UPDATED.dug me some bottles..YESSSSS...or was buried for a reason??cleaned pics

Re: dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

What ever you do, don't mix contents in the same container...

If you do, you may be in orbit for quite a while >:(

Or dead >:(

Re: dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

hey don't jump the gun, i didn't say they all had contents. Thanks for the advice, i'm figuring it out right now.

Re: dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason?

First thing's first... I'm not recommending that you dispose of this stuff yourself.
Personally, I think the place you dug up was more likely a textile mill than a photography studio.

con acid hydrochloric = Concentrated hydrochloric acid. Nasty stuff. To get rid of it, pour it into water. DO NOT POUR WATER INTO IT. It reacts like if you pour water into hot grease.
hydrogen sulphide - This stuff is pretty much sewer gas, and can be fatal if inhaled. It will also explode. This is one for hazmat to take care of.
con acid nitric = Concentrated nitric acid. Also really nasty; it burns, it's toxic. You can take care of this the same way as the hydrochloric acid.
indigo solution - A solution of indigo and concentrated sulfuric acid. You can dilute this as well. Don't touch.
potassium iodide - a skin irritant, but pretty safe at the same time. This is what is given to people at nuclear danger spots to prevent radiation poisoning.
phenoiphtalein - ever seen CSI? This is the chemical they use to detect the presence of blood (first the area is swabbed, then alcohol is applied to free up the blood cells, then this chemical is dripped on, and finally, hydrogen peroxide is added. the color indicates blood). Small amounts are generally harmless.
ferric chloride - this stuff is used to etch circuit boards. It's toxic and corrosive, very nasty stuff. Hazmat this one for sure.
ether - I'll let you guess
nesslers solution - a solution of potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide and mercuric iodide. Was used to detect the presence of ammonia. Hazmat.
alcohol - duh.
potassium ferrocyanide - A chemical used in conjunction with blue dies. See the cyanide part? Hazmat.
silver nitrate - We used to dilute this stuff in chemistry and stain our hands black (silver naturally turns black with light, it's a reaction that's very important in photography). Of course, it was quite diluted. Even a small quantity of undiluted silver nitrate can kill you.
ammonium sulphocyanide - an old stabilizing agent in photography. See cyanide?
lead acetate - used in textile printing and dying. It's very toxic
sodium carbonate - baking soda's big sister. used to stabilize the pH in photography and possibly printing.
sodium hydroxide - better known as lye. used in textile manufacturing.
platinic chloride - How much of this, exactly, do you have? 10 ml of the stuff runs $130. Probably because it contains platinum. It's a skin irritant, and will pretty much affect any part of your body that it touches. There may actually be some demand for this stuff.
calcium sulphate - this is used as a dessicant. It's also used in blackboard chalk and tofu. Weird, huh?

Good luck with hazmat. Once after a flood, a container of pesticide drifted into my family's yard. We called the municipal center to find out how to dispose of it, and they sent two fire trucks and three police cruisers out.

Re: dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason?

Great bottles! The hazardous materials have been covered, probably best to ask the fire dept. Kinda looks like your hand has been contaminated, just kidding, LOL! HH, Mike

Re: dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

i contacted hazmat, they will call me in a few

Re: dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

Who do you want to play YOU in the movie??

Re: dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

WHatever you do, don't pour the contents into the same container for disposal. You have the makings of your own gas chamber there. Cool bottles BTW.

Re: dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

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Posted on: Today at 11:45:34 AMPosted by: packerbacker
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Who do you want to play YOU in the movie??

i dont get it????
ok, well they came out, i dunno why because it was like show and tell and i was the teacher...... they were checking them out in a amazment way. first they pulled up, 8 of them asked about the liquids, if they were cloudy exct..... if i was feeling ok. i took them into the yard and they were looking at them like cool. they said they cannot take them cause they have no way of disposing of them. i would have to contact a enviromental agency. they gave me some names. not what i expected. FOR EVERYONE OUT THERE, I WILL NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN THESE TO RID THIER CONTENTS, I WILL HAVE THEM DISPOSED OF PROPERLY!!!!!!!! i apreciate everyones concerns deeply. to prove they came by i tried to snap a photo of the truck, and one of the gentlemen was very concerned for me. he gave me his buisness card and told me to contact him if the agencys wont do anything. he said i know what you are thinking and PLEASE dont keep them. so from a awesome find this has turned out to be a real pain in the BUTT!!!!!!! and for all of u out the if you ever find anything of great value ( that spanish loot) ah hem.... plese be smart and dont share with anyone no matter how much you wanna brag, cause word get around WAYYYYYY to fast


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Re: dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

What a big bummer. You find some awesome old bottles and can't display them. Sheesh. I love the government's handling of this whole situation. Why don't THEY contact the enviro guys? Why don't THEY suggest how to counteract the ones that aren't too dangerous? So there is a HazMat team AND an Enviro Team? What a racket. Should have taken them back and reburied them ASAP. The BS and redtape makes people into criminals. Sorry about your find!!!! LOL, that's the first time I've ever said that. LOL

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

now thats out of the way...... maybe i can start reserching. what would these chemicals be used for? a chemist a doctor, to essay? they were found in the area of a small mining town, so if i could narrow it down i could find some history on them and the owner. any insight would be good. my theory is they used them for essaying or to find mineral contents. help if possible

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason

chong2mry said:
now thats out of the way...... maybe i can start reserching. what would these chemicals be used for? a chemist a doctor, to essay? they were found in the area of a small mining town, so if i could narrow it down i could find some history on them and the owner. any insight would be good. my theory is they used them for essaying or to find mineral contents. help if possible
For the reasons I stated before, I think they belong to a textile printing company.

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

Take lots LOTS LOTS of pictures and make a photographic display!! I don't see why you couldn't keep some of those loose toppers! (see my avatar... I give free BAD advise)

Sorry about the rest of them... damned cool, and damned shame. :-\

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

chong2mry said:
now thats out of the way...... maybe i can start reserching. what would these chemicals be used for? a chemist a doctor, to essay? they were found in the area of a small mining town, so if i could narrow it down i could find some history on them and the owner. any insight would be good. my theory is they used them for essaying or to find mineral contents. help if possible

Frankly, I think the bottles were disposed of by somebody who didn't want to deal with them either. In the old days, those chemicals would have been poured onto the ground and nobody would have thought anything about it. It's only been in the last 50 years or so that people became concerned about proper disposal. My guess is they weren't buried by the original owner because he wouldn't have bothered to bury them. I bet somebody found them somewhere, in an old house or storage building, and buried them to get rid of them without all the redtape..maybe in the last 30 years.

You might try getting a merchant's directory for the mining town (from the historical society or the library) and look through it for photographers. Textile printing probably didn't happen in a small mining town. I'd also question the assaying possibility...not likely to use such small quantities. Are these the ingredients for nitro glycerine? Maybe the owner was a chemist who combined the compounds for blasting?

Great looking bottles, hope you'll keep us updated on your hazardous material disposal AND your research. Good luck.

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

its possible they were dumped recently but i dont think so, i found broken sodas and whiskeys and the clay essay cups as posted before, also this is where i found a previous whiskey. and also they were some old bricks laying around, which attracted me to the spot.

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason

chong2mry said:
its possible they were dumped recently but i dont think so, i found broken sodas and whiskeys and the clay essay cups as posted before, also this is where i found a previous whiskey. and also they were some old bricks laying around, which attracted me to the spot.
Was the whiskey full?

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

na, the whiskey was empty, that woulda been some good aged stuff eh;)

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

You can't see the movie possibilities here? It was my tongue-in-cheek way of saying, "holy krist, you've done it now!!" Innocent treasure hunter uncovers buried chemicals. You can come up with a dozen different stories from there. I'm not a chemist but I do know silver nitrate is used in photography and.............explosives. I believe it is a mixture of silver and nitric acid. They used to recycle old photographic negatives to reclaim the silver content. Anyway, good luck with that stuff. We deal with methlab folks dumping their stuff on public land and it is very costly to dispose of. I don't know if you've mentioned where this property is or whether it's public or not. I'm very surprised the hazmat folks didn't drill you on that question. Stay safe bud

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

Nice bottle's Chong....I know you'll deal with the situation at hand but I want to see the cleaned-up pic's......Awesome find's. Congrat's

Re: UPDATED!!!!dug me some bottles...YESSSSSSSSSS.... or was buried for a reason????

thats what i thought;) yes the silver nitrate is on my dispose list, the bottle is empty but sealed shut, as for the location, it took me hours to refind it, by a miracle, and im positive i will never locate it again. its once again lost in history........

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