UPDATED.dug me some bottles..YESSSSS...or was buried for a reason??cleaned pics

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason

I saw several of the same type bottles today in an antique store (empty of course) and they were going for between 65 to 100 dollars each. Good Job nice find

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

May I suggest you contact a privately owned chemical co. They could and possibly should ,by law, supply you with MSDS (Material safety data sheets) and may possibly have an interest in the product inside.Also you could potentially transfer the product to other containers and label them as to match the current labels.I've had dealings with the Gov. on like matters,and I'll take good ol capitalist every time.Especially if you want progress in this lifetime.

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

I hope the blue one in the back middle is one you can save and clean up. I sure would like to see it close up. Very nice bottle.

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

Nitric is some seriously bad stuff..............get rid of it. It is very difficult to even buy the stuff these days, and with good reason (can't mention why). In some states, it is illegal to posses it. These sound like mining chemicals.


Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

mmmmmmmm..... money.......... ;D

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

I thought Silver Nitrate was good for removing foot corns or ingrown toenails!

Seems like you kinda dug up Pandora's box huh?

~Stopped Laughing~ Don't try it on your feet or body.

Nice haul of bottles. I hope you can keep at least some.

Be Wicked Careful & Good Luck

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

awesome find....lots of really cool bottles, like everyone else said, be careful...

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

You should be very careful about any and all bottles that still have stuff inside, because many chemicals when exposed to the air can either A) have a reaction to the humidiy (water) in the air and react, or B) there might be fumes in the bottle that can KILL you. A few years ago some Moroccans were arrested because they had a plan to pour Potassium Ferrocyanide into the US Embassy's water supply in Rome. Be careful with that suff, many of the chemicals you listed are known to create birth defects and cancer.

On a lighter note, definitely the nicest bottle find I've ever seen! Can't say that I'm jealous though!

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

:o WOW :o

Those indeed are the most incredible bottles & truly amazing find I have ever ever heard of! :o Outstanding!
Knowing a bit more about the dangers of the substance inside makes my mind really ponder what the hey hiddey hey!! :o

By now you are probably already well aware of this, but poking around I came across a few things I found interesting. . hopefully you do too & maybe they will be a bit helpful as well :)

MCW = Medical College of Wisconsin? ???


"M C W ................Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, St. Louis, MO (1867-to date). I believe most, if not all, of the bottles found with this mark are hand-blown and date from approximately the 1880-1920 period. The actual glass factory which manufactured these bottles is unknown, but Illinois Glass Company, Alton, IL, would be a likely source. "


"B.& A.C.CO............Baker & Adamson Chemical Company (1881-1913). Producer of acids and other chemicals. Although not the mark of a glass factory, this may be mistaken for one. Seen on the base of chemical and acid jars and bottles, most of which probably date from the early period -- 1881 to 1900. B&A was bought by General Chemical in 1900, and in 1913 General became a division of Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, later Allied Chemical Corp. ACC merged into Allied-Signal and that company is now part of Honeywell, Inc. "

Which I located at http://myinsulators.com/glass-factories/bottlemarks3.html. . one of my favorite of favorite places to poke about for info ;D

And this may give you a bit more information on Whitall Tatum & Co:

I seriously believe you have one grand find there & quite a story to go with it!
Please keep us updated!

Bogart :D

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

thanks for the info and the compliments. i actuall started looking up the makers marks and i too found that on the insulators website. im surprised i couldnt find it in "bottle makers and thier marks". i know this is not a awesome privy dig, but its darned cool to find bottles in these conditions in the harsh desert. no offense but people on the east coast have it real good with your soft soil. ;)
anyone know of anyone ever finding or have a jar or container made by Baker & Adamson Chemical Company
"B & A C co??????

i was not aware of the mcw, but didnt get that far yet, i apreciate it

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

Nice bottles, but I don't know if I would have brought them home...the wrong two get mixed and..... :P

Be careful, and I hope things turn out OK for you.

new cleaned pics of what i could keep. not the cleanest but pretty clean
all except for 2 blown bottles have embossing on the front or the base ;)


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You're still alive!!!!!?? Now that we know their contents didn't do you in - great looking bottles. LOL Nice collection, congrats. What did you do with the other ones? Or dare you say?

Sweet collection. Thanks for the follow up...

I am so glad you showed us the new pictures!
Your bottles are absolutely positively BEAUTIFUL!!! :o

I truly envy you! I am glad you got to keep some of them that had the writing on them. . how cool!!

Congrats again! ;D

Bogart :D

Re: UPDATED.dug me some bottles..YESSSSS...or was buried for a reason??cleaned p

Personally I wouldn't have had a problem with the contents of most of those bottles. I've used many of the chemicals doing assay's in relation to prospecting and gold panning. But then, I'm in Canada and I'm not in a city. Also, I know enough to be careful and handle most of these items only under a fume hood, or to stay upwind of them when used in the outdoors. I would have loved to have found a horde of a cache like that. I'd get ahold of the suitable labratory containers and, (under proper conditions), place the contents of the old bottles into the new ones.

I'm just guessing here, but those bottles might have been part of a prospectors assay kit and as someone else suggested, they could have been burried later, perhaps when the person passed away and relatives didn't know what else to do with the stuff, so they burried it? Or maybe the owner routinely burried the chemicals when going away on a long prospecting trip to keep them safe.?

P.S. If anyone in western Canada runs into a horde of chemicals like this, I'd be happy to hear from them. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, (haven't found the motherload yet), but at least I could get the bottles back to you without the chemicals.

So how did you decide which ones you "could" keep? Did someone else decide? Or were these the ones that weren't damaged.

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