Triangle sign


Jr. Member
Jan 3, 2024
We already dig about 40ft , when we were in 30ft we found broken bones maybe an animal bones and a tooth. And now we are in 40ft, we smell an unusual smell, a strong smell of gas. We use a fan to remove the smell and continue digging. We found this triangle rock just today. Can anyone help me understand this sign?


  • IMG_6946.jpeg
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We already dig about 40ft , when we were in 30ft we found broken bones maybe an animal bones and a tooth. And now we are in 40ft, we smell an unusual smell, a strong smell of gas. We use a fan to remove the smell and continue digging. We found this triangle rock just today. Can anyone help me understand this sign?
You found a piece of the pie.
There's more just keep digging

Upvote 5
We already dig about 40ft , when we were in 30ft we found broken bones maybe an animal bones and a tooth. And now we are in 40ft, we smell an unusual smell, a strong smell of gas. We use a fan to remove the smell and continue digging. We found this triangle rock just toda...
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I noticed this was your very first post - so, Welcome Aboard! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forum: Select Your Area.... for information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country).[/B
I moved ya from NEW MEMBER INTRODUCTIONS over to WHAT IS IT? for more exposure.

NOTE: Forum NEW MEMBER INSTRODUCTIONS Description: New to TreasureNet? Introduce yourself to our community here! Welcome aboard and Happy Hunting!

Thank you

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We already dig about 40ft , when we were in 30ft we found broken bones maybe an animal bones and a tooth. And now we are in 40ft, we smell an unusual smell, a strong smell of gas. We use a fan to remove the smell and continue digging. We found this triangle rock just today. Can anyone help me understand this sign?
I'm going to go with "just a rock". But could you elaborate on what you were digging for and where? It might give us a better idea.

Upvote 6
Yes, the age old pass time. Can I ask what sort of treasure, and what lead you to this spot?
My father told me that there was a big red tree in our farm and many mining company offered us to buy our farm, maybe because it’s a positive spot. My old friend who has a locator and detector asked about the location of that old red tree. He followed the location of the tree and try to detect the ground and it’s like a triangle from the tree. 3 spots of our farm positive of metal underground. Yesterday we found a triangle rock under 40ft and today we found a square rock


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Upvote 1
You are pretty deep already. Be careful of it collapsing. I’m not seeing anything but a chunk of stone in the photo.
Yeah it’s a stone but I think it’s a man-made carved. There were no other stone only that triangle one and after another 3ft we found that square one..

Upvote 1
I agree with Blackfoot, be careful! Trenches can be dangerous.

I only see rocks, but I'm curious of what else you may find. How deep do you plan to dig?

Upvote 3
My father told me that there was a big red tree in our farm and many mining company offered us to buy our farm, maybe because it’s a positive spot. My old friend who has a locator and detector asked about the location of that old red tree. He followed the location of the tree and try to detect the ground and it’s like a triangle from the tree. 3 spots of our farm positive of metal underground. Yesterday we found a triangle rock under 40ft and today we found a square rock
Help me get this straight as I get confused easily at times.

Friend used a locator, or a metal detector?
Found a positive spot under an old red tree

You've dug down now 40+ ft and you have recovered 3 items?

What size is this hole/excavation?
Hand digging or mechanical?

How far will you dig?

Upvote 7
My father told me that there was a big red tree in our farm and many mining company offered us to buy our farm, maybe because it’s a positive spot.
Why were the mining companies interested? There are lot of things that can be mined, many of which are not metal. They might also be interested in it because of access or proximity to other properties.

My old friend who has a locator and detector asked about the location of that old red tree. He followed the location of the tree and try to detect the ground and it’s like a triangle from the tree. 3 spots of our farm positive of metal underground.
So you're digging several feet underground because you got a hit with a metal detector? Pardon me for being blunt, but I think you're wasting your time. Metal detectors don't see that far down. And the fact that you got a signal in three spots and they form a triangle means .... what? Any three points that aren't in a perfectly straight line will form a triangle. It doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Yesterday we found a triangle rock under 40ft and today we found a square rock
The rocks in your photos just look like natural rocks. I see no evidence of them being purposely shaped.

Perhaps your digging will turn up something fantastic, but so far I don't understand what you're digging for, and I don't see anything that makes me think you're any closer to finding whatever it is.

Upvote 7
Why were the mining companies interested? There are lot of things that can be mined, many of which are not metal. They might also be interested in it because of access or proximity to other properties.

So you're digging several feet underground because you got a hit with a metal detector? Pardon me for being blunt, but I think you're wasting your time. Metal detectors don't see that far down. And the fact that you got a signal in three spots and they form a triangle means .... what? Any three points that aren't in a perfectly straight line will form a triangle. It doesn't necessarily mean anything.

The rocks in your photos just look like natural rocks. I see no evidence of them being purposely shaped.

Perhaps your digging will turn up something fantastic, but so far I don't understand what you're digging for, and I don't see anything that makes me think you're any closer to finding whatever it is.
We wil just try it until we reach the water underground. If we don’t find anything then we will stop.

Upvote 1
I agree with Blackfoot, be careful! Trenches can be dangerous.

I only see rocks, but I'm curious of what else you may find. How deep do you plan to dig?
Yes, we will be very careful.

Upvote 1
I agree with Blackfoot, be careful! Trenches can be dangerous.

I only see rocks, but I'm curious of what else you may find. How deep do you plan to dig?
When we find water underground and that’s the time we will stop digging

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