partner(s) armed, and to know how to shoot - remember it could be your life that gets saved by the gun in the hand of a good guy.

As to what this says about our country, I think we need to start rounding up the whackadoos, not the firearms.

It is always better to have the gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


Roy a few months ago I was sitting next to a well used dirt road back in the Forest waiting to be picked up. Had my Ruger 45lc on. Every time someone drove past they hit the gas when the spotted the gun. Not one person stopped and asked if I needed help.

Roy a few months ago I was sitting next to a well used dirt road back in the Forest waiting to be picked up. Had my Ruger 45lc on. Every time someone drove past they hit the gas when the spotted the gun. Not one person stopped and asked if I needed help.

See how well the firearm worked, to keep people from bugging you, just by seeing it! :smile: If you don't pack a gun that people can see, you might be surprised at how many people will pester and bother you. I have had people literally stride right into camp, and through it, before realizing it might not have been a great idea. Of course if you are looking for someone to help you, then I would not be waving the gun around for all to see either - stick it in the pack.

i mean in the sense that there are people out there that think flakes of gold are worth taking a persons life over is all. as for hiking in the supes, i stay away cause of all the wackos out there.plenty of hiking in my area box canyon. even found a couple pots amongst other things.they are still there shoved in little holes. i carry to protect myself from mountain lions and javelina. i doubt my 9 would do me any good against a nutjob with a 300 winmag or 30-06 for that matter.

Roy a few months ago I was sitting next to a well used dirt road back in the Forest waiting to be picked up. Had my Ruger 45lc on. Every time someone drove past they hit the gas when the spotted the gun. Not one person stopped and asked if I needed help.
That's because you were too close to town Frank. You were scaring away the tenderfoots. If you get out way out in the boonies and see a person with a gun, 99.99% of the time it's a non-event, and you usually end up BS'ing with each other without ever even noticing if either party is carrying. It's usually a given. 8-)

i mean in the sense that there are people out there that think flakes of gold are worth taking a persons life over is all. as for hiking in the supes, i stay away cause of all the wackos out there.plenty of hiking in my area box canyon. even found a couple pots amongst other things.they are still there shoved in little holes. i carry to protect myself from mountain lions and javelina. i doubt my 9 would do me any good against a nutjob with a 300 winmag or 30-06 for that matter.

That 9mm may be all that is needed to make the nutjob reconsider trying anything with you. He (or she) cab not know for sure, you might win the gunfight if he starts it. Don't let a few whack jobs prevent you from going on the public lands, most of them are really cowards more likely to send death threats than to ever try to confront you.

Tenderfoots watch out!

I've seen what a few flakes of gold and gold fever can do to a family not just one. The look in their eyes with a selfish tendency towards running anyone off that gets near even other family members. I saw a feud erupt just that way on public a GPAA claim!
I think the longer one looks without finding any gold has something to do with it. Those two brothers had looked most their lives without a smidgen of gold then one day they started finding it and almost shot each other before it was over. Were talking grams not ounces.

If you get a tenderfoot out there and they are packing look out. Especially if he just found colors or thinks he found colors has the bug and no brains. Steer wide and don't make a deal of it just put some rock between the both of you!

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I've seen what a few flakes of gold and gold fever can do to a family not just one. The look in their eyes with a selfish tendency towards running anyone off that gets near even other family members. I saw a feud erupt just that way on public a GPAA claim!
I think the longer one looks without finding any gold has something to do with it. Those two brothers had looked most their lives without a smidgen of gold then one day they started finding it and almost shot each other before it was over. Were talking grams not ounces.

If you get a tender horn out there and they are packing look out. Especially if he just found colors or thinks he found colors has the bug and no brains. Steer wide and don't make a deal of it just put some rock between the both of you!

Wise advice - I try to avoid strangers out in the tall tules anyway, for you never know what they are up to or who they are. Besides, whom among us is going into a wilderness to socialize? It doesn't always work for me though, have had people hike a heck of a way because they could SEE my tent, and they just had to find out!

Wise advice - I try to avoid strangers out in the tall tules anyway, for you never know what they are up to or who they are. Besides, whom among us is going into a wilderness to socialize? It doesn't always work for me though, have had people hike a heck of a way because they could SEE my tent, and they just had to find out!

They were just a smelling that good old cowboy coffee you was making and wanted breakfast for nothing!

I don't know if someone approaches you it may be different but if you stumble into some ones secret lair it could get nasty!

Ryan, that's a real bummer. I don't blame you for being cautious. I would be also.

Just my 2 cents worth, which probably doesn't mean much at all..........But; I think its just some wack job nut that has nothing to do with previous explorations. This world is full of nuts and they are all dangerous.

Those previous explorations HAD a permit. A highly publicized permit, teamed with at least two archeologist who chronicled the dig; and some well heeled and highly placed friends, and backers. Couple that with considerable time and distance and I'd say they are pretty much hockey proof against any current speculations as to improprieties.

This wack job is more likely just some wantabe coward that's having some fun pulling your string. Not saying he/she couldn't be dangerous. They most certainly can be. Especially if pushed and backed into a corner. But if they really intended you harm they probably wouldn't have announced their intentions.

Stay safe, enjoy your pursuits and keep it on the down low.

Just my take on it.


Ryan - I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you. You don't deserve that. I really liked your last 2 videos, and I was looking forward to any other videos you did in the future. (I hope you still do the videos! but your choice). I live here in Mesa, if you ever do decide to go back out into the Supers, and/or if you need or want additional people to go with you into the Supers for support, feel free to PM me. I have not been to the Pit Mine before, and I am not directly familiar with the area, but I am in good shape and I like hiking and I wouldn't lag behind or anything. Take care. -Brad


I can almost guarantee you 100% that it had nothing to do with the TV Show.

I can imagine you have already thought of this, but someone went to a lot of trouble to first find your phone number. They then spent thirty or forty bucks and bought a disposable phone. They called you and threatened your life. They probably threw the phone away after that.

Does that sound like a kook, or someone from a forum just pulling a prank? NO. Do not take that threat lightly. Be very careful. Remember how I posted previously that I never broadcast my comings and goings into the Supers? Now you know why. If someone thinks you may have a chance to find what they have been trying to find for many years, there is a better than average chance (if they know when and where you are going to be) they may wait for you out there and take potshots at you. There have been a lot of mysterious (and also a lot of not so mysterious) deaths out there. Don't put yourself in a position to be the next one.

Take Care - Mike

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