Turn On The History Channel: The Jesse James Treasure

I wanted to hit him with a shovel for rubbing the dirt off those coins. I could not believe that. Then they took a knife to that gold bar what an idiot. :tongue3:

Welcome to T-Net PAULWYO
They wove a great tale of mystery and lots of speculation. I agree with you all. Would love to have that GPR to hunt with though. : )

Yep pretty cool. They shore ug up that whole hill side. I dont get all the fire power either. Its not like they were in Tennessee :dontknow:
Be a fun hunt for sure. Be curious how many jars have ever been found off of treasure signs.
Thanks for the heads up on all this. :hello:

Now you know why my screen name is SENTINEL and has been for many years...it always has been:) That is, C.S. Sentinel. And also why J.J. is my avatar! He was waiting for us, waiting for a breed of men who died out or were removed for other reasons or who died. Its a sad story that started strong but faded out slowly.... :(

TnMountains said:
I like the gold they are showing at Fort Knox much better :notworthy:

Ain't no gold in Fort Knox.

The "pros" would never leave a speck of it.

Jesse James is a rank amateur compared to the big financial thugs.

I agree about the way they treated the finds. Rubbing them with fingers, knifing the bar, stuff of amateurs for sure. Not to mention the way they dug with that shovel! Talk about damaging finds of historical signifigance. Seems that if you are digging these historical items, possibly and probably mason jars full of coins, that you would dig a large wide birth around it and almost treat it like an archeological dig and try to get the jar out in one piece or at least try not to break or scratch anything. And the size of the excavation for the rectangular object down 18' at the end of the show and just stopping. What is up with that? They could have laid the foundation of a skyscraper in that thing, and just stopping? They better have guards posted until they build up funds to continue. Some baffling questions about this episode for sure.

None of those coins looked like they had been buried together....either that or they dug them up...cleaned them...then replanted them. The History Channel is starting to act like CSI-Las Vegas where their detectors sound like Geiger counters. :dontknow:

SWR said:
Why would History Channel allow its viewers to sit through two hours of this, without a solid conclusion >:(

It reminded me of all of those shows about ghosts, UFOs, bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster etc...never any actual conclusive end. It was a good program though and it raised some very interesting questions. They got me hooked, I will definitely watch the next episode.

HH Charlie

Some of you may be interested in this site.It is very in depth with JJ biographers and researcers and descendants.Lots of documentation to a lot of your questions.You may have to join the site,it's free.Go to the site and click on Jesse James discussion.Click on any topic on the left and when it comes up,also at the top of the left side will be 'All'.Click on that and you will get all the history topics discussed(50 at a time).


The show was interesting but strickly for tv.For instance,the squirrly conspiracy theory about his death.There was other identifying items on the body,like the wounds he received in the war and almost died from.What a coincidence that would be to just 'happen' to find a standin body with the same wound marks.

The program was worth watching I believe JJ was not killed by one of his men. I believe that he staged his death. If they wanted to test the DNA of the man they thought was JJ all they had to do was find JJ descendants and compare DNA there are enough of them out there.
I saw a place like the ones on the program when I was in Guthrie OK and remember that JJ mark in sandstone. This was when I was 16 I am now 41 but I remember the symbol bc it is com perable to a symbol of a marine company.

Would a man do this in front of his wife and kids?And then abandon them and take off and populate half the earth?So many claim to be his descendant.


I'm a bottle hunter and have done very little metal detecting, and have only found one coin in the past 20 years, which was from an old Chinese railroad dump in Oregon. But from what I've seen here on TreasureNet and elsewhere, I have to ask you experts this:

Would the coins they pulled out of the ground (which appeared to be "live" on camera) be as clean and untarnished as they appeared? Almost every photo of dug coins I've seen here on TN were either crusted over at first, or at least needed some serious cleaning. I honestly believe the answer to this question is either a solid "yes" or a solid "no." Those of you who have found dozens, and perhaps even hundreds of coins over the years, should be able to answer this; Were those coins real or staged?

However, I will have to add that the photo comparison of Jesse James and the older J. W. James was pretty compelling, and can't help but make me wonder.

I think I'll go to History.com right now and ask them a few questions. I'll let you know what, if anything, I find out,

Thanks a "Million"


Dang, I missed the tv showing of the treasure dig. And I watch the History Channel a lot too. I think Jesse James was indeed killed by one of his gang. The way I heard the story, the killer had been snitching and he thought Jesse James found out. He thought Jesse had invited him over to kill him, so he acted out of fear. Monty

Note of interest:

The History Channel story about the Jesse James treasure will air again on ...

This Saturday - November 14th at 5:PM

(I'm not sure if this is Eastern time or Pacific time. Check your local listings.)

P.S. There's also a DVD available for $24.95. How convenient that the DVD is so immediately available. Maybe they will net enough money from it so as to go back and find the most valuable treasure in American history! :dontknow:

I stayed up and watched the second showing. The forensics were pretty bad. I would think that the DNA test should be conclusive from a body of that age even from the teeth. After all we are getting and mapping wholly mamoth DNA. The guy doing the points of refrence with the eyes and merging the photographs looked like hocus pocus photo shop.
I think he was killed out of greed and his good friends came and buried him. Strong men deserve strong legends and that he has.
I posted this elesewhere but often wonder how many mason jars have been recovered due to treasure sign and the initials J.J ?
Keep your powder dry !

OK...I guess I'm the ONLY guy with a case of the BIG HEAD. The "expert" showed the comparisons between the two pics and he says....clearly the man on the right has a larger head. If I take a pic of me from my teens to right now....I just found out...according to his logic....I'm not me!!!! :tongue3:

I watched the show last night. Some of it was believable and other parts was a little sketchy! The hole they dug for that square box at the end was big enough for a foundation of a house. With the technology they were using i would think they wouldn't have had to dig near that big of hole.
Also, is the part about the sentinel true? Did they have people like this looking after larger stashes? Did they ever find much of the money that was stolen by Jesse James? Did they stash money in mason jars?
I am new to all this but enjoy the history part and the exploring part.


While watching something bothered me.

We saw them MD in a canyon bottom and identify 7 targets that were no more than 12" deep, if I recall the dialog properly. The leader then decided not to dig. To pull the crew and the gear out of the canyon and to go on to someplace else, including a 400 lb. ground penetrating radar system. Made no sense at all.

They went off to another suspect site and identified something with the GPR system. Then brought in large HD ground moving equipment. And still hadn't taken a shovel to 7 targets that were only 12" deep.

Then they finally got back to the canyon bottom and dug one hole and found a canning jar lid. The next thing you know they are two feet under a tree digging in the roots way back from the edge of the tree. No mention of the other 6 targets nor any mention as to how they decided to dig under the tree. I got a pretty good metal detector and it won't turn the corner and look under the trunks of trees for me. As soon as I saw them digging horizontally under that tree they lost me completely.

Don't think they have any credibility at all. :dontknow:

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