Update. 10 Ring Morning


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Sep 26, 2014
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Upstate SC
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I talked to a Sgt for the Sheriff's dept who told me to advise the detective I was making claim on the 28 pieces of jewelry I handed over to him if owner not located and got copy of police incident report. So I did and what a shock I received. Detective checked and said yes it would be mine after 60 days But the real shock came from the incident report. It stated jewelry was lost then found by me. Not gang related and under Administrative action...CLOSED. Now I know that the value wasn't even close to the Great Philly Heist of 2015 pulled off by team CSM members Carolina Tom and Smittyman but this belonged to somebody and it took longer to write report than the case was open. Im not a detective by any means but I believe I know where a portion of goods came from and it wasnt lost in Kuduz patch by a drunken hang glider passenger but hey I'm not a detective just somebody trying to do the Right thing. I hope I'm never faced with this situation again because if they won't make an effort in finding owner(s) why should I waste my time on a phone call to report it!!

Well detective came out took report took pics and took jewelry. Said if owner can't be found it would be sent to County Auction. No getting these goodies back. He also told me sometime back that he investigated a murder at the bridge and victim shot and dumped off bridge into creek. He said it has a high gang activity because the bridge and road is closed and it is in such a remote area.

I've been sidelined for a while due to eye surgery so thought I'd give it a try this morning. Been trying to find an old lake I remember in my youth. Finally found it and little is left of the lake but I have a thing for hunting under old bridges. I usually can find a piece of silver or two under them. Well I noticed a beaver dam in the creek that feed the old lake and was gonna check it out and hunt under bridge. The area down to the creek was nothing but heavy kudzu. I started getting signals and dug 2 rings. Thinking I had found swimming honey hole I kept on looking. Some rings were just under the kudzu. I found this book on gemstones and it hit me. These rings were from a burglary and someone purchased the book to see if any had value. A couple are silver and 2 gold rings have marks but can't see well enough to read them yet. I will call the Sheriff's Department after I post this. I'm sure the owner might like to have them back.

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Upvote 21
I'm impressed with that booty. The jewelry is nice too! :laughing7:

Seriously, there is something sublime about finding stolen goods. It gets my heart pumping. Its sort of like "fight or flight", but its more like, "Keep or turn in". So many times I have had dreams of finding serious treasure. Its either mounds of cash, or treasure that is pirate-style in a chest. What really sucks is that I always wake up empty-handed. :BangHead:
Yeah I'm not so hungry yet that I'd consider keeping it I still have potted meat left and there's always barbeque beaver recipes on the net. Besides if I got struck by lightening I couldn't take it with me.

Tom tells me it isn't his mower you want him to bring...it's his groupies.

That's probably a record of some type. That's a lot of rings! Nice!

You may acquire the whole batch if they're not claimed.

That's probably a record of some type. That's a lot of rings! Nice!

You may acquire the whole batch if they're not claimed.
Thanks Ms BB. I went back and found 3 more this afternoon in about 30 mins. There's more but pain to get to.Yeah detective gonna drop by tomorrow.

Interesting group of finds

Well Sheriff's detective called and will be stopping by today. We will see how this plays out later.

Good stuff!! Do you have a special coil for Kudzu?? :laughing7: Tony

Good stuff!! Do you have a special coil for Kudzu?? :laughing7: Tony

No Tony but I do have an old army shovel that thinks its a machete. I am looking for any info on training the beavers in the creek to eat kudzu if you have any contacts or goats. Might be a great place to relocate the Kudzu Festival that they have somewhere here in SC

That's probably a record of some type. That's a lot of rings! Nice!

You may acquire the whole batch if they're not claimed.
Well Msbeepbeep detective took em all away and says if can't locate the burglary victim they will be sold at County Auction. I guess they figure Greenville County more deserving than I am.

That doesn't sound right at all! I'd double check the sale at auction info. I'm smelling BS all over that one. Why would they not be returned to you if the victim/owner can't be located?

Let us know how that plays out! Until then, I'm going with finders keepers!!!!

I agree with Army Joe. If the rightful owner is not found (doubtful) and nobody claims them (highly unlikely) they should be yours to keep. If you want them you need to pursue it further. I'm thinking the officer that picked them up might be adding them to his/her collection and they never see the police station.

I don't agree with that decision either. They don't even KNOW it was a burglary, so how can the county claim the jewelry if they don't find an owner? I agree that you should maybe contact the county attorney and let him know about this. Voice your concerns and let him know you will be checking into this. Contact the detective's superior and speak to him also.

Agree with Old Dude, there is no evidence that it was a burglary. You were being proactive in case it was, but certainly those items could have been lost or dumped. I'm not sure who owned the property that they were found on, but if it was public property then I would think you have rights to the jewelery if it's not claimed. Definitely contact his superior and if you you don't get any satisfaction escalate. If all else fails you can write a letter to the editor of a local paper.

Well actually there was evidence of a theft. A couple of unmarked store jewelry/gift boxes and today I found a destroyed black ring display case with about 50 slots. Now will they ever match it to a reported crime is a different story. And this location at onetime was a known area for gang activity as it is located in a very secluded location and has been closed off to curtail activity. But I will continue to follow up on the disposition of these items. Did I go back today and find anything .....mumble mumble mumble

I agree with Army Joe. If the rightful owner is not found (doubtful) and nobody claims them (highly unlikely) they should be yours to keep. If you want them you need to pursue it further. I'm thinking the officer that picked them up might be adding them to his/her collection and they never see the police station.

Here in California we have civic code that covers "finders keepers":
CA Codes (civ:2080-2080.10)

I would research first at the state level then local. AND definitely contact a lawyer to protect your interests!

Next time carefully document where, when, how and any other photos/videos to create an accurate inventory for later use.


Looks like one of threblehunters hunts with his new machine...

BIG BIG DIFFERENCE Treblehunter actually finds real jewelry and scoopfulls of Silver. He is tearing up lakes like we did down here years ago in old swimming holes. His finds bring back some awesome memories for me.

BIG BIG DIFFERENCE Treblehunter actually finds real jewelry and scoopfulls of Silver. He is tearing up lakes like we did down here years ago in old swimming holes. His finds bring back some awesome memories for me.

Yeah it seems the only time anyone in NJ gets in the water ( other than Brad ) is when they " swim with the fishes "[emoji39]

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