Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

Thnk you SS for those kind words, there's still room for improvement's in the knowledge of drill holes, There's so many different kinds, shape's, from 1/4 inch to 16 inch, from the 1/2 marble size that indicates a trail, to a 1/2 walnut size that seem to indicate rock / boulder with a symbol or used as corner marker, There's probably several hundred's that would fill a book, those that are on a angle seem to indicate a pulling point regardless of size and there may only one in the area, thats when you must use something sturdy to pull with in the hole and some stout fishing line to stright line with go a a couple hundred feet pulling on the anchor point and what you may be looking for is a foot or so under the surface.

your best advice over 8-9 years was.."carry lots of water and wear a hat" nuff said.
adios ninos

I'm glad you took it to heart, rag, because I was afraid you'd been out in the sun too long.

cheap shots and confused dissertations a couple of one trick ponies no head, no knowledge no smarts, no real advise, just deny, and read clouds over and over like a broken record.

those are my cloud readings and if you dont like them I can make up more..resident cloud reader

there was no treasure, no quint, no treasure code, they are all trail signs to water. so you could not have broken the code..Resident Denier
there is your two books, one paragraph a piece..everything you both know~!
no oro for misinformed and the uneducated

cheap shots and confused dissertations a couple of one trick ponies no head, no knowledge no smarts, no real advise, just deny, and read clouds over and over like a broken record.

those are my cloud readings and if you dont like them I can make up more..resident cloud reader

there was no treasure, no quint, no treasure code, they are all trail signs to water. so you could not have broken the code..Resident Denier
there is your two books, one paragraph a piece..everything you both know~!
no oro for misinformed and the uneducated
rangler doesn't bother me at all for you to post your rants and name-call. At least I do not take other peoples' hard won information and try to pass it off as MINE. I NEVER take credit for any information that I post when it belongs to someone else. If I cannot remember the specific member whose information I am quoting, I will write that fact in my posts, by openly SAYING that I am quoting another member whose name I cannot recall.

We've been over this same stuff before and the other members of this forum know that I am trying to HELP figure things out with open discussion and curiosity and not DICTATE through pompous decree.

... there was no treasure [incorrect], no quint [incorrect], no treasure code [correct], they are all trail signs to water [incorrect]. so [you] could not have broken the code [correct]...

Always glad to help you.

exerciseinfrutility Denier of Record- who quotes a commie socialist..who is obams hero

ss I dont give advise in general about drill holes so your very incorrect t here..the most of what I know about them is what I learned in the supers and what Dtsy has said, I know your to trying to pick a fight and and all that crap..but it will not work anymore..
SS NO other groups that could compete with Spain, only
the Pagans, and not with mining only building Dolmen burial chambers, all gone now except for the rare, transitional monuments where the pagans w here using the 8 pillars to hold the dolemen using 8 signs to hold up the code..the window the pagans used was to let the souls escape a now becomes the hoyo..from the souls outlet to the window of clues...
There was only token invasions of north american before and after Columbus...the Phoenicians, the Hebrews, the Assyrians the Celts and Templar/Vikings with yes the Chinese too the kensington Rune stone..ect no one but them built stone and boulder monuments to gold and silver mines and the quint

You are trying to justify that paraidolia that you cant get free of-those witches on brooms your seeing are not from some older ancient miners and adventures at all, it is just graffiti that you cant figure out how is it that I see this witch, well you do see her, but she is an accident of light and shadow
she does not exist in reality..she is only visual not substantive and signs by the spanish were mucho substantial..
dig the vertically challenged one?
adios amigo

exerciseinfrutility Denier of Record- who quotes a commie socialist..who is obams hero...

Psst ... that's, uh, Groucho Marx I'm quoting, pal. Aren't you tired of finding your foot in your mouth?

Well, well. The Spanish King's nag seems to have broken down, eh, Ragger? Looks like you're planning to change horses. At least you're willing to admit your false god Kenworthy was scamming you.


This really made me smile.

You know I believe Rangler has been trained in propaganda procedures and much to my surprise has used them here and elsewhere successfully. In my opinion he is familiar with creating false personas too. I really encourage folks to read up on propaganda techniques.

When I ponder the goals he might have for using these techniques, I do not like the possibilities.

I he is great at compiling. He has compiled public info..about 85% of his lists he posts occasionally are publically available on the net. The other 15% perhaps I have just not found yet or is info he developed on his own. His list is wrong in some items and misleading in others, but some of it is good. I do notice on some very clear monuments and sites he drops a "it is all cloud reading and natural" and I wonder why he does that on some particular sites. Well I do not wonder,I think I know.

Revising old posts to incorporate newly learned info from others and not crediting them is pretty down low..but fits with his way of operating .

I ran some tests a few years ago, sharing some private info with a couple of people associated with him. Sadly, it did not take long to get back to him and for him to post that info.

Having an "enemy" is a nice way to focus acolytes attention on something. It used to be the powers that be, then it was mean old treasure hunters that did not want anyone else to have a piece of the pie, and for the last year or three it has been cloud readers and two or three particular people.

Like anything you read on this board, take what works, leave the rest.

The problem with the resident "expert" is that he simple will NOT recognize that there were a hell of a lot MORE groups "working" the trails and mining sites that just the Spanish;

The question one should why would a very intelligent man like rangler do this?

... You know I believe Rangler has been trained in propaganda procedures and much to my surprise has used them here and elsewhere successfully. In my opinion he is familiar with creating false personas too. I really encourage folks to read up on propaganda techniques...

Very good advice, Mooney. The understanding of human nature and how it is used to manipulate others is useful in all aspects of our lives.

the only manipulation, Just slim justification of mis-read clouds or the para bug bit another trackers on the ass.. We all know that other foreign nationals were here in the us hundreds even thousands of years ago, for the ten commandments written archaic hebrew to the kensington rune stone, but these were very brief, very isolated and did not use the spanish code for monuments...the only monument builders were the pagans....and their monuments were burial chambers...not quint burials...ha this was from the neolithic period..clear back to Solomon..around 10k BC so lets get it straight, pareidolia is causing you to try and invent a whole class of people who mined, paid tax and made monuments using the Jesuit Code who that?..where here before the Jessies? wow man, you gotta stop smokin that
loco combustible stuff..
oro for the correct interpretation of what you see on the landscape..
cloud reading only results in confusion.,.every time it is tried,

ps while we are telling the truth here. it is Springfield who is the real manipulator-trying to foster confusion worse really worse than the cloud reader..he doesn't know better, springfield knows better and is trying so very hard to confuse the whole treasure seeking world...the truth lies 180* out of phase with springer easy to decode his manipulations....just think opposite of what he says.

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[blah blah blah] ...

ps while we are telling the truth here. it is Springfield who is the real manipulator-trying to foster confusion worse really worse than the cloud reader..he doesn't know better, springfield knows better and is trying so very hard to confuse the whole treasure seeking world...the truth lies 180* out of phase with springer easy to decode his manipulations....just think opposite of what he says.

I'll trust the readers to decide for themselves. My posts are available to all, and not only contain my current thoughts (which I'm always ready to change) - they also contain clear arguments, photographic evidence, links to bona fide historical data and documentation, and a constant message: be discerning about what you decide to believe. Have I ever claimed to know the answers to all these mysteries? No. Have I ever said I knew how to decode the carvings? No. Do I care whether readers side with me? No. Is Rangler a complete fraud with absolutely nothing to back up his constant bragging? Decide for yourself.

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Why do you guys pick on poor Rambler? He's doing the best he can with what he has to work with. :hello: Hi rambler.

I really hate see all this I'm going to give you guys something more constructive to think about.

Mr. "code expert" mentioned the Kensington Runestones, here's something he probably doesn't know about them> they're written in the ancient Basque alphabet.

Don't tell me some other "expert" already figured them out print it out and look at it real good.

Don't believe me? I figured you wouldn't, so here you go:,168,839,1476&edge=0

All but a couple of the letters, the rest are in another book on ancient Iberia< you will have to do some of the work your self....good luck.

Also for anyone that is interested those "alpha" and "omega" marks that everyone talks about but nobody ever shows you, they're in that link I posted above.( yes I do have pictures, but I'll let the "experts" show you some.

How did they get here? Who knows.,959,793,289&edge=0,92,820,286&edge=0

The Basque Country - Katharine Waldo Douglas Fedden - Google Books

I think that's enough to keep you fellers occupied for a while, I know you probably already know all of this.....being "experts" and all, I just thought I'd point out a few things for the rest of us dummies that aren't worthy of you telling us anything but how wonderful you all are.

Also this will be my only post.

:hello: < the hello guy also works for goodbye.

I'll trust the readers to decide for themselves. My posts are available to all, and not only contain my current thoughts (which I'm always ready to change) - they also contain clear arguments, photographic evidence, links to bona fide historical data and documentation, and a constant message: be discerning about what you decide to believe. Have I ever claimed to know the answers to all these mysteries? No. Have I ever said I knew how to decode the carvings? No. Do I care whether readers side with me? No. Is Rangler a complete fraud with absolutely nothing to back up his constant bragging? Decide for yourself.

UUUMMmmmmmm. Let us check out a FACT............Rangler, 1203 posts with 26 "Likes" = 2.16% . Springfield, 2135 posts with 187 "Likes" = 8.75% . I am no math whiz, but i THINK this shows that about 4 times as many people who have read Springs' posts appreciate his comments than the number of people who have read Rangler's posts have appreciated HIS.

Congratulations to our resident grouch.......ahhhhh......ummmmm...........I mean Springfield. :laughing7:

WOW..Sad to see people fighting on here.Isnt this suppose to be something to enjoy in life...Learning,and exploring and if lucky you find treasures along the way!!! :)

WOW..Sad to see people fighting on here.Isnt this suppose to be something to enjoy in life...Learning,and exploring and if lucky you find treasures along the way!!! :)

Well, Mam, this isn't fighting, it's .................vigorous disagreement and ACTIVE debate. :)



hope you can share the significance of these...

many thanks

hi amanda,
sorry for the nature of this thread nowadays..we have a new crop of newbies I am trying to help get them started on the right trail, then we have the deniers, the cloud readers and the armchair types, who all lend nothing to the task at hand but confusion, and after about a decade of this stuff...I have had enough, and sometimes I just have to tell the world the truth about these apologies madam and welcome to the site, nice to see you here..if you have any questions about any pics what they are or might be you can send to me at be happy to give you my opinion on them, no strings attached, happy to have you join the ranks of my "newbies" I promise to keep things on the positive side whenever I can..
oro sis


nevadavatpics 004.webpnevadavatpics 003.webp

Any help or opinion greatly appreciated....thanks in advance
(reverting to lurking mode)

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