Very Disturbing News APRIL FOOL!!!

Re: Very Disturbing News

April Fool's Day is also known as All Fools' Day, its not a holiday, but its a favorite holiday around the country. This day is when you play a practical joke on your friends. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends and neighbors, or sending them on fools' errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.​

Re: Very Disturbing News

I did a google search and couldn't find the reporter, the name of the professor "Dr. Phomben Keemau", or the study! Looks like it is a big April fools joke.

Re: Very Disturbing News

April Fools joke...hahahaha.

Can anyone actually believe this hobby is so noticable that some gov't idiot would do a study on earthworms?

Well...almost anyhow..they like everything so nice and regulated. But as someone above said...hmmm powerlines...cell phones, radios...dang, they'd have to admit everything that emits a frequency needs to be turned off to save a worm.

Gonna get me a bumper sticker that says..."Save a worm, shoot a government researcher!"

Re: Very Disturbing News

No one seems to care that we remove tons of trash each year from the soil?

I have a great idea! Lets all save up bags and bags of metal trash and dump it on the state capital's steps with a note saying. "I broke the law by cleaning this up, so I wanted to "come clean" and return it! In the future you will have to clean up on your own!"

Re: Very Disturbing News

HIO Yeasty: I congratulate you, It almost looks scientific. Excellent April fools joke, loved it despite a few tech. flaws heheehehhe.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Very Disturbing News

Gypsy Luv: you posted--->

Earthworms are known to carry blood pathogens that cause detrimental crop diseases....potato blight,etc...

You forgot to mention that they make a mighty tasty meal fried in Garlic butter, and that they will be taken off of the potential, projected, protected species act as soon as they can recover, which at their present rate of reproduction, is estimated to be approx. three years. This assumes of course, that the harmful frequencies are brought under effective control, while reproductive ones are selectively augmented and amplified. Excellent reason to go with Garrett, he has managed to include them in his detectors harmonics and holds an exclusive patent on this.

This will have an excellent side benefit in that our priceless, irreplaceable, Antiquities of over 50 years, will now be protected from the present unchecked vandalism as practiced by uneducated, immoral metal detecting enthusiasts. Who, while well meaning, just do not realize how much cultural and archaeological damage they are presently doing.

Wanna go Morel and worm hunting with me then ? We can always use the imperfect or damaged ones for fishing.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Very Disturbing News APRIL FOOL!!


Just thought I'd get the ol Spring Juices pumping for the group! I'm sorry if I offended anyone.


PS, Pohmben Keemau, in Thai, means "I AM DRUNK"

Pete, You Numer ten thou, Hahaha Gnewt
That was a good one!!!!!

Yeasty said:
PS, Pohmben Keemau, in Thai, means "I AM DRUNK"

I told you it was catchy !!

Re: Very Disturbing News

Jeffro said:
How absolutey stupid.

Whaddya wanna bet they stuck a Minelab at full power in a tank fulla worms and kept changing batteries for 5 years?

:D :D :D :D :D That's probably exactly what they did, did they sit there and watch the worms have sex too. According to my kids there is no shortage of worms gummi worms that is ha ha

Good one Yeasty, I fell for it hook, line and sinker :tongue3:

Nibble, Nibble, Bite, Bite, WHAM!
You got me also.

Good one!

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