The reduction of the slag only requires rapid cooling with water.
I have done everything but paint a picture here. I have
not said slag is
a byproduct from the making of tiles, brick or mortar.
Your explanation of how slag and cement is created, was correct but superficial as it relates to this subject. Accepting the first information you pull up on the internet will not show the connection. Your comments on my question concerning the difference between rules and precepts, and the importance of that difference to Jesuit mining followed a similar path. Your lengthy replies gave a wealth of information on the Jesuits, but made no attempt to answer my question. I imagine it's one of the reasons for the removal of so many posts, having nothing to do with the question of Jesuit mining.
"A rule expressed a norm of conduct or procedure that could be dispensed with in case of necessity or with proper permission. A precept was not as easily dispensed from because it bound a subject under pain of sin against his vow of obedience. Because a precept was considered a moral command, no room was left for ignorance of the precept; the balance heavily favored scrupulous obedience."
Taking the above quote, from "Rules and Precepts of the Jesuit Missions of Northwestern New Spain" by Father Charles W. 27, it seems prudent to consider the mind set towards obedience that the Jesuits lived by.
The first question would be, was this a rule or precept?
"No one will work mines. this includes the prohibition that no one will have any knowledge about the matter of mining, either directly or indirectly. The intention of the
precept is to include all forms of knowledge of interpretations that could even fall within the same
There were two (2) clues in there.
The next question might be: Were the Jesuits the kind of men who would be inclined to ignore a precept? You should use the Father Polzer quote from above to assist in that judgement. A knowledge of the commitment and character of the Jesuit Missionaries would also be helpful. That can be found in their letters, diaries, books and manuscripts.
Joe Ribaudo