Bronze Member
I have not posted here in a long time ! Many reasons but this find trumps it ! I thought you guys might like seeing the watch I found today . I was hunting at a very junky site I have hunted many times . I cleared two iron signals and still had a screwtop overload signal on top of the ground snug up against a little tree , I brushed away the duff up against the little tree and Gold was staring back at me. One third of the watch was not covered in dirt. I took some insituation pics of the watch with my cell phine if you are interested I could post them . I also found an Indian head a wheatie and a bunch of other junk ! The only cleaning I have done on the watch is with a natural brisssle flux brush just brushing away the dirt lodged up by the winder . I do not even dare to open it myself ! I think I should have a pro look at this watch and decide what the best steps are for conservation . What do you think ? Thanks for looking and happy Hunting ! MaineRelic.

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