Video 4 - The Peralta Stone Maps with Frank Augustine


I have not ignored any "facts". You have always assumed facts in my posts that were never stated. I have always tried to dig out the true history of the legends that surround the LDM and the Superstition Mountains. That does not set well with many in the community who want to preserve the accepted false history that is being concocted on a daily basis.

The true story of such artifacts as the Stone Maps is just now coming into the daylight. That truth does not include them having been part of the flooring of a church. That fact may have some effect on the book(s) that have been, or are being written by those who have made up their own history.

The Alkire story will no longer be an addition to any new books on the LDM. Without my, and a few friends research, that truth would probably never been revealed. It's just history, and history bites.

If you doubt my posts, or the truth that is in them, stop reading them. Do not presume to know what "facts" I choose to ignore.

Joe Ribaudo

Then perhaps you would take a stab at answering the three points I raised?

Then perhaps you would take a stab at answering the three points I raised?


You had all the answers many years ago, and would not answer any doubts about your conclusions. Now that new "facts" are being revealed, you're old assertions are in the trash-bin of history. You couldn't back up your "historical facts" then, although you said you would......eventually and eventually never came.

Get someone else to dance to your new tune.

Joe Ribaudo

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The voice in the video rings a bell to you ? Seems the " life for life " member found his way to make documentaries .


I think Ryan has a great voice & the way he tells it.......kind of like Peter Thomas on Forensic Files.
.......I get addicted to the voice....just say'in

It's a computer generated male voice......LOL
Starting to wonder about you guys.....:icon_scratch:

Speaking of which... it's almost May and not a peep about the "forthcoming" documentary, or whatever it is. Anyone know what's going on?

It's a computer generated male voice......LOL
Starting to wonder about you guys.....:icon_scratch:
That's what I thought right away too - didn't sound much like Ryan to me

Speaking of which... it's almost May and not a peep about the "forthcoming" documentary, or whatever it is. Anyone know what's going on?

Maybe Linda can poke one of her reliable sources......and offer an update on that .

Whom ever dug that hole, I'm sure the didn't find anything. The maps were buried closer to the Adolf Ruth Bridge.

>>> from 14:40
Pay attention, cause it IS important to the history of these rocks, as well as the others that we have all seen.

And it's all close enough to the older Adolph Ruth bridge for some folks to consider that bridge as a reference point IMO. Especially since other things were found out there well before Mitchell and Tumlinson showed up to look around.

>>> from 14:40
Pay attention, cause it IS important to the history of these rocks, as well as the others that we have all seen.

And it's all close enough to the older Adolph Ruth bridge for some folks to consider that bridge as a reference point IMO. Especially since other things were found out there well before Mitchell and Tumlinson showed up to look around.


The stone which Frank holds and is similar to the stone tablets material , is an " eye catcher " and was placed on the shelter box where the stone tablets were at the first place . This stone looks like a capillas roof and " tells " how something is hidden below/inside .This method is to attract the attention and to go there to look . Is also a method to mark the place where something worth could be located .
In another instances were used rocks which had a completly different color with the surroundind rocks , to attract the attention . Pure white rocks were used to mark a trail , and where were three white rocks together would marked the end of the trail . Are another type of " lugares " .

stone mark.webp

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The stone which Frank holds and is similar to the stone tablets material , is an " eye catcher " and was placed on the shelter box where the stone tablets were at the first place . This stone looks like a capillas roof and " tells " how something is hidden below/inside .This method is to attract the attention and to go there to look . Is also a method to mark the place where something worth could be located .
In another instances were used rocks which had a completly different color with the surroundind rocks , to attract the attention . Pure white rocks were used to mark a trail , and where were three white rocks together would marked the end of the trail . Are another type of " lugares " .

View attachment 1606781

Just so you know.

If you go back a ways...... stone was just part of a small collection of what were scattered rocks that I made and photographed when I first visited the site in 2010. As far as I know, I was the first to share any of my photos or findings out there on any of the three websites, and have posted many other things about the discovery site since 2010, including aerial and GE shots of where the excavations are on the landscape.

100_0423 rock collection.webp


The stone which Frank holds and is similar to the stone tablets material , is an " eye catcher " and was placed on the shelter box where the stone tablets were at the first place . This stone looks like a capillas roof and " tells " how something is hidden below/inside .This method is to attract the attention and to go there to look . Is also a method to mark the place where something worth could be located .
In another instances were used rocks which had a completly different color with the surroundind rocks , to attract the attention . Pure white rocks were used to mark a trail , and where were three white rocks together would marked the end of the trail . Are another type of " lugares " .

View attachment 1606781

Just so you know.

If you go back a ways, that stone was just one of many similar stones all over the area which I photographed when I first visited the site in 2010. As far as I know, I was the first to share any of my photos or findings out there on any of the three websites, and have posted many other things about the discovery site since 2010, including aerial and GE shots of where the excavations are on the landscape.

100_0423 stones.webp

....shots of all the holes on the previous pages as well.......SH.

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What Frank holds has nothing to do with the stone you show in your photo as " Frank's video stone " . Different shapes , colors and materials .


What Frank holds has nothing to do with the stone you show in your photo as " Frank's video stone " . Different shapes , colors and materials .
That is why I revised the post to add the color shot without the notes, Marius.
And this......"that stone was just one of many similar stones all over the area".....and many have the same "capilla" shape, which is simply the result of an oval stone being broken in half.
Because I wasn't there to see which stone he saved for the video, I can't be sure that IS the same stone I included in the rock pile I made. But I have been there a number of times since 2010, and can tell you that the entire rock pile has been scattered by "site" seers since then.

How about the other one Marius ?
That's the one I took to compare with the Heart stone at the Museum.
Does it look the same in both photos ?

100_0454 no match.webp 100_0423 stones.webp

Lighting ie:sunlight vs shade vs fluorescent and angle of the object all make a difference.

ps: If you think a stone of that shape is an "eye catcher", and you ever get out to the site yourself, I guarantee your eyes are going to be dancing around like a hummingbird.

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I accept the " similar '' note for your rock . The " eye catcher " was not for the site the stone tablets were buried , but for the place the stone tablets were deposited in the first place . I don't think at that place are similar rocks like this to make your eyes dancing around like a hummingbird .

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I would not put much stock in that stone. I believe it's the one Wayne found. The truth behind the stones came out later. I did find a piece of ore at that spot. Looked like someone busted it open after transporting it there.

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