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Hey Mal.Hello marticus
George Farwell wrote a book Rejoice in Freedom, that tells of his journey to search for treasure and he claims in book after searching Pinacki and finding no treasurethey went to Tepoto. In his book he was very critical of George Hamilton Snowball. There was no love lost between them.
He was just an investor hired to come along and work in recovering the alleged treasure. Strange enough Tepoto has some thing very strange. A sink hole cave in the middle of the atoll. In the late 1980'searly 90's a local native lived there half crazy looking for gold, he was apparently one of descendants of one of 1930 expedition that stayed in Tahiti and had a family there..Since that time a few people have searched there.Some french and Italians in 1997 searched there after the Australian in 1994.
I heard the following vessel was charted in 2015 very made a trip there to explore the underwater cave which acts like a giant siphon. The crews was very tight lipped in Tahiti. Some one in the states was funding it. Rumored to be a company from the united states connected to big name movie producer.
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One of crew talked they were there to film whales for a 3-d movie. However the ship was diverted to Teopto? Perhaps to explore this underwater cave? The atoll has a small pass only big enough for a small boat not a ship. There is no safe anchorage off the atolls. see the entrance below.
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Great stuff mate.i had presumed this Farwell to just be another Journo reporting on the story. But it would seem it runs alot deeper then that. Ill see if i can dig up a copy of farwells book for a read. Im also half wondering if the crazed native was Hamilton. Since i cant really find any ancestry records on Hamilton here in Aus. In his book he depicts pictures of his home in tahiti.
So it could be possible that he continued to search, gold obsessed once that fever takes over its cost alot of men their lives.
I was also reading up on that James fellow. He beleives he has an updated list of the pisco church treasure. Not the huge amount of 14ts of gold. But a more smaller and diverse list of treasure. Ill see if i can find it again.
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