Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

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American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

i am curious where this rule is posted at , i have read through the terms of use or rules on the bottom of your signature and i am either ******ed or there is not mention of it that i can find , i am not trying to be a pain , cause it seems like i have read the statement before . but could you please direct me to the particulars. i don't care about the link you removed , but i have flirted with posting links to the old version of the ALT forum in the past that is not an" active" forum anymore . thank you for your help.///bob

Evolution is a myth sorry to say. As for carbon dating you need a perfect sample to nail that one down. These poor scientists and their theories are just confusing the uninformed people of the world.
As for clearing ones name after being publicly humiliated (not necessary). In the end it never mattered in the first place. Just my two cents, but they are four half cents:)

I need to post this on here as I was publically trashed by rangler and he continues to trash my name within the treasure hunting community. Eat a Oscar Meyer Rangler. DNA Analysis of Paracas Elongated Skulls Released: Unknown To Any Human, Primate, or Animal | Collective-Evolution
Casca: Everybody on these forums who has read some of raglar's comments KNOWS he's full of fecal matter and the newbies catch on after a short time. I've certainly had my run ins with the god of Spanish trails and he's just punk enough to not care what anyone says or thinks. Sociopaths don't care......especially after others, such as yourself, make greater discoveries that HE does. His whole forte is to claim the information of others' as his own and it will bury him sometime in the future......perhaps tomorrow. :)

Jdubbya74: I agree wholeheartedly with your statement about evolution and the carbon dating methods. The carbon dating check ASSUMES a constant bombardment cosmic rays and does not allow for the fact that when an animal eats it's vegetarian diet, that animal's body takes on the sum of hydrocarbons that were in the plant life. Then, they tell us that the results aren't reliable past 55,000 years.......then date stuff back millions of years. LMAO These are the same "scientists" who continue to claim that the dinosaurs died out 77 million years before man appeared even though there are human footprints along side dinosaur footprints in the same bedrock. Their response to THAT is the human prints are fake. LOL

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My mind is made up. There was people here before us lol. Just because someone is well versed in the English language doesn't make it right to call folks liars, on forum or off forum. Till you have walked in that persons footsteps, those opinions should be kept to ones self. My research has told me what these skulls could be. I don't ask anyone to change their minds, the info is for anyone who wants to read about it. Someone taught the Spanish about how to read the old trails that I never see posted on here. Why do we argue about carbon dating, I have the proof right in front of me. I am glad, very glad some of you don't have open minds and will not accept any other ideas. I think some just want to argue. I know I have helped a few get on the trail and stay on the trail, without expressing my opinions. The wise ones have figured out just how easy this really is, some folks have to make it too hard. I will add proof to my statement here as soon as I can get back into the vault where I keep my real stuff. This new evidence only supports my theory's and I wanted to put that out there for the close minded.


My mind is made up. There was people here before us lol. Just because someone is well versed in the English language doesn't make it right to call folks liars, on forum or off forum. Till you have walked in that persons footsteps, those opinions should be kept to ones self. My research has told me what these skulls could be. I don't ask anyone to change their minds, the info is for anyone who wants to read about it. Someone taught the Spanish about how to read the old trails that I never see posted on here. Why do we argue about carbon dating, I have the proof right in front of me. I am glad, very glad some of you don't have open minds and will not accept any other ideas. I think some just want to argue. I know I have helped a few get on the trail and stay on the trail, without expressing my opinions. The wise ones have figured out just how easy this really is, some folks have to make it too hard. I will add proof to my statement here as soon as I can get back into the vault where I keep my real stuff. This new evidence only supports my theory's and I wanted to put that out there for the close minded.
Hello, Casca I know YOU have helped me and several others, Just keep on keeping doing what you do best. It takes someone that has been wearing out several pair of boots following these trails to have a interesting opinion and I know you enjoy helping others, Thanks

Casca, You are right about people before us. When I find signs that show teck we only discovered in the 90s it makes me
know of a civilization before us. You expect to find this in South America, not here. Found it we have, SS even remarked
on some in someones photo without realizing the implications.Thanks for your post, R,


Sorry Vedfred, I couldn't find the original post or I would have posted a link to it......

people here before the sapniards? no way cortez built the mounds in Tennessee just ask the "experts" that frequent here.,410,769,405&edge=0

Brahma Alphabet - Georg Bühler - Google Books,107,803,1300&edge=0

Eight Dissertations on Certain Connected Prophetical Passages of Holy ... - George Stanley Faber - Google Books,290,873,1100&edge=0

The History of All Religions ...: Comprehending a Series of Researches ... - John Bellamy - Google Books,200,797,416&edge=0

The Veil Lifted: A New Light on the World's History - H. Martyn Kennard - Google Books,553,496,816&edge=0

An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time - Universal history - Google Books,723,518,368&edge=0

The new encyclopædia; or, Universal dictionary ofarts and sciences - Encyclopaedia Perthensis - Google Books,495,931,254&edge=0

Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal - Asiatic Society (Calcutta, India) - Google Books

Want to know how you are on the right trail?

You keep finding stuff.

I just gave the coords to two sights I have found to a guy with a lrl. Since I have already had the site dowsed, this will be interesting what he finds. These are ancient sights touched by the spanish but not spanish design.......this will be good.

100_1475.webpThere is a woman painted on this rock. Maybe ss can pull her out top right of the boulder. Which one of these pictures look like the woman on the rock? image004.webpimage012.webpimage050.webpPhoto number 4 looks closest to me. I use old art to de code a lot of my sites. Here is same rock and a better picture.woman.webp

There is a woman on the upper right of this boulder. There is a hidden abstract trail mixed in with the other trails that converge here. I am going to have to explore why they choose to go over the mountain instead of around the mountain here.

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In the first photo, there seems to be THREE faces. Of the top 2, the upper one is like the 1st painting....sharper nose profile, that is facing straight to the left. The lower one is more like the 2nd painting, and she's facing downward toward that 3rd face that seems to be about to eat something......her (or HIS) mouth is wide open. In the second photo, you can see what it is he's (or she) is about to devour. To the left of the faces is what I think is a man riding horseback toward the right. It could be nature's art, but sure looks good.

Over on the far right and slightly to the rear is a rock that looks like a bandit, complete with a black mash on his eyes, looking DOWNWARD, at / for something. On the side of his head in the #9 white circle are a lot of "X"s, a black "R" or "K" with a bar over it and some oher stuff.

That first photo has a LOT of things going on......and I didn't even mark everything showing on that distant ridge face, but I did circle a few things that kinda standout for me alnd numbered them for easy IDing.

Circle #1 is REALLY interesting. Just sit back and try not to focus on any single spot in it and let you eyes pick up everything at once. See how that whole area is shaped like it's been carved INWARD with that large lightened area as the center?? It looks like someone landscaped that whole area to clean up a roughly dug spot. That large, lightened boulder in the center is odd enough, but check out that large lightened "V" shape just below it.

Moving on to the #2 circle (skipping over that profile, waist up, of a man shoveling something. that I didn't mark, LOL) In circle #2 is an odd, BLACK eyecatcher. At least it caught MY eye. LOL And I just spotted that large, black "M" just below the circle's linework.

Circle # 3 is around a large, black "V" that has a curving tail from the point. Yep, maybe a "Y", but I thought "V" when I first spotted it.

Circle #4, looks like a very large map with black figures and letters and at least 2 numbers.

Circle #5, looked like a bear at first, but might be a large cat. It's standing, facing to the left and is watching something. Can't tell if it's watching that odd, black figure jus to the left and below it; something further to the left; or something on the backside of the ridgeline.

Circle 6a, is an "X" with a hooked left foot and a black dot to the right. 6b is another black "X" that looks squanter (shorter) compared to the first one.

Circle 7 shows what looks like it could be the outline of a ridgeline or mountain range. It's just too odd to be the result of some natural chipping. Also, what the heck is that stuff covering this rock?? It looks like cement that is chipping of and spalding off a lot, all over the boulder. Is is killichie (sp) ??

Circle #8 is around a Sphinx looking head...........don't laugh. It's sitting on the side of a pyramidal shaped hill. LOL

That entire ridgeline in the near background is FULL of black marks and figures and carvings that I didn't circle. I mean A FRICKING LOT. :laughing7: Could the area where you were standing (or very near) be "The Place" and all that work on those signs on the ridge was to draw off folks onto many false trails ?? Just an idea.

Casca lady.webp

In this second photo, you can see that bottom face about to eat something that is white, long eared, and ugly. Can't tell if it is a rabbit with VERY long ears, or a demon face with very long horns. Also, I put a black square around an area in that FAR off mountain side that has some odd, white eyecatcher spots arranged in a sine-wave shape. I cropped and played with it and will post it below, too.


I just took a lot closer look at this cropped shot, and thought, dang, that far outline, starting with the sharp point on the righ and moving left, sure looks a lot like that outline in the first photo. That far mountain looks like it could be about 50 miles away. Maybe an elaborate trick to pull you away from this area?? DAMN THOSE SPANIARDS........ahhhhh, ANCIENTS.......ummmm Aztecs...........KGC ?? I'm so corn-fuzed.

Anyhow, you sure have a lot of signs, symbols, and stuff to work with, but better too much than not enough. :icon_scratch:


Trackers, the clue of a woman is not a clue of which is a clue that pertains about All women oro for the correctly informed rangler


Glad to see your post on here again good sir. The shedder of light and teacher of truth. Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only few find it. Matthew 7-14

Lost waypoint

Hey thanks, where are your pics, aren't you on the hunt or are you like most of us snowed in or froze out lol?
0r0 bro

I have a whole bunch of new ones from different spots. Those 11 to 1 pics are amazing n thanks for that advice. Trying to figure out what's what still with them. The numbers and letters are sonumerous I sleep seeing them:)

heart of minerva

Hi rangler. Thank you for discussing about the M and owl of minerva. Could this heart be the owl?
I checked web for ideas about it and an album of a band caught my attention.
We found this in a cave and approx 10meter from the M we uncover another tunnel with the heart on the floor


To the owner of the image, sorry i just borrow your owl.

vm8, from what I can see, it is defiantly the Owl and the right ear is pointing to the right-cant tell the context- but it should be apparent if you study it a bit. for instance if a tunnel splits left and right you are being told to bear to the right,..[this is the full body owl, the letter M is smaller and generally means you getting closer to the end goal.. buena serte rangler

regarding letters and numbers, two things to look for one is Bible Verses they will be expressed as a single letter, usually capitalized and one or two numbers, like my signature verse, P8 found on a boulder in the Supers, the one which I always look for on a Alpha Monuments is always expressed in three digits, I think so it would not be confused with other clues, it is a 3 digit compass bearing chiseled on the Alpha Monument to show the Direction to the Omega! an amazing clue..start with those and willl speed up the time it takes to decode the Alpha..
oro for the informed

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Thank you very much Rangler for giving me a Big Hope. The cave is small but complicated. The M is made of crystal calcite and below was a boulder of pink crystal crystal. We dug there but find nothing. You're right we discovered another tunnel on the right where the big heart is. Our detector responds on the heart. The problem is, the tunnel is long approx 20meters and the heart is in the middle but the height is just 4 ft tall. We have no room to dig. If we cut the ceiling or sides, there is a big tendency the tunnel will collapse. As we pray for guidance, the soil in the mid of the cave just collapse by two feet and very soft, so we decided to work there. Now at 30ft. We encountered new signs suck as triangle rock with a line in the middle, 3 holes positioned like inverted triangle and two eyes. One eye lookin below and the right eye looking at the right...stil digging.

That is not an M it is an Owl with a directional ear, as I have said, are following yamas stuff? if so use extreme caution-serious death traps are placed in his pits, a water trap is always used,once set off impossible to pump out, land mines are used, poisons in glass vials,live bombs, and a cement plug at the water table level that is harder than steel.think about your impossible task filled with danger before you commit..these pits can be hundreds of feet deep~!
Mabuyhay Manoung

Hello everybody. I am a Filipino. I have a piece of agricultural property in the mountains of Mindanao, Philippines. I have posted these pics before on Facebook. I need a more detailed analysis of these rock symbols and their relationship with each other as detailed on the Site Sketch I made to Rangler. I have seen a lot of yamashita rock sign in the internet, but never saw rock signs as I have here. I want to Thank the people in advance for their analysis. This one is most unique. This is just one stone taken at two different angles.

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