Delaware State Journal:
Sarah Kuchinisch, Science Reporter

A preliminary report from a 5 year study, funded by the U.S. Dept of Agriculture, indicates there is a strong deleterious effect on earthworms, especially the variety known by the scientific name Genus Aporrectodea turgid, by the use of hobby metal detectors. According to Dr. Pohmben Keemau, a Nobel Prize-winning biologist from the Delaware University Biology Department, the radiation emitted by detectors causes serious reproduction problems in immature worms. "The radiation of frequencies transmitted by metal detectors between 1.5 kilohertz and 100 kilohertz severely damages internal organs of immature worms, specifically the Tumescence Genitale organs," Kemau said. "Because of this the worm becomes sterile when mature. It is similar to the effect of high powered sonars, used by the Navy, on whales". Kemau also said the problem was widespread. "Thousands and thousands of acres searched by metal detectorists are effectively sterilizing untold millions of earthworms. It's a serious issue. It is a fact that earthworms revitalize soil, and soil without the work done by earthworms stresses the growth of flora," he said. Doctor Keemau went on to say the University was expanding the study to determine the effect of hobby metal detectors on our ocean's coast lines. "We suspect that the metal detectors are interfering with sand fleas, Genus Menticirrhus. Menticirrhus is a key link in the shore-line food chain effecting both the fish and shore bird populations which rely on them for food," he said. New Jersey and Delaware are already considering banning most metal detecting in their respective states. Upon completion of the study a report will be sent to Congress for national legislative action if they deem it necessary.
OMG, Think of the thousands each year pulled up from plowing, people fishing with them, building, and other things.

Here is a study for them to do and I would gladly donate to this study

(The Affects of How Brainless, Brain Dead Politicians Are Destroying Our Great Country)

Now that's a study I would be interested in reading about, and as I stated would be happy to donate to the cause
That would be a really interesting study.

If they are truly running out of earthworms they can come to my back yard and get all the night crawlers they might want. They come up and leave many, many lumps all through my lawn all year long. They are real pains!

I save the grubs and feed them to my reptiles.
You guys are going to have a study done about how you are depopulating the grub population! I can see the headlines now!

I save the grubs and feed them to my reptiles.
I did the same thing when I had my collection of Reptiles two Black throat Monitor Lizards, Two Salvatore Water Monitors and 130 true Chameleons, and several species of Leaf tail Gecko's, 130 Chameleon's eats a lot of insects

My chickens love the grubs.
They only get the grubs from our own property.
Same here those miniature Velosa Raptors are one of the most cannibalistic creatures on earth, throw in a baby mice or a bunch of grubs and they go crazy gobbling them up

I did the same thing when I had my collection of Reptiles two Black throat Monitor Lizards, Two Salvatore Water Monitors and 130 true Chameleons, and several species of Leaf tail Gecko's, 130 Chameleon's eats a lot of insects
😲 I'm content with my panther chameleon (another bucket list item since age 5) and beardie (which I only got as a precursor to the chameleon; I needn't have bothered, but he's got a lot of personality... 🙄)

😲 I'm content with my panther chameleon (another bucket list item since age 5) and beardie (which I only got as a precursor to the chameleon; I needn't have bothered, but he's got a lot of personality... 🙄)
I had Panther Chameleon's,Fishers, Jackson's, Meller's, Deriminsus, Oustalets, and a few other species of chameleons, I owned 130 at one time, the Jackson, Fishers and the Deriminsus look like miniature Triceratops Dinosaurs, the Deriminsus is very rare and hard to get to breed in captivity but I was one of only two people at the time that actually got eggs off of my Deriminsus Chameleons, the Jackson's are one of only a couple of species to give live birth, The Meller's can reach lengths of 30 inches, the one Chameleon I always wanted to own was a Parsons chameleon but at the time they were highly protected, haven't ran in that circle in a few years so have no clue what the Laws are now with exotic reptiles, I also was in to tarantulas for a bit also had a couple of Bird Eating tarantulas that was the size of a dinner plate, I would purchase all of my exotic reptiles form a importer in Hesperia California

My male Black throat Monitor was almost 8 feet long named him Sampson

I always built my own out doors enclosures, and set them up with waterfalls and misters to simulate a rain forest, was a pretty cool hobby which I also turned into a business, I did the reptile shows and sold some of my Chameleons in the shows, and would go help people to set up enclosures properly to care for them

I had Panther Chameleon's,Fishers, Jackson's, Meller's, Deriminsus, Oustalets, and a few other species of chameleons, I owned 130 at one time, the Jackson, Fishers and the Deriminsus look like miniature Triceratops Dinosaurs, the Deriminsus is very rare and hard to get to breed in captivity but I was one of only two people at the time that actually got eggs off of my Deriminsus Chameleons, the Jackson's are one of only a couple of species to give live birth, The Meller's can reach lengths of 30 inches, the one Chameleon I always wanted to own was a Parsons chameleon but at the time they were highly protected, haven't ran in that circle in a few years so have no clue what the Laws are now with exotic reptiles, I also was in to tarantulas for a bit also had a couple of Bird Eating tarantulas that was the size of a dinner plate, I would purchase all of my exotic reptiles form a importer in Hesperia California

My male Black throat Monitor was almost 8 feet long named him Sampson

I always built my own out doors enclosures, and set them up with waterfalls and misters to simulate a rain forest, was a pretty cool hobby which I also turned into a business, I did the reptile shows and sold some of my Chameleons in the shows, and would go help people to set up enclosures properly to care for them
There seem to be quite a few Parson's on the forums, so someone is breeding them. I would have liked a Jackson's, but where I live I can't provide the nighttime temperature drop they need, so I went with the panther. He's got personality too. The two of them have so much personality, they converted my Missus, and it incentivised her to get her tortoise (but he's a vegetarian).

There seem to be quite a few Parson's on the forums, so someone is breeding them. I would have liked a Jackson's, but where I live I can't provide the nighttime temperature drop they need, so I went with the panther. He's got personality too. The two of them have so much personality, they converted my Missus, and it incentivised her to get her tortoise (but he's a vegetarian).
Also had some Veiled Chameleon's also, the Chameleons all have personalities about them so did my monitor Lizards, never got int the Bearded Dragons

tried to get a couple of frilled dragons at one time but never could seem to work out a deal to get a pair sent to me

Yeah..... i always felt i was damaging the environment...

AS I DISPOSE OF THE POUNDS OF TRASH and all the other environmentally unfriendly objects into the trashcan each time.

From now on i will sprinkle some Viagra on the ground as i detect.


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