Unknown medallion


Larry H.


Unknown medallion that I need help identifying. Slightly smaller than a half dollar with what looks like Latin writting and symbols.
Some of the ledgable word on the side with the triangle are: Gloria el dirrle in dommo guo fuodidia in seculum.

On the other side: Rapheal Aidoriel Miel Sarahil Eloym Agla Adomay.

Spelling of these words are questionable.

Thank you

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Looks like a Talisman (Good Luck Charm) for Riches on one side and Good Health or Good Luck on the other side. I wouldn't say it has anything to do with witch craft specifically, it's just a good luck charm for those who believe in it.


Talisman Definitions: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Talisman
1. a stone, ring, or other object, engraved with figures or characters supposed to possess occult
powers and worn as an amulet or charm.
2. any amulet or charm.
3. anything whose presence exercises a remarkable or powerful influence on human feelings or actions.
4. An object marked with magic signs and believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or
5. Something that apparently has magic power.
6. A trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection
against evil or disease
7. A object which is supposed to have magic powers to protect its owner; a charm

[French talisman or Spanish talismán or Italian talismano, all from Arabic ṭilasm, from Late Greek telesma, from Greek, consecration ceremony, from telein, to consecrate, fulfill, from telos, result; see kwel-1 in Indo-European roots.]

1638, from Fr. talisman, in part via Arabic tilsam (pl. tilsaman), a Gk. loan-word; in part directly from Byzantine Gk. telesma "talisman, religious rite, payment," earlier "consecration, ceremony," originally "completion," from telein "perform (religious rites), pay (tax), fulfill," from telos "completion, end, tax"

Alpha and Omega:
1. The beginning and the end. Rev. 1:8
2. The first and the last
3. the first and last; signifies God's eternity
4. the basic meaning of something; the crucial part

The beginning and the end. In the Greek alphabet, in which the New Testament was written, alpha is the first letter and omega is the last. In the Book of Revelation, God says, “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last,” meaning that God remains from the beginning to the end of time.

key word 's are --- occult -- magic --- take note.

But all religions have certain beliefs which can be considered occults, all have beliefs that can be considered magic. I believe in God, the power of prayer, etc. and that can be considered magic and doesnt mean whitch craft or magic from witch craft. It's all in how you want to believe. Having a cross around my neck and praying for God to keep me safe isnt any different than having a Talisman around my neck wishing for good luck and riches.

Wicca is considered an Occult, but it's not necessasrily "bad" or "evil" witch craft, that's just stereo-typical of old stories from people long ago who never fully understood the meaning of Wicca. yes, there are "BAD" in Wicca Religion, but that doesn't mean ALL are. (There is bad in ALL religions)

Do you avoid walking under ladder's? Crossing the path of a black cat? Avoid stepping on cracks? Do you believe in Halloween, all Hallows Eve, Full Moon? If so, those things are Superstitions and can be considered part of witch craft.

A charm you wear around your neck can mean what ever you want it to mean. It's just a charm, amulet or talisman, medallion (or whatever name you want to call it) and can mean whatever you believe in but it doesnt necessarily mean bad witch craft.

Just keep an open mind and don't judge without considering all aspects of all sides.
I'll end my opinion here because it's bordering on a topic that shouldnt be discussed here in this thread. This is just MY OPINION and I'm not trying to argue with anyone.

Hey, everyone.

I'm not sure how long ago this topic was being discussed but, I was brought to this forum because of the words I was searching for. I have a similiar necklace but also quite different.

I apologize for the bad quality, but I believe the same words are on the back of mine as they are yours. The front is much more different.



celtic style front same style back

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Wow, that is really cool innocentneva. I'm really starting to wonder how many different styles there are! This one look's really, really neat

I wonder if this thing Is almost like the lord of the rings..... you know all different ring were distributed to all different people and all those people had something "special" about them. Hmmmmmm

It is quoting Psalms 112, "Gloria et divitiae in domo ejus, et iustitia ejus manet in saeculum saeculi." or "Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever." Depending on which Biblical translation you choose. Either way, it is meant as a talisman for wealth & riches.

I also have the same medallion. Mine looks pretty new so I believe it was
Made recently, but is an exact replica.I bought it at a resell thrift store.

The words are Latin. The following translation was gleaned from Google Translate.... "Glory el dirrle the lord of small fuodidia forever". When the proper spelling for the "gobbly gook" (el dirrle & fuodidia) is found, the other words will manifest themselves. TTC

I have one of these too...can not recall the exact place it came from but it wasn't new. I new it had spiritual connotation, but assumed it was like a baptismal medallion or something along those lines. The person that posted the image from eBay with the image on the paper, that is a dead ringer for mine. Strangely enough this is the second time a strange-unknown object has brought me to this site from a random internet search. Too cool

Hi I wasvery interested in your pictures that you had as An attachment with your post. Unfortunately for some reason I am unable to view them. I was wondering if there was anyway that you could send me them to my email? I have a medallion that I have been unable to identify. By the description of the medallion you have fits extremely close to the description of what mine would be. My email address is [email protected] and my name is Tim. I would greatly appreciate it, the identity, origin, and any and all facts and information surrounding it are invaluable to me. Again I thank you for your time and appreciate your help I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely Tim.

jewish kabalistic medal -- jewish "magic" item

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