Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

I have been in the outback for awhile, thanks for filling in with some GREAT information
regarding layouts of the final puZZle!

You stated some original info not found in books meant for the masses!
I quote...(worth repeating)
"I will add this, which was a little secret which took some time and effort for me to learn -

that these treasure symbols can sometimes be laid out to deliberately throw off any treasure hunters.

They will have markings that seem to indicate you should take so many steps, go to another marker, dig a certain depth etc when in reality it is the very placement of the markers which locates the treasure cache.
......... For example,
four sets of complex and mysterious markers are found, with various symbols that seem to lead elsewhere - yet simply by using those four sites as "'posts" which should mark off a cross, then locate the spot where the two lines of sight cross where there is NO marker of any kind, this is the spot where the treasure is buried.

A flat stone or piece of metal may be buried in this exact spot (the center of the cross) at a shallow depth, directly over the treasure, which the people who buried the treasure could find again by simply pushing a sharp stick or probe into the dirt.
To further protect the cache, the folks who buried it may well have also buried smaller, much less valuable "treasures" in places that would "fit" the false clues left on the marker stones, so that a treasure hunter following the false clues can then find the small treasure and quit looking.

If this sounds terribly devious, just consider the folks who were hiding it, working illegally and always with the danger that the authorities might find out and try to locate their hidden treasures.

These were educated people, as Rangler has mentioned - they were mining engineers, cartographers, even cosmographers and I would say they were very intelligent. Never underestimate the cunning of the folks who hid the treasures! The "cross" layout of marker clues is most common (just my own observation - no way I can prove it) but other layouts were also used, such as the Star of David or Solomon's Seal, though finding the site of the cache is then difficult.

I couldnt agree more! personal insights like this shared with others is what this forum is all about!
Thank you!

ps regarding the Templars in America, I have some awesome stone carvings to post soon!
I wasnt holding out, lol, I just photographed these sites, this last expedition.

MUCHAS GRACIAS thank you very much amigo, coming from you that means a lot. I look forward to reading more from you! :icon_thumleft: :read2:

gorgias said:
Steve offers 3 ebooks for $9.95 on Spanish Signs & Symbols
lets see...burger fries and a coke at Mickey D's for two or
three ebooks for the same price, hmmm decisions decisions..

No luck with this link. Can anyone help?


not sure if this helps
dont think they are ebooks, but are books

Welcome to Tnet and '101' class....
If I had a favorite treasure sign, it would be of course the Hoyo!
They are so subtle, but so informative, with most of the data contained
missed by the majority. Part of the reason, someone long ago called these
hoyos 'treasure windows'.

This gave a single slant or idea of what the hoyo
was intended for..while their are times when 'they' wanted you to look
thru the when 'ground hoyo's are employed in the Omega context
most of the time their are not only the 'confirmation' mark, but what I
call the 'data center'.
It is the SHAPE of the hoyo, that is critical in understanding the sign that they
wanted to convey.
In your hoyo Lanny, the pic that is showing the hoyo looking from North to the
South is the correct way to be looking at the outline.(IF THIS IS THE OMEGA)
AS most Alphas are north of the Omegas...., your hoyo is two fold,
one, the top hoyo is of course the bird, who is looking to the right...
(very significant*) AND the lower or second hoyo is obviously the OWL...
we all know what he means.....

This is a great set of signs and confirmation marks, stand back and take some pics
of the rest of the Omega rocks - as I think you have stumbled upon the Omega,
without first identifying the Alpha....hey its happens to me too!

Plot the location of the Omega and the Alpha on an interactive topo map and build
the layout in a birds eye view, this will help understand the end game.

Look for compass headings, (azimuths) faces, letters, numbers, Bible verses etc on the
Alpha, remember what Digns said, "Distance and Direction" are what both markers are
trying to tell you!!
Hopes this helps

"........the master learns from the student." old Zen saying

* pm for the two bird meanings, one looking left , one looking right (members in good standing only)

Your PM box is full and will not receive any more PM's. Please delete some so we can contact you. Please send me the answer to the two birds.
Thanks again my friend.
okey dokey

Thanks for the heads up OD and Okey Dokey,
I am working on it!

NOT at all, I am having more fun that a human being should
be aloud to have!
I admit my plate is full with hospice care for an oldtime treasure
hunter, working my site in the outback and trying to support some
true treasure hunters who need some small bit of help.

Thanks to the mods for cleaning up after me as well!


Just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate
your time, effort, and energy for being headmaster of
Treasure Signs and Symbols 101. :read2:

I have learned a great deal from you and Old Dog, as well as the other contributors. :icon_sunny:
Very much appreciated,
Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:


Gracis Amigo,
You are a Good Guy , Goody Guy!
welcome around my campfire anytime!

Thank you rangler the info you provided me,it helped a great deal in locating the Alpha and other possibilities.

Hi gang ( argonauts and true treasure hunters!)
Back to civilization to regroup and resupply. Here is the
Alpha we have been working on since 2007, one of two
that were found from the Queen of Sheba Alpha and
the resultant finding of the Janus Monument
(c) copyright 2009 rangler - all righs reserved
Knights templar, belived to be on horseback with
his sword raised over his head.

This site should be called Valley of the Alpha's... as we found one
then two and now three or more Monuments..we dont know the exact
number but this was a rich mine and was used for several centuries no we are chasing Omegas all over the place..
We are finding that they are organized, like always with percision..two
different Alphas throw shadows at different times of the day..very clever
dare we say 'awesome'?
(c)2009 copyright rangler - all rights reserved
Here is the Heart/Dog rock found at 2 feet down
Note the 'point is this rock was showing a compass heading
that leads to the m ain Omega. Never seen one quite like this.

Your welcome Lanny , happy to help, hope you make good progress...

(c)copyright 2009 rangler - all rights reserved

The last pic just posted was part of the Alpha Monument,
This pics is an Omega giving lots of hints to the next step
Can you see the Knight with his head gear and the line of
the hood around the side of his face?
The interesting thing this image only lasts about 5 minutes
per day,. the carved images marks the line of the sun as it
goes over this rock, Awesome indeed!

More from this rock...

Thanks Thom,
Here is more of this Templar Omega..
(c)copyright 2009 rangler - all rights reserved

This Owl, on this amazing Omega monument, shows the depth
of skills to carve 4 or 5 images on this same rock, all taking turns
during the day, when they fade and appear.
a-w-e-s-o-m-e !

The Heart shaped rock showed the workmanship as well
look at the enlargement lower portion of the rock.
It shows a great optical illusion, of the Owl and a Horse
depending on what way you look at it...more importantly
look at the miniature 3D map of the same mountain the
mine is on!
(c)copyright 2009 rangler - all right reserved

(c)copyright 2009 rangler - all rights reserved
Here is a pic that belongs to the group we are working
YOU tell me what this is! What type of Monument, Alpha, Omega, Janus
Trail Marker, Just an outcrop of rocks?..... ok
For those of you who follow this thread, consider this to be your midterm exam!


Thanks SWR
for your input, albeit it is the SAME input that you have given
on numerous occasions AND it is incorrect as usual.

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