I'm not a gun carrier,but I have legitamite ways to deal with claim jumpers. Being a vigallanty isn't one of them. Your story of being down right neighborly does not sound like a claim jumping story to me.ivan salis said:my talk is not talk -- last year my elderly next door neighbors had a home invasion type robbery attempted on them -- the mamn is a retired insurance agent --many of the poor folks that he sold insurance to still come to his house and pay their "policy" to him in cash at the end of the month -- ir so happenned that the last day of the month was a sunday -- the insurance man likes to do a in person deposit to get a reciept for the cash he puts in the bank --the "crooks" though hey thay old mans gonna have a bunch cash at his place --hes a pushover --we just burst in and wave a gun and the poop his pants and give it up *--- well the old man was sitting in his chair in the living room front door open but with the screen door closed ---enjoying the cool night air coming in thru the screen door when two ski masked young thugs burst in thru the screen door wavng guns --yelling give up the money old man -- his wife was in the bed room and opened the door --the old man dodged inside a put a chair under the door handle -- the wife dialed 911 -then me --- the crooks said open the door and give us the mony or we'll shoot thru the door --they said the cops are on there way and our next door neighbors coming over with his shotgun --he will shoot to kill --I got there quickly but once they said "shotgun gun and shoot to kill" they said they crooks said --OH S..IT and beat feet as fast as possible --the cops came a short bit afterwards -- I walk the walk --not just talk the talk.
ivan salis said:my talk is not talk -- last year my elderly next door neighbors had a home invasion type robbery attempted on them -- the mamn is a retired insurance agent --many of the poor folks that he sold insurance to still come to his house and pay their "policy" to him in cash at the end of the month -- ir so happenned that the last day of the month was a sunday -- the insurance man likes to do a in person deposit to get a reciept for the cash he puts in the bank --the "crooks" though hey thay old mans gonna have a bunch cash at his place --hes a pushover --we just burst in and wave a gun and the poop his pants and give it up *--- well the old man was sitting in his chair in the living room front door open but with the screen door closed ---enjoying the cool night air coming in thru the screen door when two ski masked young thugs burst in thru the screen door wavng guns --yelling give up the money old man -- his wife was in the bed room and opened the door --the old man dodged inside a put a chair under the door handle -- the wife dialed 911 -then me --- the crooks said open the door and give us the mony or we'll shoot thru the door --they said the cops are on there way and our next door neighbors coming over with his shotgun --he will shoot to kill --I got there quickly but once they said "shotgun gun and shoot to kill" they said they crooks said --OH S..IT and beat feet as fast as possible --the cops came a short bit afterwards -- I walk the walk --not just talk the talk.
I am NOT going to get caught up in this.......but,maybe young people (or anybody)thinking of getting involved should understand what trespassing and claim jumping "MIGHT",bring?Seamuss said:I'm not a gun carrier,but I have legitamite ways to deal with claim jumpers. Being a vigallanty isn't one of them. Your story of being down right neighborly does not sound like a claim jumping story to me.ivan salis said:my talk is not talk -- last year my elderly next door neighbors had a home invasion type robbery attempted on them -- the mamn is a retired insurance agent --many of the poor folks that he sold insurance to still come to his house and pay their "policy" to him in cash at the end of the month -- ir so happenned that the last day of the month was a sunday -- the insurance man likes to do a in person deposit to get a reciept for the cash he puts in the bank --the "crooks" though hey thay old mans gonna have a bunch cash at his place --hes a pushover --we just burst in and wave a gun and the poop his pants and give it up *--- well the old man was sitting in his chair in the living room front door open but with the screen door closed ---enjoying the cool night air coming in thru the screen door when two ski masked young thugs burst in thru the screen door wavng guns --yelling give up the money old man -- his wife was in the bed room and opened the door --the old man dodged inside a put a chair under the door handle -- the wife dialed 911 -then me --- the crooks said open the door and give us the mony or we'll shoot thru the door --they said the cops are on there way and our next door neighbors coming over with his shotgun --he will shoot to kill --I got there quickly but once they said "shotgun gun and shoot to kill" they said they crooks said --OH S..IT and beat feet as fast as possible --the cops came a short bit afterwards -- I walk the walk --not just talk the talk.
I believe young people reading this forum might get a bad taste in their mouth of what treasure hunters are all about when seeing these type of stories.
ivan salis said:the high adventure as you call it was to show you that --some folks take crime and criminals seriously --- theifs are thiefs and I along with most of the good folks that hangout here --hate em -- cuz their too dang lazy to work for thier way and too dumb to stay outta trouble.
Seamuss said:Claim jumping is mineral trespassing which is a felony and punishable by serious jail time. I am a strong fighter for the second amendment right to bear arms. I don't carry a gun in the rivers while prospecting and I have never ever had a problem prosecuting claim jumpers while being unarmed. The old west attitude is for the old west.
I have seen people go to jail for pulling their guns out with the old west attitude. And I have seen people rewarded for Using a gun to stop robberies in progress.
I believe we need an old west section on this forum for all that old west gun slinging talk that has over taken the subject of claim jumping and leave the to subject separate.
I don't carry my guns with me but I enjoy shooting them and I go hunting most every year. I don't brag about gun slinging, but the talk of it here is distracting to the productivity of the real subject of treasure hunting and claim jumping. I'm also a combat medic and see guns misused a lot and teach self protection course for SAFE handling of fire arm.
I want to see how you would handle claim jumping without getting shoot yourself with all that BID BAD talk that's being used
Yeah John, I was trying to figure that one out also.Hoser John said:bickering WTF
this topic has been dead for over 15 months now