🥇 BANNER *****update. Confirmed first of this design ever found… 2,000 years old (approx) My first ever GOLD COIN and how beautiful it really is 🤩… ! xx ****


Silver Member
Apr 18, 2022
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Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
So after a busy couple of weekends today we at last went detecting!!

Spent the morning in the “quiet” field and found a hammered and another silver coin(?) so was super happy with that. After lunch i decided to go to his field where he has found countless Romans, just to annoy him! Found a few bits so decided to head back to the truck as it started raining.. and the wind was hitting 40mph 😬…. when bang a super crisp 72 sounded in my ears.. dug nd saw the gleam of gold.. automatically assumed button.. but oh my days.. there sat a gorgeous little GOLD STATER needless to say Himself was furious that I had found it in his field… but I did get a hug and grudgingly he said “well done” 😂😂😂 ….! I havent found the same one online yet..… but wanted to show you all!!

We also found a gorgeous fibula, a dress hook, half a spur, a patterned piece, this weird lumpy bit, second pic to show you the top, little bits, chunky lead weight, tiny buckle and bit, spoon handle and modern bit, small shot, clog strap and strange lead bit, a silver tab (did the tin foil test) buttons galore, a hammered, and finally a silver disk 🤔(again passed the tin foil test) xx

What a truely awesome day we have had.. and so pleased to be able to add a gold to my already unbelievable stats this year 😎 xx


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WTG on a find of a lifetime blossom! These are the finds we all dream of.

Poor himself, must have skulked off to the local pub to ease his pain :occasion14:

How come he doesn't post here?
Ah thank you 😆…. The look on his face was priceless 😂 … he doesn’t post on here because he doesn’t have the internet where he lives… plus he Is not techy, but I do read him / show him everything….. ! As obviously he does find the occasional nice thing himself! 😆 (he found the Fibula and dress hook) xx

Congratulations Blossom. I'd say that takes you to a higher level of metal detecting expertise. Not all just luck going on with you. Definitely a Banner find.
Ah thank you, I do honestly just love letting my feet walk me where they want, which seems to work nicely…,, 😊 xx

Yes I know, this is why I was asking. Wondering if blossom knew yet if this would be the case or not.
No, still waiting to hear back from the FLO… will update the post, as and when I find stuff out 😊

So after a busy couple of weekends today we at last went detecting!!

Spent the morning in the “quiet” field and found a hammered and another silver coin(?) so was super happy with that. After lunch i decided to go to his field where he has found countless Romans, just to annoy him! Found a few bits so decided to head back to the truck as it started raining.. and the wind was hitting 40mph 😬…. when bang a super crisp 72 sounded in my ears.. dug nd saw the gleam of gold.. automatically assumed button.. but oh my days.. there sat a gorgeous little GOLD STATER needless to say Himself was furious that I had found it in his field… but I did get a hug and grudgingly he said “well done” 😂😂😂 ….! I havent found the same one online yet..… but wanted to show you all!!

We also found a gorgeous fibula, a dress hook, half a spur, a patterned piece, this weird lumpy bit, second pic to show you the top, little bits, chunky lead weight, tiny buckle and bit, spoon handle and modern bit, small shot, clog strap and strange lead bit, a silver tab (did the tin foil test) buttons galore, a hammered, and finally a silver disk 🤔(again passed the tin foil test) xx

What a truely awesome day we have had.. and so pleased to be able to add a gold to my already unbelievable stats this year 😎 xx

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I'm just wondering, and you don't have to be honest if this question make you nervous, and I'm only asking because I've heard about the laws in England or the UK .. But is this considered a national treasure and did you have to turn it in, and will it be returned to you or do they pay you for the relative value of this coin ? Seem to me like its a museum piece.

I'm just wondering, and you don't have to be honest if this question make you nervous, and I'm only asking because I've heard about the laws in England or the UK .. But is this considered a national treasure and did you have to turn it in, and will it be returned to you or do they pay you for the relative value of this coin ? Seem to me like its a museum piece.
I’ve reported it to the Finds Liaison Officer, so will wait to hear her view after she speaks to the British Museum. But to be quite honest, I’m not bothered about the money side of anything. The fact I saved a tiny bit of history is enough for me 😊

I’ve reported it to the Finds Liaison Officer, so will wait to hear her view after she speaks to the British Museum. But to be quite honest, I’m not bothered about the money side of anything. The fact I saved a tiny bit of history is enough for me 😊
And you can visit it at the museum :)

I keep thinking of that scene in the "Detectorists" where they're walking along and just below the surface lies a precious artifact...
So i grew up living in the grounds of a manor house… at the time it was a convent for CofE. My dad was the gardener and he loved finding things while digging. I wear to this day 2 gold wedding bands he found.

I was obsessed with horses… and my happiest times would be riding the country lanes and tracks on my own… imagining i was able to see the past…

These days as a girl, its very hard to re create that feeling of being alone and ‘part’ of the land….

However since my great idea of convincing himself to buy me a metal detector… i am now able to wander alone (safely) for hours just me and my imagination 😆… I sometimes cry at the history we have found… there is truly nothing to compare to it this hobby 😊 xx

Ps. Soz for a frankly ‘girly’ post…!!! 😆

So i grew up living in the grounds of a manor house… at the time it was a convent for CofE. My dad was the gardener and he loved finding things while digging. I wear to this day 2 gold wedding bands he found.

I was obsessed with horses… and my happiest times would be riding the country lanes and tracks on my own… imagining i was able to see the past…

These days as a girl, its very hard to re create that feeling of being alone and ‘part’ of the land….

However since my great idea of convincing himself to buy me a metal detector… i am now able to wander alone (safely) for hours just me and my imagination 😆… I sometimes cry at the history we have found… there is truly nothing to compare to it this hobby 😊 xx

Ps. Soz for a frankly ‘girly’ post…!!! 😆
Such a great post blossom how now you can actually dig up the history, and shed a tear over finding an amazing piece of it.
Though even as a grown man I myself shedded the tears of joy finding my Stater as well-I guess it just a bundle of over whelming excitement of seeing, holding, a piece of gold that hasn't been touched in 1000's of years.

Now where is this banner title for this golden beauty?

AMAZING FINDS and FANTASTIC Posting and pictures Thank you for sharing with us. I also vote BANNER !!

Such a great post blossom how now you can actually dig up the history, and shed a tear over finding an amazing piece of it.
Though even as a grown man I myself shedded the tears of joy finding my Stater as well-I guess it just a bundle of over whelming excitement of seeing, holding, a piece of gold that hasn't been touched in 1000's of years.

Now where is this banner title for this golden beauty?
Ahh thanks Peps… but tbf… i think the days of being referred to as a Golden Beauty are behind me now tho 😬….but appreciate the sentiment 😉 xx 🤗

Blossom do you get to keep the gold coin ?

So i grew up living in the grounds of a manor house… at the time it was a convent for CofE. My dad was the gardener and he loved finding things while digging. I wear to this day 2 gold wedding bands he found.

I was obsessed with horses… and my happiest times would be riding the country lanes and tracks on my own… imagining i was able to see the past…

These days as a girl, its very hard to re create that feeling of being alone and ‘part’ of the land….

However since my great idea of convincing himself to buy me a metal detector… i am now able to wander alone (safely) for hours just me and my imagination 😆… I sometimes cry at the history we have found… there is truly nothing to compare to it this hobby 😊 xx

Ps. Soz for a frankly ‘girly’ post…!!! 😆
I've raised three daughters and all are grown. The most wonderful thing I'm now getting back is knowing their thoughts and feelings are secretly similar to what you've described. I just love it when one will send me a note asking what I'm doing today, because it means they probably have the day off and want to maybe see if their dear old dad wants to maybe go for a drive with just me and them in the mountains and maybe visit the old ghost towns or just experience nature on a hike. We often look through second hand stores, flea markets and such just to see what's there. My oldest always invites me to come along with her and now grandson to the big gem and mineral shows in Denver. The conversations we have are not at all like those that go on with them and their mother which are mostly about the reality going on in their lives today. Me and my girls go to the places you find only in your imagination. I can still have my little girls with me in those moments.

Blossom do you get to keep the gold coin ?
I wont know for a while im afraid…am in the hands of others.. 😊
I've raised three daughters and all are grown. The most wonderful thing I'm now getting back is knowing their thoughts and feelings are secretly similar to what you've described. I just love it when one will send me a note asking what I'm doing today, because it means they probably have the day off and want to maybe see if their dear old dad wants to maybe go for a drive with just me and them in the mountains and maybe visit the old ghost towns or just experience nature on a hike. We often look through second hand stores, flea markets and such just to see what's there. My oldest always invites me to come along with her and now grandson to the big gem and mineral shows in Denver. The conversations we have are not at all like those that go on with them and their mother which are mostly about the reality going on in their lives today. Me and my girls go to the places you find only in your imagination. I can still have my little girls with me in those moments.
ahhhh i love this… thank you xx

unfortunately my mum and dad, and David’s Dad have all passed…. But i know they are with me during my days in the fields…(we both come from country folks) … so i walk where they guide me… and i thank them when i get a signal… if they were still here i just no they would be amazed at every single button or scrap of lead we find xx 😊

لذا، بعد قضاء عطلتي نهاية الأسبوع المزدحمتين اليوم، قمنا أخيرًا بالكشف !!

أمضيت الصباح في الحقل "الهادئ" ووجدت عملة فضية مطروقة وعملة فضية أخرى (؟) لذا كنت سعيدًا جدًا بذلك. بعد الغداء قررت أن أذهب إلى حقله حيث وجد عددًا لا يحصى من الرومان، فقط لإزعاجه! تم العثور على بعض القطع لذا قررت العودة إلى الشاحنة عندما بدأت السماء تمطر.. وكانت الرياح تصل سرعتها إلى 40 ميلاً في الساعة 😬…. عندما دوى صوت 72 فائق الوضوح في أذني.. حفرت ورأيت بريق الذهب.. الزر المفترض تلقائيًا.. لكن يا أيامي.. كان هناك جلس جولد ستاتر صغير رائع وغني عن القول إنه كان غاضبًا لأنني وجدته في حقله...ولكنني حضنته وقال على مضض "أحسنت" 😂😂😂 ....! لم أجد نفس الشيء على الإنترنت حتى الآن.. ولكني أردت أن أعرضه لكم جميعًا!!

وجدنا أيضًا شظية رائعة، وخطافًا للثوب، ونصف مهمازًا، وقطعة منقوشة، وهذه القطعة المتكتلة الغريبة، والصورة الثانية لتظهر لك الجزء العلوي، والقطع الصغيرة، ووزن الرصاص المكتنز، وإبزيم صغير وقطعة صغيرة، ومقبض ملعقة وقطعة حديثة، لقطة صغيرة، وحزام سدادة، وقطعة رصاص غريبة، وعلامة تبويب فضية (تم اختبار رقائق القصدير) وأزرار وافرة، ومطرقة، وأخيرًا قرص فضي 🤔 (اجتاز اختبار رقائق القصدير مرة أخرى) xx

يا له من يوم رائع حقًا.. ويسعدني جدًا أن أتمكن من إضافة ذهبية إلى إحصائياتي المذهلة بالفعل هذا العام 😎 xx

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اه شكرا كابي…xx 🫡
لقد قمت بعمل جيد، تهانينا

A gold coin is typically #1 on every detectorist's wish list- I'm in year 33, none yet! Yours is simply stunning- big time Congrats!!! The rest of the finds- status quo for your side of the pond! Well done!

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