Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here


First I would like to thank EVERYBODY for so much for the pictures and the WISDOM that you ALL SHARE with us. Found my first site ( my only site ) last year. Had 842 pictures of the site, but my PC crash before I could post any. I am trying to replace them now but as you know timing is every thing. So far got some good pictures, but are still not as good as the ones I lost. Here is one that pretty good. Starting from the top is a Owl sitting on a Eagle, taking about the right time of year and time of day, the Eagle will have a beak and a eye which makes the Eagle, but it does not show in this pictue. The Eagle is sitting what look like a Spanish soldier which is sitting a Elephant. The end of the Elephant trunk is the head of a bird. The trunk ( bird ) meets of kind of reptile or maybe a snake. You see the hoyo, at the base of hoyo is a face sitting on a snake, on the mouth of of the snake is the number 17. Which I hope translate into a John site. Would love to have your thoghts.

Thanks The Student Chas

thanks hadji009,for the info. and pointing out the other things using the photo. it makes it easier for me. thanks

Is this something???

Was wondering if anyone has input...
Found what might be owl and across small valley what might be a large turtle. Not sure, but there may be other signs up there too. Between these, stumbled upon the triangle rock with possible dog looking left under triangle and other possible small markings. Further down hill from this rock were the possible heart rock and another big rock with "3" and "C" on it. Found other markings on this rock too. Are these signs of something or am I dreaming??


the hoyo in the first pic looks manufactured, however it makes an unknown shape..and with out any other
known or confirmed signs we have to let it go as - natural or pre Spanish perhaps pagan...

you might try photographing this from the other side where is might make a known shape.
be sure to stand "square" with the hoyo to reveal as much of the sky as possible so you are
not accidently cutting of some of the outline...
good luck

Welcome to the forum. :coffee2:

That first photo looks like some trail markers right out of Kenworthy's book. That second photo has a large "7" in the left, upper quadrant that tells you there is a good campsite in the immediate area and that large sleeping animal (and it's small offspring in the lower right quad) is telling you that it's also a good stopping point for your animals. A good animal trail continues on the the right. Follow it's nose. The trail is good for large and small least for a ways.

EDIT: Ruby, this is the area that I was referring to in the first photo. All of those notches and angles mean something, including that large, squared notch just to the left of the "broken" pointer. There's also a large "A" on the face of the broken over pointer.
I'm editing again, with the red arrow pointing out the classic large notch that indicated this is the "doorway" monument to a treasure trail. You must study the rest of the notches and pointer points to determine how MANY trails are involved from this point. I just checked Kenworthy's book, Spanish Monuments & Trailmarkers to Treasure in the United States. This is demonstrated right off the bat with the FIRST example photo in the book, on page #14.


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Thanks for the input! I definitely want to go out and take some more pictures and do more looking around!
What is your take on the rock with the triangle cut-out? For some reason to me it looks manufactured...if it is, am wondering if it is significant at all???

Hello Ruby, just a thought that is my interperation, the face just below the lower left hand side of the rectangle seem to be a direction indicator, the arrow seems to be a tunnel or shaft, the backward 7 indicates church, the rock that is still balanced on top of the head seems to indicate the obects are still there ( has not been removed because the rock is still there much like a head thats been removed or knocked off. ). The upside down V thats part of the boulder and the square end on top of the same boulder may be a indicator that its a verical shaft 220 cm deep or a little over 7 foot deep. Just a guess on my part

Thanks again for input. Need to go do a little more investigating! Here are a couple more pics of what looks like a pointing rock or head, need to get a better pic that is not so close. It can be seen from the owl-shaped rock but not in direct line of sight...will need to check out the angle a little closer next time. Not sure if it means anything? Thought it looked like markings on the one side so I included a close-up of that. It was about 10-12ft. up from where I was standing so the picture was taken looking up at it. THANKS!!
Also, what would the "A" on the hoyo rock mean? From what I know it can mean "to, go, or at" unless the crossbar is that correct? Thought it almost looked like another one in this close-up pic??

your doing good ruby, keep at it. your skill will get better each trip at spotting things. somethings will be true and some not. its there for you. thanks for posting the photos.

The A that I found near Ozark Ark was on a boulder about the size of a # 2 bathtub and the A was about 8 inches high and faced to the north, meaning = V upside down = something covered put together it said in a nearby land mark, something covered, it sat across a crevis about 8 foot deep and about 10 feet in the back part there was a knee high "old hand dug hole"

ruby the next time your at site,could you get better img of these
one looks like a wall,the other a eye cather,pillar/standing rock,hoyo?

ruby wall.webp


Dog here's a priest? with his hand on a cross/arrow pointing at the rocksarrow.webp

thanks for the info. on that photo billythekidder. that photo is about 1000 yards right of the photo you marked up of the giant. thanks. i believe the cave or mine is lower on the hill. i do have a photo of the stones that are between the two photos,but iam not sure if i want to post that one. i dont want to give to much away. thanks for your input.

Thanks cw0909! Will have to check out that hoyo. I noticed there are some other rock walls across a small valley from there that don't look natural. Trying to figure out exactly how they fit together.

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