Mikel the way the sun is hitting the round stone could be something to check out. It has the pie shape on it.

Mikel the way the sun is hitting the round stone could be something to check out. It has the pie shape on it.

Hi Bob. The shadows are from two trees, one of which is a dead fallen tree leaning against a vertical tree. I thought about giving the sun about fifteen minutes to get past that particularly bad angle, but we were running out of daylight and strength. I simply was standing there at the wrong time to get a good shot of it. I wish i would have had my mind working at that moment and took a pic of the edge of it.

Sometimes i wonder why i carry a camera that i don't use at the right times.... just getting more dim witted every day!

No excuses. just getting sloppy with my favorite hobby/addiction.

I'm sure glad that WEEKENDER has been there for me, for the last few years! If not for him, some of the biggest discoveries on the site would have been undocumented.


Believe me I understand. I only have me to blame for the mistake I make. I'm the only person working my site. May God Bless your adventures


Believe me I understand. I only have me to blame for the mistake I make. I'm the only person working my site. May God Bless your adventures


I don’t think that I would have the courage to go back to ours alone.


I think that I found the spot, from whence the round stone was liberated. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1527577950.791079.webp,

It looks like it would be a perfect fit on the side of this monument...


There is a spot for a smaller round stone, which I haven’t seen yet.

I think that it’s time for me to stop typing, I have already nodded off twice. More this afternoon !!!


Well, so much for “ more this afternoon!!!”

I have been distracted lately. But no excuse for my absence...
I have managed to do a little writing ✍️.

I’m not sure if I am writing chapter 24, or elaborating on chapter 23.

It’s quite complicated.
I think that I have not shared enough information about the area that we have called “The Royal Room “.

That area is the most important spot on our map, that is incomplete at this point, because it tells us it’s true history.

I started a conversation with an old friend that teaches history. He is very dedicated to the teaching of the Civil War. I have been in his high school classroom during the six week period that he dedicates to that period of history.
It is a room that a lot of our politicians could learn from, simply by walking through.

I showed him one photo, and he stammered out two words.
“That’s amazing!”

The information that I limit, going out, should yield quite a harvest.

He can get me in some places, that I have not been able to do on my own.

I hope that this will make chapter 24,
A lot more interesting, without making it a map 🗺...

More later....


Last edited:
Well, so much for “ more this afternoon!!!”

I have been distracted lately. But no excuse for my absence...
I have managed to do a little writing ✍️.

I’m not sure if I am writing chapter 24, or elaborating on chapter 23.

It’s quite complicated.
I think that I have not shared enough information about the area that we have called “The Royal Room “.

That area is the most important spot on our map, that is incomplete at this point, because it tells us it’s true history.

I started a conversation with an old friend that teaches history. He is very dedicated to the teaching of the Civil War. I have been in his high school classroom during the six week period that he dedicates to that period of history.
It is a room that a lot of our politicians could learn from, simply by walking through.

I showed him one photo, and he stammered out two words.
“That’s amazing!”

The information that I limit, going out, should yield quite a harvest.

He can get me in some places, that I have not been able to do on my own.

I hope that this will make chapter 24,
A lot more interesting, without making it a map ...

More later....


Howdy Mikel,

Good to hear that you are making progress, and that you have a friend that knows his history. I can imagine his excitement on the chapters of unwritten history that you are sharing with him.


Thanks Homar.

I’m not giving him much to work with, till I see that he can dig up something that I can use.

I think that his dad was a mason before he passed away.

I’m pretty sure that he can see that “ all seeing eye 👁.
I can see it, but I would love to have a confirmation on it.

Update :: Chapter 24 is coming along.

Bits and pieces.....

It is by far the second hardest chapter of the book to write, preceded by chapter 13, only.

Both have been monumentally, difficult, not just because writing is difficult for me to do, but also mark life changing events.

It would be much easier to end the book at chapter 22..... but that would become a lie about history, and that is the government’s job!

And I will NOT allow that to happen in my book.

The only exception is, that I will not include a map that would send anyone into that trap, that is baited with broken hearts and distorted dreams.


I’m beginning to think that I may need to include the story, that I am trying to create as chapter 24, in chapter 23..

It seems to be so entwined with chapter 23 that I cannot create a clear break between them.

I have also noticed that I need to use more photos and explain the importance of the raven, a lot better. It almost looks like I just tossed it into the mix, as an afterthought.

So... I will definitely fix that part. As far as that subject goes, I’m not sure if we discussed it very thoroughly here, on thread.
I may have my hands full for a little while.


Well I guess it is official..... Sorta. Chapter 23 is long, but I think it is all there.

I have to try to read it, with a clear mind, as if it would be counted into my final grade.

I think that just about anyone can see that I am not in any way, a scholar nor an author.
Hopefully, my skills have grown. It very well may not be a great book, but it is a great story.

I look forward to getting it published and into the hands and minds of a few generations, so they might
turn off the video game and grab a map and compass and a shovel, and just go...

I'm thinking about adding a section of photos, without explanations. So many of Weekender's photos of things that
simply caught his eye, need to be seen by folks that just need a gentle nudge, to get up from the armchair.

I've been stretched a bit thin lately, Dad has had four or five procedures done over the last year and he is suppose to
have one or two more, these are on his heart. I know that there are a few that read my ramblings, that I can count on
to put him in a prayer or two. I am thankful for you.

I have to crawl in between the engine and fender of my old truck and figure out exactly where my gasoline is running out!
I'm not sure which to use for the repairs, Ductape or bailing wire...???

#/;0{>~ :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Howdy Amigo Mikel,

Just read your post, and it saddens me to hear about your Dad's heart trouble. I hope he is doing better, and my prayers are out for him, and your family.

It is good to hear about the progress on your book, can't wait to read it so you can take me along into the Ozarks reading the evidence left behind. I can almost hear the Spaniards "Marca la bien, para poder encontrar la mina al volver".

Hope you got the truck repaired, sounded like a baling wire fix, hope it didn't turn out to be an expensive J-B weld repair.


Howdy Homar, mi amigo.

Thank you for your caring post. You always find a way to lift my heart, and hold my feet to the fire, to keep me busy on my book.

Dad is feeling better and being cared for well by a staff at the rehab center.
He walked a bit too far, one day last week and got down to the floor without hurting himself. Several of the staff members came to his rescue, while he continually insisted that he was okay and put his lower leg ( metal) back on and got up on his own.

One of the volunteers, a young and tender hearted girl, that has grown very fond of him helped him get settled into his bed, and sat on the edge of his bed and had a burst of tears [emoji24]. She scolded him for not waiting for her to help him. I think that she has lost one or both of her grandfathers and has adopted him.
I need to find her and give her a big hug.

Dad is scheduled for September 6th, to have one of the valves in his heart stretched, in hopes that they will get enough success with that, so that they don’t have to replace the valve. Not quite as successful ratings, but a much safer choice....
Time will tell.

As for my old truck, I found a neighbor that almost always has a car under a shade tree [emoji269].

He is from somewhere in South America, so we worked on our conversation skills and he came to my house to check it out, and immediately started working on it. I figured that it would take a couple of weekends, but he found the leak and left to find a replacement part and came back in a few hours.

In another hour it was running again.

A was afraid that I would need to take out a loan from the bank to pay for the long days work, but to my relief he asked so little that I had to over pay him just to be able to look at myself in the mirror.

He insisted that it was too much, but he was worth it.

I wish that we all could find such a neighbor for those times of need.

Our language gap was smaller by the time he went home.
We both serve the same risen Savior, and I give the credit for bringing us together, to Him.

So now I can turn my attention to the book and pull up the best photos from the last four years, to show the amazing story as seen through Weekender’s camera.

Su amigo.


Howdy Homar, mi amigo.

Thank you for your caring post. You always find a way to lift my heart, and hold my feet to the fire, to keep me busy on my book.

Dad is feeling better and being cared for well by a staff at the rehab center.
He walked a bit too far, one day last week and got down to the floor without hurting himself. Several of the staff members came to his rescue, while he continually insisted that he was okay and put his lower leg ( metal) back on and got up on his own.

One of the volunteers, a young and tender hearted girl, that has grown very fond of him helped him get settled into his bed, and sat on the edge of his bed and had a burst of tears [emoji24]. She scolded him for not waiting for her to help him. I think that she has lost one or both of her grandfathers and has adopted him.
I need to find her and give her a big hug.

Dad is scheduled for September 6th, to have one of the valves in his heart stretched, in hopes that they will get enough success with that, so that they don’t have to replace the valve. Not quite as successful ratings, but a much safer choice....
Time will tell.

As for my old truck, I found a neighbor that almost always has a car under a shade tree [emoji269].

He is from somewhere in South America, so we worked on our conversation skills and he came to my house to check it out, and immediately started working on it. I figured that it would take a couple of weekends, but he found the leak and left to find a replacement part and came back in a few hours.

In another hour it was running again.

A was afraid that I would need to take out a loan from the bank to pay for the long days work, but to my relief he asked so little that I had to over pay him just to be able to look at myself in the mirror.

He insisted that it was too much, but he was worth it.

I wish that we all could find such a neighbor for those times of need.

Our language gap was smaller by the time he went home.
We both serve the same risen Savior, and I give the credit for bringing us together, to Him.

So now I can turn my attention to the book and pull up the best photos from the last four years, to show the amazing story as seen through Weekender’s camera.

Su amigo.


Mikel, regeneration was the best thing that ever happened to me too. All praise for HIM.

Well, the last twenty four hours have been a little stressful.

Dad had a mild heart attack in the middle of the night and while I was gone, my wife Debbie had to endure most of her sixtieth birthday, without me.
Burning the candle at both ends again.
I feel like I aged at least forty hours.
It’s time to call in the dogs and dump the coffee grounds on the fire [emoji91]


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Well, the last twenty four hours have been a little stressful.

Dad had a mild heart attack in the middle of the night and while I was gone, my wife Debbie had to endure most of her sixtieth birthday, without me.
Burning the candle at both ends again.
I feel like I aged at least forty hours.
It’s time to call in the dogs and dump him coffee grounds on the fire [emoji91]


May God give you strength.

May God give you strength.

Thanks MDOG.
He already has. If not, I would have already hit a wall by now.

Dad’s heart surgeon said that he didn’t have any new damage to his heart, and if nothing else happens, that they will stretch out his valve on the sixth (Thursday) on schedule.

It takes a lot of coordinating with the personnel and equipment.

High hopes and a lot of prayers!!!


We are all praying with you my friend, there's power in numbers. In the hands of todays doctors he at least has another chance, which is better than no chance at all of days gone by. "Bendiciones Amigo"

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