Re: UPDATED.dug me some bottles..YESSSSS...or was buried for a reason??cleaned p
Personally I wouldn't have had a problem with the contents of most of those bottles. I've used many of the chemicals doing assay's in relation to prospecting and gold panning. But then, I'm in Canada and I'm not in a city. Also, I know enough to be careful and handle most of these items only under a fume hood, or to stay upwind of them when used in the outdoors. I would have loved to have found a horde of a cache like that. I'd get ahold of the suitable labratory containers and, (under proper conditions), place the contents of the old bottles into the new ones.
I'm just guessing here, but those bottles might have been part of a prospectors assay kit and as someone else suggested, they could have been burried later, perhaps when the person passed away and relatives didn't know what else to do with the stuff, so they burried it? Or maybe the owner routinely burried the chemicals when going away on a long prospecting trip to keep them safe.?
P.S. If anyone in western Canada runs into a horde of chemicals like this, I'd be happy to hear from them. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, (haven't found the motherload yet), but at least I could get the bottles back to you without the chemicals.