Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED X-RAY PHOTOS


Sr. Member
Jun 13, 2005
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Golden Thread
Bellefonte, PA
Gambling in Atlantic City is a thing of the past. You'll make out better on the shoreline. I run with a Garrett Ace 250 and came back with this and a few pieces that I think are bayonets, various sand pennies and the mouth of an 1800's amber brown whiskey bottle. It stormed with thunder and lightning the night before, and the surf was really pounding. The beach opened at 6AM and out I went. I turned the stone over and there it was, a chain and a shiny silver coin sticking right out at me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and after the shock wore off, you should have heard me whooping it up. I put it in my bag with the shells I had been collecting prior. I didn't care at that point about breaking any of them, to me I don't think I'll ever find anything better. About a minute after I put it in my bag, an ATV cop went by me, and I ecstatically said "Hi" to him. It was probably pretty out of place, but I couldn't help it. I held onto that bag like my life depended on it all the way back to the hotel room, to show my sleeping partner the treasure I had truly found. I wonder how long it takes to embed coins and chains in to sandstone? More than 30 years, I'm sure. We didn't head straight home, we went to a friend of ours that owns a stones and gems shop. He'd never seen anything like this before. He told us that as is, we are looking at a value of at least $400. We plan to get the stone X-rayed at some random dentist's office to see if there may be a pendant or even a gem on the chain and if we're lucky, there may be more coins. There is an indent in the rock underneath the area that the coin is showing that could have held another coin, it is completely round and about the size of a dime. There's alot of MDing that goes on along the shores of Atlantic City and alot of iron content out there, so I bet this stone could possibly have been overlooked by others more than once. I want to get all of the sand removed that is concreted on this coin, but I'm afraid to hurt it in any way. I carefully removed some of the grains of sand with a razor blade and I am sure I didn't scratch it. It is just enough to see that some letters are still present, but not enough to identify them. I refuse to do anything more to it. I trust someone out there can get it clean. The chain located in the top left of the stone in picture one and on my finger in picture four is handmade, the ends of each link are wrapped over the next loop. It is non magnetic, but has been tested for 14 ct gold and dissolved right away at our local jewelry store, so it's more likely to be bronze. A few more links are showing on the other side of the stone from where it hangs out on the other, so most of the chain could be wrapped up inside the stone. The coin is smaller than a dime, about 16.6 millimeters in diameter and thinner than a dime. I live in Central Pennsylvania and I doubt there is anyone around here that could identify this coin, it it thinner and smaller than an American Dime.

Update: For the latest info on where we are at in research and IDing this coin, and it's continuing story, check out my post of the same title under Today's Finds. It's been pretty popular, and I'm proud to call you all my friends. I will continue to check this post for possible IDs and suggestions. Thanks to all.


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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

1liquigirl said:
Last night, we used a suggestion from a post in Today's finds and placed Goo Gone on the concretions of the coin to remove it, then ran it under warm water of the sink spigot to remove some of the curtain. The center of the coin is removing itself and I would have never thought it would start there, but it is. The Goo Gone has been on the coin tonight for 2 hours now, about ready to run it under the spigot again. We will see what this coin is, we will see it. About this Treasure Stone, we now have a rating of 5 coins in My Best Finds forum. I gotta get someone to post a suggestion on the Treasure Set in Stone (It's pretty far down on the first page) on Today's Finds to get me back to the top for more views, so I can get more suggestions on what to do with this piece. Please post something for me there, since it was in that forum that I received the suggestion that is removing the concretions. Thanks all, for your interest in this piece.
Why dont you just try a hammer? :o Im very sorry to see that you have decided to remove the coin. You will certainly ruin the value. Its worth 10-50 times as much as a possible shipwreck concretion. Removed as a single corroded coin will have little value, if any. The item will no longer be rare when you remove it.

If you must insist, I would only remove enough to make an ID. You probably have enough to make an ID now but you are not posting a clear enough picture.. But if you dont care about the value, then by all means continue.

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

1liquigirl said:
I did post about five posts back about what letters I think I can see on it, Reading inward left to right facing the center of the coin and reading left to right outward facing to the edge of the coin.
I know but I was hoping you would simplify and clarify lol ;D

Let me see if I got this correct? :dontknow: You are seeing VDIA2(orZ)? At another angle it says METAH? but upside down it says DROU? :icon_scratch: :help: ;D

Is it just me? I cant even understand this sentence LOL. QUOTE "Reading inward left to right facing the center of the coin and reading left to right outward facing to the edge of the coin."

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

No, I'm not going to remove this coin, just remove the corrosion on the coin face. I will not break this piece up. The pic you sent with the squares in it look like they may have been on this coin's edge, if it wasn't placed there by the surf. And, I'm sorry I have not explained this in the proper manner, reading the letters on the coin from left to right viewing from the center of the coin and the other way reading the letters left to right looking from the edge of the coin. Sorry to be confusing, and not trying to be. The letters themselves are confusing, because if you shift the coin one way and read in the shine of the light you see something different than you do if you shift the coin the other way into darkness. I hope to use paint shop and post here and on the Today's finds forum on the 3rd of October after 7pm EST what we are seeing now. We pulled alot more corrosion off the coin and on Monday night or Tuesday we will be posting here and on Today's Finds Forum some new pics from a different camera with macros. The sooner I can do it, the better, and I will. From what I now see with my naked eye and the help of a magnifiying glass also, the letters appear to be much bigger than previously thought and an X might be on it, in the lettering near the edge. Hope this helps, since you are trying to help me, Cypress. Thanks and sorry for the frustration, it frustrates me to no end, and many others too, I have no doubt.

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

The edge I posted is a Spanish Reale and it also has an IA. I have a smaller than dime 1/2 Reale somewhere if I can find it.

I think I understand.

It reads like VDIA2
Spanish Reale GRATIA

The only letter for sure is an A

These mysteries are interesting. I wonder if IP looked at this? Im looking forward to the paint diagram. Like the saying "a picture tells a thousand words" ;D :icon_thumright:

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

Ok, BigCypress. I don't know how much of an artist I am, but, here's a paint image. All yellow areas are sand concretions. This is definately not to scale and the letters may be a little off from their actual places.


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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

Im re-posting this side by side with your paint to compare.
Its not much to go on but I understand it better now.
Coin Paint.webpcoin closeup2.webp


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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

I dont think the brass link chain is the type that you would generally see in jewelry.
It looks more like the type that you would see on a toilet flapper.
Its a real curiosity piece. There is definitely iron in the mix.
I hope someone will recognize the coin but the only letter I can see for sure is an A...
...and Im not sure about that. :D.

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

Looks like AM - for AMERICA - possible half dime reverse.

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

bigcypresshunter said:
I dont think the brass link chain is the type that you would generally see in jewelry.
It looks more like the type that you would see on a toilet flapper.
Its a real curiosity piece. There is definitely iron in the mix.
I hope someone will recognize the coin but the only letter I can see for sure is an A...
...and Im not sure about that. :D.

I think the chain could go to the small purse I mentioned in my first reply. Tony

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

bigcypresshunter said:
I dont think the brass link chain is the type that you would generally see in jewelry.
It looks more like the type that you would see on a toilet flapper.
Its a real curiosity piece. There is definitely iron in the mix.
I hope someone will recognize the coin but the only letter I can see for sure is an A...
...and Im not sure about that. :D.
The chain could be part of the small purse that I mentioned in my first reply. Tony

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

At work today, I ran into a nice gentleman who works with the Earth and Mineral Department at Penn State (got his phone number). He told me not to take this stone to Russ, the head of the department, because he's too busy. That must be why he hasn't called me back. I am hoping to get it into them Wednesday or Thursday for some tests. I'll let you know any new news as soon as I do, keep watching all. And thanks for all your help so far.

Update: We realized there's something loose inside the stone. On the thick part where the chain presents itself outwardly, even when the chain is held down motionless, it rattles when you shake this piece!!!

I know what this is, it's a lost city of Atlantis baby rattle!!!

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

Is there more than one coin in this conglomerate?

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Re: Treasure Set in Stone UPDATED NEW PICS

All the pics are taken of the same coin, however, there is the tiniest sliver of silver showing in another spot on the stone. The rattle when you shake it, could be anything, the other end of the chain, a rock, a shell, a ruby, an emerald, who knows. Is there a coin that's dime sized with the letters NALI on it in succession? Sort of seeing that after tonight's soaking.

Update: For the latest info on where we are at in research and IDing this coin, and it's continuing story, check out my post of the same title under Today's Finds. It's been pretty popular, and I'm proud to call you all my friends. I will continue to check this post for possible IDs and suggestions. Thanks to all.

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1liquigirl said:
Okay all, here you go. X-Ray Pics, weird stuff inside.
The long piece kinda looks like an old tie bar/tie tac? Most had some type of chain attached. Tony

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1liquigirl said:
Tony, What would a tie bar/tie tack be used for? Can you specify that for me?

It is used to hold a man's tie to the front of his shirt. So when he bends over to eat or get a drink from a fountain he won't get his tie in it.


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I like this idea, I'm posting a Pic of one on the Today's Finds Forum titled the same. We'll see what they think. Thanks. If it's a tie rod, well that's an automobile piece, I found out. If it's that, it would be a pretty interesting story.

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Tony, I did some research, and there's a car float out there!!! It's possible it could be from that. Here's a wreck of shipwrecks. I'm thinking it was a boiler explosion since all the metals in this piece burn at very high temperatures. These metals that are still intact in my stone may have floated down to the bottom from this incident and settled in the still hot material that had been present inside the boiler. This would sease all the objects into one. I'm going to do a little more research now that I have a starting point. Here's a photo of some of the wrecks off Atlantic City. Any research info into possible shipwreck identification, please post it here for me. I'll be doing a little research now as well. Thanks to all for watching so far.


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