Underwater leases

How often have you been metal detecting between the low tide line and the 3 mile limit? Had any luck?

I've been metal detecting for 2 years. I've found some interesting things but I'm so surprised that all that land is leased.

So u cant snorkel the troph from the cape to the keys? U cant wade from the cape to the keys? Oh oh

Plenty of good recent stuff to be found scuba diving!! Think about all those cattle herd type snorkel boats and the same reef moorings they use day in and day out! Quick trip to the mooring balls usually pays off in jewelry of one type or another!

What a crock :censored: I can understand a saltwater products lease on clams, oysters, etc. I agree if you find a wreck and the 3000 ft radius lease but this kind of corruption is ridiculous. Just another way for the state to make a buck and take away from the contributors of society.

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Plenty of good recent stuff to be found scuba diving!! Think about all those cattle herd type snorkel boats and the same reef moorings they use day in and day out! Quick trip to the mooring balls usually pays off in jewelry of one type or another!

That's a good point..but... if you read the letter of the law the way it is now...you can't "disturb" the bottom.
You can't dig/fan out anything.
Yet..money is collected for fossil permits and entire businesses are run on shoveling the bottom of...say...the Peace river into sifting screens..but for some reason $ there is a contradiction when it comes to metal..huh..go figure.

How does the lease affect shore diving.....assuming you had access to the ocean from the shore, where does the lease start?
How/where does one find out about leases.......

On leases you can legally hunt from mean low tide line to toe of dunes, you can't enter water beyond that..

Your lucky they only ordered you to leave, they could have done a lot more...

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Same state owned submerged bottom land..items from the same "people's trust".
Non replaceable and definitely older than fifty years.




Why is it that I'm scared to attempt this on the Indian river in a few spots I would sure love to?

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Basically...exploration without a state lease is illegal. Removal of artifacts from state submerged land without a lease is also illegal.
Removal of artifacts from a "lease area" could be a Federal Felony depending on the actual governing law. The "1715 Fleet" Brisben leases are Federal jurisdiction.

As of July 2011


Who and what is the state? Is it not for we, the people (at least in theory before it was taken over by corporate interests and corrutped politicians).
And wat about the difficulty in finding out the leases, justice???? A government of, by, and for the people?
Oh, my favorite, ignorance is no excuse...........excuse, I challenge ANYBODY, lawyer, judge or LEO on this........it is IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to know the laws, regulations, etc that are imposed upon we, the people.......
But not too worry, this is the land of the free, or so says the propaganda we are exposed to daily..........truth be damned.

Please keep politics out of thread.

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Yes.. I didn't really have venting in mind when I posted that.
The point I was leading to was that I belive the fossil permit and everything that made it's existence possible and implementation successful should be looked at very closely as a framework for how to proceed.
I think somewhere back where that diverged from the path that the states advisors took artifacts is where the current situation needs to backtrack.
The isolated finds program was a solid one and well thought out.
The implementation in my opinion was half hearted at best... and that's where the failure occurred.
Where is Jimmy Carter when we need him. 8-)

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So I guess the verdict is is that leases are every where and mostly only the recent leases are the only ones that are watched and protected by the people. I'm still in shock on how many leases there are that cover the east coast of Florida

So I guess the verdict is is that leases are every where and mostly only the recent leases are the only ones that are watched and protected by the people. I'm still in shock on how many leases there are that cover the east coast of Florida

It is because of the sinking of the 1715 fleet, state wants to be sure they get their cut and lease owners pay a nice fee for the lease so they don't want anyone in their lease area.... Can't blame the lease owners for that....

It is mainly the Sebastian inlet area, it doesn't stretch all the way to Miami, I believe you can hunt from Vero Beach all the way to Miami. I know you can pretty much hunt from Jensen Beach to Key Biscayne....

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There are two 1715 sites in fort Pierce ..one is an underwater preserve. Just north of the inlet the other is the colored beach wreck south of the inlet.
South of Walton Rocks beach should be fine.

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Who and what is the state? Is it not for we, the people (at least in theory before it was taken over by corporate interests and corrutped politicians).
And wat about the difficulty in finding out the leases, justice???? A government of, by, and for the people?
Oh, my favorite, ignorance is no excuse...........excuse, I challenge ANYBODY, lawyer, judge or LEO on this........it is IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to know the laws, regulations, etc that are imposed upon we, the people.......
But not too worry, this is the land of the free, or so says the propaganda we are exposed to daily..........truth be damned.

This is what I was referring too...

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It is because of the sinking of the 1715 fleet, state wants to be sure they get their cut and lease owners pay a nice fee for the lease so they don't want anyone in their lease area.... Can't blame the lease owners for that....

It is mainly the Sebastian inlet area, it doesn't stretch all the way to Miami, I believe you can hunt from Vero Beach all the way to Miami. I know you can pretty much hunt from Jensen Beach to Key Biscayne....

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Ok but is there any way to see where the guys lease I got kicked off of? It's south of west palm beach inlet and I'm pretty sure he just got the lease. Any way to tell how far it extends?

Ok but is there any way to see where the guys lease I got kicked off of? It's south of west palm beach inlet and I'm pretty sure he just got the lease.

If you know borders of Palm Beach County, then you will understand this a little better..
This group also has been working north of WPB out from Juno Beach.
Getting a grant or having to search more north on a newly discovered, Thinking above Port St Lucie County, Is in the makings with the State
They just Won a lease for this back in June, Off Lanata Beach, Between West Palm and Boynton Beach..

Shipwreck Salvors, Seafarer, Get New Work


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There are leases covering all of Fort Pierce inlet to St. Lucie inlet. There are only a couple of spots south of Melbourne to St. Lucie Inlet that are not in a lease area.

If you want to know the current lease areas this would be a good contact:

Lindsay S. Smith, M.A., RPA
Underwater Archaeologist III
Bureau of Archaeological Research
1001 DeSoto Park Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Fax: 850.245.6452

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