Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

[the top of the page is exhilarating!]
Lost Horse,
Good example of hidden in plain site!
There is also a gorilla face in the left lobe
of the heart below the face looking skyward
and a few other items as well..
good eye !

Guys what do you think of this image?
Can you tell me the signs you can see? I have found some intresting shapes, but I need your inputs

Attached picture
foto cerro 2.webp

Nice full face on upper right , pic lil fuzzy to see much detail.

Welcome Jesus
Thanks for posting your pic, as Goldguru so astutely said..
nice human face on the upper right, to the right of the face
is a 'book' meaning Bible, across the way on the upper left
is the stylistic image of an Owl, ( a gangsta owl if you will lol)
in front of the Owl is a sunsign of a Bird, looking to the right.

This may be an Omega, but it is very large for that, perhaps
a very early omega, of the Spanish Colonial Period of the late
16th Century,.early 17th,.

A clearer pic, and when you go back look for the will
confirm the site, be sure to take the pic at High Noon plus or
minus an hour,with your back to the sun, looking North.

It looks good Jesus Welcome to the site and hope
you will post a couple more pics in better focus, showing a
hoyo (hole) with the sky or ground behind it... or more detail.

Thanks Rangler I will do that and will send the pictures .

Could that be a cross on the breast of the Bird?
When you take new pictures please check it out.
okey dokey

Hello okey dokey.May be it is a cross but I taked the picture with zoom and 500 mts of distance, I will go that place again next saturday and I am going to take pictures with Rangler instructions, I will be there exacly in the place and I am going to find something like carvings or the hoyo and then post in the forum.Thanks for your observation.

Good luck jesus! Be safe. look forward to seeing your pics!

Hi guys: Sorry I would not be able to go at my site in the country, the weather its no good now, it is cloudy and very hot, near of 45 celsius degrees, the place is near 4 miles from the road and with that conditions it is danger walk there, there are not shadow places only rocks I will wait better weather and then go I promise to you send the pictures. Thanks

Thanks for the update Jesus
We will look forward to the new set of photos

Here is my take on some of these pix. Some have been revamp in the sense of inverting the picture to get a better view and then made origional again with the change so we can see signs/symbols better. I am sure that there ARE more to the pix, but this is one of my first attempts at analyzing since I have just found this site due to a recent intrest in this subject. Any input at all? Thanks to all that respond....



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This one too.........


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Hi dominick

In regards to Rattlesnakehill or RSH...that rocky rise is rather abundant in possible markers.

You have correctly pointed out two of them..the pointer one on top and the one below marked
marker ...fondly known as the seated guy. There's no mistaking them that's for sure.
The seated guy is quite interesting up close from any angle.

I know i posted this seated guy some i will post it again.

To me the main purpose of this marker - seated guy - was to show a trail split. No doubt there are other meanings. However it works well as a "there are two for this sort of for that sort of people."


The one on top is a propped up animal pointer.

The face is a possibility.. I've just started contemplating really big possible markers and really small ones. Never noticed that one before!
But not sure at all it is a face.


DM!! One suggestion,,, The seated guy could also mean,, he is now at the end of the Treasure Trail,, and is now resting!! All the Luck Lady! td


As I noted before, these words are coming from an EXTREMELY NEW guy, but here is MY observation............

Hope this makes sense.........



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What you see is a real possibility..i would really need to get out there and see what else is around. But it is too darn hot!

The window..i am not sure what it is. More signs, uncovered hole or a window. I've not examined it nor actually tired to follow signs/symbols in this local little area. You must remember..i am not expert at all so it is mostly speculation on my part.

I started out simply trying to follow/recognize trail markers. And that is what i am still doing almost a year later lol. Which works out well for me. I can only comment on what i think...not that it is truth. I've not looked closely, climbed all over this little spot.

The little vignette of seated guy has a lot of "advanced" signs and symbols (read that to mean i do not know positively what they mean.. :D ) But i never actually took a bearing from his sharped you could well be right. Two faced ...well thats a janus.The detail carving of his sleeve his interesting. The placement of his hand is interesting. There is a lot quite interesting about it and i am rambling.

The other little pointers would need better pictures.

Out of place rocks are good thing to notice as you did. Likely significant.

Over all your take on the matter looks reasonable to me..and i thank you!

I sometimes take a compass reading from one marker to another to check for patterns of alignment. Can be surprising. guy must have been hauling a heavy load ..cause he has been resting for a few hundred

Hello everybody, I have taked new pics of my place and Iam working in select better ones to show you and take your inputs.I would want to question next: What mean three signs together like an owl, bird and human face like my picture ?. why are together?, is the bird showing some travel?.Sorry Iam confused.

The Human face is standard operating procedure in fabrication an Alpha
monument, it is the easiest sign to recognize as we all spend the bulk of
our day looking at someones face or the other lol.

The Owl of Minerva means Cache,

The Bird is a Directional Sign.,with some subtleties that I will reveal in pm.

OK Rangler with your inputs I found sense to my picture, let me see if I am OK: The human face is there because is easy to see it and know is human made, tell there is a cache by the owl and follow the bird direction, Am I ok ?.

So question about this image, having read that these cacti live for hundreds of years, the arms look to be artificially re arraigned to me it kind of looks like a monkey pointing, but what is he doing and what does it mean? I rellay need to get back there and look the area over closely..... I have been told they also carved stuff into the cactus too....

BTY the petroglyph's look a lot like the ones at Newspaper rock in Petrified national.... I have photos of that too if anyone is interested...


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