🥇 BANNER Victorian 14k Gold pocket watch Update; This one may cut the mustard!


Bronze Member
Mar 9, 2008
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I have not posted here in a long time ! Many reasons but this find trumps it ! I thought you guys might like seeing the watch I found today . I was hunting at a very junky site I have hunted many times . I cleared two iron signals and still had a screwtop overload signal on top of the ground snug up against a little tree , I brushed away the duff up against the little tree and Gold was staring back at me. One third of the watch was not covered in dirt. I took some insituation pics of the watch with my cell phine if you are interested I could post them . I also found an Indian head a wheatie and a bunch of other junk ! The only cleaning I have done on the watch is with a natural brisssle flux brush just brushing away the dirt lodged up by the winder . I do not even dare to open it myself ! I think I should have a pro look at this watch and decide what the best steps are for conservation . What do you think ? Thanks for looking and happy Hunting ! MaineRelic. :hello2: :headbang:


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Upvote 60
Beautiful watch thanks for sharing..

OMG "D" I thought you were dead. (glad your not)

Awesome find. a gold pocket watch is on my top ten list. (as I have found many base metal ones)

Congrats she's a beauty.

Don't stay away so long this time, OK

Great looking pocket watch, the case is done up really sweet.:hello2:
There isn't too much to indicate that it can't be opened, the flip tab will open the back cover while it might be a push down on the stem to pop the face side open. If you bring it into a master they'll be able to open it with no problem, most jewelers won't have the knowledge of this era of watch and it's operating features.

Watches like that we're generally very accurate and often the most treasured item the owner possessed. Don't you wish you could find out the history behind it? Congratulations on finding what may turn into your most treasured detector find!

It cuts the Mustard, the Brie, the Lox & Bagel and in fact it is a dream find! Congratulations!!.....................63bkpkr

clicked on banner find

That's a really nice pocket watch !!! They pop open from the opposite side of the hinge and will be marked on the inside as to the composition. With all that detail it must be solid gold. Keep us posted !!!

I haven't seen you in awhile, great to see you again and cool watch!

Great looking watch. I've never found a complete one. Usually just find the front, back, or insides.

Gold Watch Update

Yesterday I took the watch to the only Swiss trained watchmaker in town. The actual watch maker was not in on saturday of course. I was able to get assistance from an apprentice just to open the watch , At least we got the back open where all the info on the watch is . It is the real deal :headbang: As you can see from the pics it is a U.S. assayed solid 14K yellow gold American Watch Co. Waltham Royal pocket watch . It has a presentation engraving on the inside cover . It reads ( Presented to Mary F xxxxxxx from her brother William Aug. 5th 1881 ) I am still researching the names so I excluded it here so no close up of the presentation engraving yet ! sorry ! At the risk of sounding sexist I did not expect this watch to be a womans watch She had a very nice brother ! From the serial # I was able to date the inner time piece . It was made in 1877. We were not able to get the face side of the watch open, It has a spring loaded clasp that is realeased by pushing down on the little button on top of the winder . This mechanism is frozen . The watch apprentice said it would not be a good idea to force it and damage it and that the watchmaker should be able to realease the clasp from the inside once he pulls the guts . The apprentice said this watch may be a good canidate for mechanical restoration . I would have had to leave it with the shop for evaluation and an estimate on the cost of the work if it can be restored . I was not ready to part with it yet as I wanted to photograph and do some research on the piece since I just got it opened up . I plan on taking back and having the watch maker examine it on Tuesday Thanks for looking and Happy hunting ! MaineRelic


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Wow what a beauty, I would love to find one, even a brass pocket watch in that condition would be great.

And the mystery deepens!! Wonder how much would you be able to find out... Keep us posted!!

Congrats on an amazing find. It would be really cool to locate a great great grandchild of the owner. If you decide to do this let us know the outcome. I'm nominating this rare solid gold time piece for Banner as should every one else. If a gold coin is a shoe in for banner then there is now way this shouldn't make it.

What a terrific find,that is one pretty trinket!

That is a right NICE find. GodBless Chris

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Wow! Congratulations of a great find!

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