I don't expect anything other than simple logic. I never suggested that a signboard was left -- the OP did when he said there was a red tree. That is the only sign that was visible. Then he said they used a metal detector/locator and found three places where metal was detected, and that these three places formed a triangle with the tree. He then said they dug 40 feet and found the triangular rock. So far that is the entirety of what we've been told are the signs that there is treasure buried here at great depth.
To my thinking, it doesn't matter if that tree is two weeks or two millennia old, it's just a tree. Without further information, it's just a tree. Something made the OP decide to metal detect, and somehow from three hits, he's decided that digging dozens of feet into the earth is warranted. I see absolutely no reason to believe that, and the triangle rock doesn't add anything at all to the reasons for digging. We weren't even told if they actually found any metal (of any kind) at any of the three supposed hits.
People can do what they want, and dig what they want. I'm just trying to save the OP a huge amount of labor when so far there is ZERO evidence for anything that far down worth digging for. Maybe he knows something he's not sharing, or maybe he's just messing with us to see how much time we waste arguing about it. At this point I'm leaning toward the latter.
At any rate, I'm done.
To the OP, if you dig up a box of gold bars, feel free to say "I told you so."