Thanks treasure hunter , I believe different , I’m not chasing fame or fortune , I’m just seeing too much . lol
I’m no sort of a treasure hunter, but truly believe there’s treasure out there .maybe not what I found but out there , And I just stumbled up on to an old mine site . And I’m having a blast trying to decode it .
The wife called me Indiana jones lmao ! But treasure isn’t the goal , the challenge is .”I’m not a good loser “ lol My challenge now is learning to read the rocks and symbols . I want to pinpoint things and map it . Before I dig anything , but when/ if I do dig it’ll be pinpointed if that makes sense. In the small percentage if I’m correct I want the site to remain basically the same .
I wasn’t searching I’m just seeing clues got curious and here I am ! lol
Any sources to study to learn is what I’m asking ! I’ve spent hundreds of hours researching ( most useless other than knowledge ) and cannot find specifics on reading the measurements used .and how to read it . I have hard evidence I wouldn’t show anyone so I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone but myself . lol
thanks to all who make this site possible I love the diversity. Thanks again!