Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

Notes from the field,...
Well it didnt work out to well on posting , as we had zero internet connection
after the first day, however the rest of the adventure is working out great!

New data learned, seems that this particular Alpha, which points to an Omega of
course, is following a time period of 11-1pm for shadows to blossom. And the
Second Alpha, so as not to be confused, sets its shadows, to appear at the 4:30pm
to 6:30 a ingenuis way of keeping the two Omegas from being confused with each
And Alpha 2, is stating the compass heading right to Omega 2 however we have a
great little twist, seems that the Omega has a second site, ie , a pick up money site,
then ONCE we dug at the spot, we found a Heart shaped rock pointing to the REAL to follow, soon as I can get them loaded to disk.

More to follow..

Are you out in the Field Rangler Sir.

Yes, In the outback, 4 hours round trip to the nearest cervesa fria :occasion14:!

WOW Rangler, I did not know you were so proficient in Espanol. If you have your pass port we are all set to head into the Mouth of The Beast. May God Bless You, Guide you and protect you my Friend. I am really suprised. GOOD LUCK !!!

Fox is " Zorra " in Spanish my Friend. :notworthy:

Well rangler now I had seen you learned spanish all my question for you will be in spanish and this will be good both.No rangler it is a yoke, good luck in your exploration.

Thanks guys,
Passport is secured.
It is amazing what a cute
senorita can teach an old treasure hunter
like me, carrot and stick style, if you know
what I mean!

rangler said:
Thanks guys,
Passport is secured.
It is amazing what a cute
senorita can teach an old treasure hunter
like me, carrot and stick style, if you know
what I mean!
Meow :whip2: :icon_biggrin:

Hi Rangler ... The mission here has come to an end ... 4 new untouched sites have been discovered. I have over 200 photos and video ... A lot of which i cant disclose at the moment but ill share them with you and Old Dog once they've been analysed by our team. Mass Graves, Turtles, Faces, Crocodiles, Rock Maps ... Man this is disneyland for treasure hunters, Next time you are in the Philippines ill give you some pointers on where to go. I just hope you aint with some corporate entity like most of the Pilippino hunters are. Trying to find the right people to operate these sites is hard enough as it is ... (when the slants said it would take over 100 years to recover this stuff they were'nt mistaken) ... Mabuhay Pilippino Patriots

Thanks Seaside,

"Man this is disneyland for treasure hunters",

We have on of those here too! We call it the
Superstitions Mountains of Arizona, USA!!


Just a reminder...

Please post in English so that all TreasureNet members can benefit from the information and ideas being presented.

Discussions in other languages should be conducted by PM or e-mail.

Thanks! :coffee2:


notes form the field
Our second Omega site is under a monster boulder 18 feet
high and 35 feet around sitting on the side of a slope!

The black shadow eagle says south side of this boulder.
It is inviting me to dig under this monster with the goods
about dead center (whoops!) about 12 feet down AND
under! I am sure of a couple of surprises in store, most
not funny!
The newest thing for me is the small Omega is laid out
on a somewhat smaller boulder, still huge! - setting the
pattern and learning example of what do to at the larger
boulder and Omega!
This will be lots of fun and games I am sure
wish you all were here!

Way to go Rangler ! We all wish we were there as well but if just 2% of us could make it, you wouldn't have room to walk . We'd be in your way more than the trees and brush. If ya don't mind ,I would like more information on the black eagle. Is it located at the vault and what can you reveal about reading this sign . Stay safe & have fun . Jim

This must be an early site, as the Alpha led directly to the
Omega via a compass heading chiseled right into the rock
face, following that I ran smack dab into the Omega, with
a huge black dog face looking at me, no camera needed
as he was bodacious, sitting on top of this huge boulder.

Below him was a shadow of an eagle, very thin and
stretched out..only about 3inches thick and 3 feet long
very subtle and could have been missed if not there
the right time of day, year.
Since the eagle means South, and he was on the South
side of the boulder, confirmation and excitement all in one!
Below the eagle - a turtle head looking down at the ground.
dig dig dig dig dign.....

This will be a huge undertaking ( whoops) and an engineering
fete, but I will not rush or get in a hurry, slow and steady...
this baby will not let me keep the sky above me!
The trap is set, the cheese is in the trap, now to be just
smarter than a boulder....

Thanks Rangler !! I had no meaning for the eagle and this gives me some confirmation .Suspect that I'll still be going in circles for awhile but It's healthy and fun. The description of your site sounds awesome . Jim

HOMBRE!! I Pray you get home safe,, and with your pockets FULL!!! Show us how it's done Bro!! td

New guy Here, been following this Ranger adventure...Wow!

Read the entire 101 post and just want to say thanks for your Service and passing on a most fantastic history.
Your field reporting is just plain exciting. Can't wait.
Vietnam vet myself. USMC apr 68- june 69 mini tet May 5 1968 Quang Nam province

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