Heres a video for you Arkansas guys of your state. If you believe you had a ancient culture in your state. You can bet that you had a group of great treasure hunters chasing after these guys,looking for their goods,and finding the stuff.Now its your guys turn to look for the goods.

Heres a video for you Arkansas guys of your state. If you believe you had a ancient culture in your state. You can bet that you had a group of great treasure hunters chasing after these guys,looking for their goods,and finding the stuff.Now its your guys turn to look for the goods.

I get the video, but they don’t line up with my site. My five trails that come together as one, have been an
Anomaly, as they are all are one side of the river that bears the name of the prospector that died and was buried near the river, all happened during the first and second year of prospecting.

The others had sent family members to go back east and collect them to move here and join them in the new family business...
The family of the one that had died came along to make his dream come true.

Not much has been written about them over the decades that followed.
It is not known if they were successful, or if they failed.
But I know that others have staked out adjoining his claim

The addition of the other five or six square miles is due to the discovery of the five extra extra trail markers.
New trail markers that are joined at the Keystone.

So, at least, on paper, the quest goes on...


P.S. we do have shovels and metal detectors as well...

Its legit. Where the Spanish in your Area? I hope not, because i believe the Spanish didn't do this type of work.

Mdog what area are you working?

DogTTH has intel that may spell doom for one or both of us...


On a slightly more mellow note... I do believe that we have a few markers that are much older than the ones we have been discussing.
I believe that they may have come up before, the one that resembles a goose or swan resting has ties to the Orient, and their records indicate that they were here about 4,000 years ago. I believe that there may be a large cache at that spot, unfortunately the people that have been misrepresenting the ownership of that plot, and we have are talking about a matter of a few feet.
If I open it up and and it crosses the line I could be in court for the rest of my life... literally!

There are Oriental DNA markers in the blood of our original native Americans!!

There were many families and soldiers and people from all walks of life from the orient, that were sent out to sea, to float in the ocean currents in “arks with no sails, as they predated the knowledge of sailing [emoji569]️ powered by the wind.
Nevertheless, their
Blood line has crossed the pacific and they had knowledge of mining ⛏!

So we may be following much older trails than we think...



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The Spanish claimed this area, and this place was on a main north/south trail, but I believe all this stuff, if man made, was created during the real late 1800's or real early 1900's.

Mdog are you talking about the Mississippi Valley and/or river, or are you speaking about the trails that cross the White River near the present day area west of Branson Missouri?

I got a little good news.
I had to go see the good folks at the SSA, face to face.
An hour of driving (round trip), plus three hours of sitting time, but I got to talk with a nice, friendly young lady, that listened to my concerns about whether publishing my book was going to cause me to loose my disability income and Medicare insurance...
That seems like a simple question, but the fear of loosing everything that I own again was paralyzing me.
The closer I got to finishing it, the more I worried.

I had tried to call them and get someone that could understand what I was concerned about but the first one just spit out a cookie cutter answer and stamped it as done [emoji736], so I tried again and they had a different answer.

This has had me too stressed out and feeling ignored, that I just couldn’t move forward with it.
The nice lady that I got to talk to, face to face ( through a glass window), listened to my concerns and finally, she got to the point that she said,” Let me go check with a supervisor “!!!

Yea! Finally, someone could see what was choking the life out of me!

I told her to take as much time as she needed, I wasn’t going anywhere else until I got an answer from someone that had an answer that made sense.

When she returned, she brought the supervisor with her, and she had the answers to the questions that I could not get answers from anyone else!

She told me what my best plan, needs to be, and the options that I should request from the publisher. I can then return to talk to them again, to make sure that I am safe from loosing my benefits.

I feel like a new man, well sorta! Physically exhausted from not sleeping from the stress, and trying to recuperate from the last year of being the new eldest son in the state, trying to take care of Dad. It has been a long rough row to hoe!

Forward movement again,
And I don’t feel like I am under water with it.

I have been afraid that my story was just going to follow me to my grave...

Especially with all of the marvelous things that Weekender had discovered over the last several years.

I know that I am not a great author, but I have such an amazing experience to share with the world!

I have much to do, but I can see that light at the end of the tunnel again.

Thank you for your patience.


I’m glad you’re getting some positive answers. It really is stressful waiting to move forward with a project. I hope you can relax now.

I’m glad you’re getting some positive answers. It really is stressful waiting to move forward with a project. I hope you can relax now.

Thanks M.
I felt so blessed when the supervisor came in, to help!!

Loss of hope, can get heavy really quickly.
Much better now!

Speaking about hope, have you got the subject matter gathered for your new thread ?

I am looking forward to seeing it!!
I’m pretty sure that there is/was a few connections due to the trails connect here and moved north and back in the past, there were only a few places to cross the White River and one of them was near Branson, Missouri.

That sets up the north bound trails, from here, and vice versa.

Lots to think about.

Good luck [emoji256]


Thanks M.
I felt so blessed when the supervisor came in, to help!!

Loss of hope, can get heavy really quickly.
Much better now!

Speaking about hope, have you got the subject matter gathered for your new thread ?

I am looking forward to seeing it!!
I’m pretty sure that there is/was a few connections due to the trails connect here and moved north and back in the past, there were only a few places to cross the White River and one of them was near Branson, Missouri.

That sets up the north bound trails, from here, and vice versa.

Lots to think about.

Good luck [emoji256]


I'll take a few days to collect my thoughts before I start posting. I hope to come up with something that will include every state and and give all our tnet members a chance to have some fun doing the research.

Howdy Mikel,

Glad to hear that your story will be told. I too was feeling down, for your problems are my problems. This world has changed too fast for me. I remember when we had a power company office in town to go pay the bills, or talk to someone about any problems. Now everything is done by phone, but one needs patience. One needs to keep punching different numbers to finally get a live person after a long hold, only to get transferred to another, and another to keep repeating the reason for your call. Heck, you know the process, even thieves don't have the decency to meet you face to face anymore. I get more scam calls than I do from my contacts which is a long list.

Looking forward to your book once again. You are a great storyteller, don't sell yourself short, but it is not so much the author that captivates the reader, it is the story.

Su Amigo

Thanks Homar.
I have good and bad experiences with electronics and automated systems, it is usually due to the differences between one system and the other.

I finally cracked the box [emoji403] open just a little, about shopping.
I started buying car parts on line just last year. It is good to save money, as long as I have time to wait for shipping.

Christmas shopping online proved to be a good way to (not) have to go out into the cold cruel world, only to get trampled.... I found a good deal on stun-guns.
Cheaper by the number purchased. My wife and daughter had been telling of their friends and Facebook friends, that had been scared or made unease by their circumstances when leaving stores and crossing near empty parking lots etc...

So I ordered one for each of them and one for myself (After all, I am out numbered!) They aren’t as fond of that crackling sound as am I.. but that may be due to the noise that I hear all of the time.

I taught them to shine the bright light at their face first, just to get their attention, then shine it at their zipper and fire off one warning crackle! That should be as close to using them as they will most likely be!

The pets usually leave the room with just one crackle!

I also found a new battery for my laptop. Got it today.
It came pre-charged, but I decided to finish charging it before using it.

So I waited a half hour and checked it, then it took me another hour to unplug it and try it out.

I checked to make sure that the book was in order and as I was gonna set it down on the rack that keeps it cool, I felt a shift in the balance and heard a thump as the battery bounced off the rack and onto my foot?!?!
I bit my lip as I picked it up and placed it back into the laptop and watched for the lock to click, but it didn’t... okay don’t panic yet... I pushed a little harder and still no click...

Okay, one more push (It was like having a baby!)
Finally, the firm click sound that I was listening for. I went through the same tests again just to be sure.

So, now I’m in the process of reading it through, trying to read it like an editor will.

That is still hard to do, but I know that there are words that are out of order, it the wrong choice of a word that Spellcheck would not notice, ie... (to,too or two) and I know that I have used-misspelled one particular word at least twice, at least!

I have actually written it down, spelled correctly, on a Post-it and stuck it across the top of the screen.

And I am changing the names of the land owners, keeping them in a notebook for the record just in case one of my grandchildren decide to go out and pick up the search, even if they only want to prove that Grandpa was NOT a CRACKPOT!


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I am working on finding my errors and changing the names of the landowners.
I think that I was a little simple minded, thinking that I could use just the first names in the book, and protect their property.

Reading about other folk's experiences while treasure seekers were a little too loose lipped about where they had been, without permission..

Like I said.... Simple minded.




Well, I’m half done, or so. Starting chapter 15 sometime today.

I’m keeping a list of the name changes as I move through it, and I have been surprised how many times I’ve had to change names.

It may sound silly to go through all of that, but there are local folks that might know the folks and where they live, and they might be able to turn my writings into a treasure map!!!

That is not what the story is about.
It’s about the experience of the search.

It’s more about enlightenment and
A bit less about enrichment!


I'm thinking that I know where to find the raven....
I've been looking back at some pics .
Pm tomorrow

If you are looking at the time stamp on any of my pics,... They are off by a little more than an hour!

Daylight savings time...


I’m down to page 234, beginning chapter 21.

I think that I may need to slow down a bit. I keep getting into the story lines,and it distracts me from my intent, to find errors within the text.

All in all, I have less than a hundred pages to read.

I am also thinking about changing my title...
To..... “Treasure Signs and Symbols on Ozark Mountain Trails “

Here lately, I’ve been looking for proof that the symbols are of the Spanish....

But that may mean removing Spanish from the story.

Everything that I have heard seems to directly be related to the Spanish.

The question is “Is that enough “

Perhaps I should wait to read the rest of The Spanish Code first. ???!


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328 pages done [emoji736] , lacking the preface and some more of Weekender’s photos.

I think that I will address the dangling subject of, Spanish Signs -VS- Treasure Signs in the preface, rather than changing the title.
That was the earliest intent of the book.

That would be like, being politically correct, before it meant not speaking what you had on your mind!

Oh dear, that might have been outside the boundaries of P.C. {80P•••••


I got the Introduction done just a few minutes ago.
i know that i said a long time ago that I wouldn't read anything that might make the book sound like anyone else's writings, but I had to learn how to start it off mine...
kinda thinking about pasting it here to get some honest feedback... should I? or should I keep it secret?


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