Trust Not the Government of Florida

If I understand the original post, the property is owned by an LLC and he is asking about how to find out how to track down the owners.
If it is a Florida registered LLC, you can look it up here:
Search Records - Division of Corporations - Florida Department of State

Best of luck with your project.
Its a New Mexico LLC

Bill the book is a work of fiction. None of the characters actually exist. :sadsmiley:

Sorry, I thought that it was non-fiction! However, sometimes fiction is based on facts and real characters, although the events are changed...distorted and inflated to catch the Reader's interest and the names of the characters are changed, so that they can remain anonymous and/or so the Writer doesn't get into legal trouble.:dontknow:


Fiction or other wise looks interesting

I am always up for a good read

I was there at ST Augustine at a Archie fest --where speakers from florida got up and bragged about how they had went another year without issuing any "salvage permits" .. they did not know that I was there and was not a "Archie" ..frankly it made me want to scream ... the judge in the mel fisher case...knew that both the feds and the state of florida would be sore losers --so he clearly spelled out that they WOULD have to put in place a 'permitting process" to issue future permits to avoid them screwing folks in the future ..they got around folks using the federal courts via the "abandoned shipwreck act" --which put all interest in historical (treasure type) ship wrecks in the state where its located --limiting things to state courts ..the state has twisted the "permitting process' into a no permit process on purpose .. only issuing look and research type permits --and gathering all the "free data" it produces ...without issuing the all important salvage permits needed to gather items to sell to make any profeit ... this screw job has been going on way too long

the state attempted to make it legally impossible for ---for profeit salvors to get permits by requiring them to have a archie from a "state approved group" in order to get a permit issued --but that group had in its by laws -- that any member that worked for ANY for profeit group --would be kicked out of the group--thus a legal catch 22 would have existed --you can't have the permit without a archie from "the group' and no one in the group can work for a for profeit salvor --- I told the fla state officals at the meeting -- your making a legally "impossible standard to meet" --- and when you prevent folks from getting permits --they will sue and win --as a fla taxpayer --I telling you now --do not do this --you have been warned what will occur "on the record" -- and if it does --you will be charged with not looking out for the publics fiscal best interest --

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Man this is just plain crazy what you guys have to go thru and I really feel for you. Guess the rules will now be :

1. Once a pirate always a pirate.
2. Dead men tell no tales.

their one in the same rule basically ....

Hey all. Its me from Reconnaissance Treasure Hunters again.
So many posts to answer as I have been away for a few years, lol. No, I wasn't in jail for digging up a treasure.
I have found several other areas and have been actively working on a loophole in the laws of antiquities and it has taken me a while but I did it.
Although I cannot share this loophole, I can say that I will be moving forward on my next expedition that will not put me in "Florida's Waters" however, it may be close!! Should you need to contact me, use my website page as it is secured and not traced, or tracked by Archies. Forgive me if I don't get right back to you if you email me as I will check to see if you are a Closet Archaeologist trying to get a leg up by stepping on the real treasure hunters of this world that are found here on TreasureNet!!
My next search requires me to raise a small fortune but the payout is about 6 and 1/2 times what is put into it.
Thank you all for your patience.

Hello Jim. Remember me? I warned you about this. You have to turn pirate and not deal with the state.

Yes I remember you.
And I learned the hard way, lol.
But it's ok cause France got it back, lmao.

On to my next treasure recovery.
Thank you Salvor6

You need to add a link to your web site.

I read through this whole thing and decided to not buy a boat and not go to Florida. Most east coast states claim everything in the ground 50-75 years old or older.

I read through this whole thing and decided to not buy a boat and not go to Florida. Most east coast states claim everything in the ground 50-75 years old or older.

There is a loophole.
Just gotta figure it out before you go.

I have found several other areas and have been actively working on a loophole in the laws of antiquities and it has taken me a while but I did it.
Although I cannot share this loophole, I can say that I will be moving forward on my next expedition that will not put me in "Florida's Waters" however, it may be close!!

Just remember that a loophole that benefits you in relation to the Florida state government may not apply in relation to the federal government of the United States. If you find any treasure that is even remotely connected to another country, that country will assert its claim. And when they do, all of a sudden your hard work becomes a matter of international relations, and guess who's side the feds in the U.S. will be on? At that point you will be up against two entities that have the ability to print the money they will use to fight you in court. My advice is not to rely on loopholes that you have found. Rely on the advice and work of an attorney who is experienced in this field and knows everything about navigating those loopholes.

Thank you middenmonster.
I will never trust the government with or without an attorney ever again. I have tried to report more than one area to them and it falls either on deaf ears or ears of greed. I will be better off selling what I find to private investors or for its weight in gold. Or maybe even stockpiling it elsewhere until the pendulum of justice swings in the favor of true treasure hunters. I have seen what greed does to everyone and that is one train I will pass on.
Recreational diving is still legal and so is metal detecting in most U.S. waters.
This is not being typed with malice so please dont read it that way. I am very appreciative of all responses. I am very respectful of History and Historical items.
After seeing with my own eyes the crooked ways gov and Archies operate, I choose my own way as it preserves History for others to enjoy.
I have had first hand accounts of archies attempts to lead treasure hunters astray but because of my first rule of treasure hunting, it didnt work and was happily ignored but it just proved who can and cannot be trusted.

Sorry. I didnt want to break any rules.

After looking over your website I find it odd there isn’t one name mentioned. Not under ‘Who we Are’ not under ‘crew’. It is valuable info for people interested in your company to know who is involved being this type of business. “We” just isn’t cutting it for me.


After looking over your website I find it odd there isn’t one name mentioned. Not under ‘Who we Are’ not under ‘crew’. It is valuable info for people interested in your company to know who is involved being this type of business. “We” just isn’t cutting it for me.


Some people do not want their information out there on the internet. Especially when it comes to treasure hunting. Although I will try to get their information and at least try to include their last names here with a bit on their background, I will start by throwing my name and background up.
There are many involved in the company. One is in Missouri, one in East Tennessee, a few down in Florida (on-call as needed basis), and one in Illinois. I have no intentions of placing their names and backgrounds up without their permission.
These are people who know my background and know that when I say I have something for them to look at, it usually includes a plethora of information that verifies my findings.
I appreciate you pointing this out to me.

I will state it again! It is past time trying to work with the State of Florida and it is time to get the U.S. Attorney General and Justice Department involved with investigating the State of Florida's Departments, employees and especially the Archies for Criminal Misconduct when it comes to granting permits to Treasure Salvors, for putting up roadblocks at every step of the process, for circumventing Treasure Salvor's Salvage Rights by notifying Foreign Countries that a find is one of their' long lost ships, for Breach of Contract, for possibly taking under the table payouts and bribes, for possibly taking many of the finds salvaged from Treasure Ships and giving them to Politicians and other entities for favors or political influence or keeping the finds for themselves when they should be cataloged and locked away in the State's Treasury. The State of Florida, it's employees and Archies have a long history of misconduct, on some of which I believe Criminal charges can be brought. It is bad enough that the void I found in the entrance way of the West Martello Towers (a former Civil War Fort) which lead to a cache (three cases I was told) of Civil War Brown Bess Rifles, barrels of Black Powder and other items which were removed from under the Fort and disappeared with the exception of one, which I was told (but can't verify) made it to the Florida Museum but to continue this criminal misconduct even today when Treasure Salvors and their' Investors spend tens to hundreds of millions of dollars a year to research, search and locate valuable and other historic shipwrecks and their' cargo, then get shot down by some new ruling or even the courts that side with the State and/or with Spain or other countries.



Good luck with that. The Feds can't even lock up Hillary.

I'll bet you that if you were to get an investigative TV reporter on who's pockets are getting padded concerning who get's permits and who doesn't, that will bring some attention to it. Kinda like the bribes going on at the colleges right now. Treasure recovery land or sea are sooo pirated....and for good reasons IMO. There's a a guy somewhere across the pond that found like the worlds largest Anglo Saxon hoard, I believe his name is Terry Herlbert. Anyway, VERY COOL how this local government handled the find. The metal detectorist knocked on the farmers door, asked if he could MD his pasture...homeowner says great and if he found anything of importance, they would split the profits. Treasure hunter starts to find gold pieces everywhere and informed the local universities for help...local authorities were involved...huge hoard. Museum bought the hoard and homeowner and treasure hunter split the profits from the sale. THE ONLY REASON THAT ALL THAT HISTORY CAN BE ENJOYED BY THE WORLD IS BECAUSE THEIR GOVERNMENT WASN'T SO DAMN GREEDY!!! You can't trust ANYONE. My point is, I believe that if people were allowed to benefit from their finds, either monetarily or recognition, and asked by the state to report any historical finds for documentation, the people and the State would have far far more information of our past. BUT's all greed and the archies love it. All the great finds will never be told and only end up in the hands of private collectors, personal safes or lock boxes at the bank.....never tell!....sorry, just ranting.

BTW...someone correct me if i'm wrong but did I read somewhere on here about Charlie Crist giving out gold doubloons to visiting dignitaries? WTH is up with that? Just thinking about the incredible hard work and personal sacrifice some people possibly gave to find those coins and he's giving them out like candy trying to win brownie points?? seriously???...he probably has some hanging on his wall.....disgusts me.

BTW...someone correct me if i'm wrong but did I read somewhere on here about Charlie Crist giving out gold doubloons to visiting dignitaries? WTH is up with that? Just thinking about the incredible hard work and personal sacrifice some people possibly gave to find those coins and he's giving them out like candy trying to win brownie points?? seriously???...he probably has some hanging on his wall.....disgusts me.

I remember that. It was actually Lawton Childs when he was governor. Rep. Iliana Ross-Leightnan called for an audit of what the state had left but the FL State Dept. refused.

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