Update. 10 Ring Morning


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Sep 26, 2014
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Upstate SC
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I talked to a Sgt for the Sheriff's dept who told me to advise the detective I was making claim on the 28 pieces of jewelry I handed over to him if owner not located and got copy of police incident report. So I did and what a shock I received. Detective checked and said yes it would be mine after 60 days But the real shock came from the incident report. It stated jewelry was lost then found by me. Not gang related and under Administrative action...CLOSED. Now I know that the value wasn't even close to the Great Philly Heist of 2015 pulled off by team CSM members Carolina Tom and Smittyman but this belonged to somebody and it took longer to write report than the case was open. Im not a detective by any means but I believe I know where a portion of goods came from and it wasnt lost in Kuduz patch by a drunken hang glider passenger but hey I'm not a detective just somebody trying to do the Right thing. I hope I'm never faced with this situation again because if they won't make an effort in finding owner(s) why should I waste my time on a phone call to report it!!

Well detective came out took report took pics and took jewelry. Said if owner can't be found it would be sent to County Auction. No getting these goodies back. He also told me sometime back that he investigated a murder at the bridge and victim shot and dumped off bridge into creek. He said it has a high gang activity because the bridge and road is closed and it is in such a remote area.

I've been sidelined for a while due to eye surgery so thought I'd give it a try this morning. Been trying to find an old lake I remember in my youth. Finally found it and little is left of the lake but I have a thing for hunting under old bridges. I usually can find a piece of silver or two under them. Well I noticed a beaver dam in the creek that feed the old lake and was gonna check it out and hunt under bridge. The area down to the creek was nothing but heavy kudzu. I started getting signals and dug 2 rings. Thinking I had found swimming honey hole I kept on looking. Some rings were just under the kudzu. I found this book on gemstones and it hit me. These rings were from a burglary and someone purchased the book to see if any had value. A couple are silver and 2 gold rings have marks but can't see well enough to read them yet. I will call the Sheriff's Department after I post this. I'm sure the owner might like to have them back.

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If you hunt in Places like that U'r Def, more of a Hardcore hunter than me. lol

I can't think of a Bridge over a Creek Anywhere in NE Ga That's not full of trash.
Look's like you cleaned some of that out to.
Actually I was gonna hunt under the bridge but didn't make it that far. No I didn't clean any area I was hoping I could get Carolina Tom back with his lawnmower like he did for Beez but I only have one good eye to spare. But I do hunt some out of the way places. I will probably hunt this in the winter looking for stuff that was lost at the lake and not tossed.

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I grew up with a gully covered in kudzu that had an old car in it that was my base of operations, so sure I'd hunt there.

Don't need traps, I will entice them w/chicken bones and they'll follow us home.

I grew up with a gully covered in kudzu that had an old car in it that was my base of operations, so sure I'd hunt there.

Think you could get CT to come down and bushhog before he leaves

He prolly will if you tell him its a unhunted site.

Don't need traps, I will entice them w/chicken bones and they'll follow us home.
I might have to rethink it then because the last time some beaver followed me home after enticing her with chicken she wouldn't leave and I ended up married.

Nice finds tylerbdad, I'd see kudzu and my brain would say "snakes", next spot....

Think you're right about a burglary. They may have thought they were going to get caught and tossed the rings. I remember Mike Moutray found about 20 or 30 cases to gold pocket watches in a drained lake...we figured they were stolen and someone tossed them to avoid being caught or something. You're a good man for contacting the authorities. :thumbsup:

Think you're right about a burglary. They may have thought they were going to get caught and tossed the rings. I remember Mike Moutray found about 20 or 30 cases to gold pocket watches in a drained lake...we figured they were stolen and someone tossed them to avoid being caught or something. You're a good man for contacting the authorities. :thumbsup:

Thank you Eric. I know these don't belong to me and they most definitely were stolen from someone. I hate a thief and I feel I would be one had I not contacted the police.

Nice finds tylerbdad, I'd see kudzu and my brain would say "snakes", next spot....
Dang Kurt and Tom just told me to invite you too.

Couldn't stand it and went back for a other 30 minutes. Stuff is everywhere.I left sweating like a pig at a barbeque. Stopped at store for Gatorade and woman said Honey are you OK?


What an interesting and profitable hunt. Suggestion...When and if you turn in your findings to the Sheriff, ask for a receipt with a report number on it. Ask what the waiting period is for found property before you can legally reclaim it. On the other hand, if the owner is located, you will have one BIG FAT HONORABLE MENTION coming your way! Sub 8-)

What an interesting and profitable hunt. Suggestion...When and if you turn in your findings to the Sheriff, ask for a receipt with a report number on it. Ask what the waiting period is for found property before you can legally reclaim it. On the other hand, if the owner is located, you will have one BIG FAT HONORABLE MENTION coming your way! Sub 8-)
Yeah will do Sub. The place is loaded but you have to fight the kudzu. I know there is some older non-stolen stuff at this place if the Beavers will let me at it.

Hard core water hunter! Good work.

Tyler looks as if someone only thought that they had costume jewelry, boy you are a hardcore sleuth for sure,vanzutphen

ongrats on the fist full of keepers.:thumbsup:

I'm impressed with that booty. The jewelry is nice too! :laughing7:

Seriously, there is something sublime about finding stolen goods. It gets my heart pumping. Its sort of like "fight or flight", but its more like, "Keep or turn in". So many times I have had dreams of finding serious treasure. Its either mounds of cash, or treasure that is pirate-style in a chest. What really sucks is that I always wake up empty-handed. :BangHead:

Some nice rings there!.... and a couple of ugly ones too...:laughing7:

My very first class ring I found had been stolen when the young lady left it in her friend's car while they went to a natural swimming hole. The ring had her unusual name on the side and I believe that is why the thieves threw it out. I found it about 1/4 mile from where it was stolen. I believe they thought the name would make it too risky to sell.
Hope you can find the owners.

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