As they say the more you research the less in the field you need to be. Not to mention having your own ship. Those retirement days could involve a smaller run about. A few guys to dive. And you yourself doing the research arm chair style if you like.
That could lead you to a prize and you wouldnt miss out on any of the excitment either
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Marticus sadly that's a young single mans dream who has no commitments. Although very enticing.
I come from a long line of sea captains. My father had his ships as part of the family business. When he died my older Brother took control as captain. As the years went my turn came as I progressed up the ranks and earned my stripes. In that time wife 3 sons and mortgage and changing economic conditions in the shipping industry. While in turn one of my Sons look like to follow the sea. He has still many years to go till he is ready. Being a family business. Its not just my lively hood at stake. Many family members working in various roles with in the shipping companies as sectaries agents.They have their own struggles mortgagees and get kid through Uni extra. While its has been many a time that our shipping company has struggled like all business.
You know the value of a ship loses its value 1000 US a Day. After 5 year it doubles, 10 years it doubles again. Every day you have a ship its costing you money every second. So it has to be earning you money and lots of it.
Perhaps no different from your own day to day struggles
In 2014 was bad year. I nearly ended up scuttling our ship for the insurance money as we got caught short in port with not enough money to pay for fuel crew. In fact it is a more common occurrence than people imagine dumping their ship at sea and filing for bankruptcy.
Treasure hunters are in some respect as rather selfish lot as they re chasing their personal dream at all costs. When you have commitments Its not just your life you could ruin but your whole families.
The two types of treasure hunter I have encountered where very different from each other... I have posted some on Tnet already about them.
One was an officially requested dive salvage team who was endorsed by the insurer LLOYDS grouped to recover sunken gold. Funny I later read the story that revived little if no public attention what so ever. I did find in one of the forums here some one made the rather uniformed comment of claiming it was scam without really knowing the story. Yet it was the real deal that slipped under the media. These Guys dived off the treacherous Cape horn cut their way into hull and strongroom of the ship that sunk carrying Gold from Chile to Argentina on behalf of a big mining company. It cost well over a million dollars for the project. For me my whole life is about keeping ships afloat and my expertise is just that not underwater. That is better left for the fishes than the likes of me:-) They got their pay plus bonus and was gone back to working on oil rigs around the world. Very simple their purpose was very clear.
Cost of these projects my friend is big killer.
As for the other group in 2014 their purpose was rather the opposite. In which they gave nothing away in regards to what they was after must spent at least 1.8 million. Their objectives was not shared among those outside the inner circle. You just had a role to play on a need to know basis only. It appears in their project nothing was simple at least as their was multiple complex conflicting interests with officials and others involved.
While treasure legends are great my friend. The deeper YOU research into them the host of problems you discover. For example just because you discover some thing its not finders keepers. Even in the islands in the Pacific legally belong to some one. For example if some one dug your backyard up how would you feel? Yet with all these alleged buried treasure locations it on land owned by some one. And even if you manage the almost impossible and find some thing without the government whose territory it is in claiming it as cultural patrimony? Reading through IPUK post he began to see those similar problems in his own project.
I guess Don Jose could enlighten you further about that prospect? yet that is what you face. And what if you actually recover in secret with for example 14 tons of gold you have the same complex problem as the pirates has when they first stole this alleged treasure. Converting it to liquid assets. You cannot just rock up to a bank and say can you bank this for me?
While you might get a bemused cynical just another conspiracy theorist accusation by our alleged esteemed academia and by authorities. As soon as you show gold the knives come out with the Lawsuits. And wheres there blood the vultures will soon follow.
While I have not doubt some of these newspaper stories can lead to lost treasure if you can work out the fact from the fiction. But doing so that may destroy you financially.
For me while others take insult being called an chair treasure hunter who enjoys reading everyone posts here. I love the term myself as I know I am not putting all my hard won achievements at risk not at least my children future livelihood at risk.