Can A New Treasure Map Be Decoded...The Same As an Old Treasure Map...Using Logic?
I found this rock today in the special spot today. Anyone know what it might say? I uploaded a pic. $$$ if i use your help, thanks all, and good hunting!
Hello Conrad4...and welcome to the Show!
Your Map appears to be of a relatively new nature as pointed out by some members here.
New Maps can lead one to Treasure just as Old ones can!
My logic would show the following which may be worth a try.
Where this rock was originally located and its position is very important, try to recreate.
I believe the Transit Line through what appears to be a Compass goes from North to South?
South East of the location of this Compass shows to be 2 rather large Points ( Rocks or Trees or Mountains) represented by the 2 Hour Glass symbols. ( Hour Glass symbols may mean these points are earthly and temporary to time).
I see that the NS Transit Line continues South until it reaches the bottom of the above large Point represented by the SE Hour Glass Symbol.
I then believe the NS Transit Line goes back up NE 45 degrees, until it reaches the top of the above large Point represented by the Hour Glass Symbol.
At that point it proceeds down NS once again pointing towards South.
Between the middle of these 2 large points represented by the 2 Hour Glass Symbols is shown on your Map what I believe is the Chinese Character Symbol for "Foot"?
I believe it has an added 0 representing the Chinese number of feet to take.
When this Transit line crosses the new South Transit line you arrive at your Apex with X marks the spot!
It may be of importance to know where you located this Map and why it may have Asian connections?