Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

I agree,
A picture of a very high resolution is the very thing to use.
But May I suggest also if you are in doubt...
Take several pictures anyway. you may discover the confirmation later,
while in the field you will pass over the suspect and go on to bigger things.
Only to find out later at home under scrutiny that the questionable one is the key.
If the pictures prove to be useless they can be discarded later.

what you find in a picture is many times the answer to what seems missing in the field.


That is true Old Dog
many of my finds have been after I looked at the pic
once i was home and on the computer, and the tweeking
of the pics , like you suggested reversing them a BIG
help, lots of sign are made in the reverse and hid very
well even to the experienced eye.....
hope this helps some

The Jesuits knew the concept of compression-their marks could be spread out
and disappear, but with the compression of the camera lens, they re-appear!

The Basics...
The pictures you take are critical to your sucess

1. Take pics on a sunny day after the first day of Spring
2. Take all pics with your back to the Sun -Between 11am- to 1pm
3. Keep all shadows out of the shot, yours and other items.
4. For Alpha get the whole monument in the pic
5. Make sure if there is Hoyo, that you stand square to it..
6. Take close ups of any faces, letters, numbers, etc
7. Use 5 mega pixels or more so you can Zoom in close on your pc
8. Crawl over your pics on your pc, like an ant, cover every square inch!


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This one is worthy of a ride to the top


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Rangler " In fact I have located the line with the circles in them "

Can You talk more on this Rangler. What do they look like and what do they mean.

since i was about 8 yrs old iv been able to spot unnattural things. i could spot an arrowhead ten feet to the left or right at a jog. still that way. when im out and about in the field moving rigs i can point to an area and say to myself"if i were an indian, thats where i'd be". 90 % of the time im dead on. iv even found aincient human remains in the field by that process. kinda creepy, but hey the anasazi were not very particular about their remains.
On the same note, try to think as a spaniard. if i were moving through here following a trail, where would i be. i would be down on the easiest path to navigate with all relevant trail markers and whatnot visible from that vantage point. if i have to scale a rock wall and walk on foot for a considerable distance to only view the marker from a particular vantage point, its probably irrelavent. if i were a spaniard my izass would be on my horse chillin till it was time to do some diggin. remember, these men for all intents and purposes were the badest men to walk the face of the earth and they knew it.
now, iv never had the luxury of starting from an alpha, iv always come across markings and whatnot somewhere close to the middle or end of a trail, and on three occasions rolled right up on an "omega". in all instances, there was something visible from where the main path would have been to make you want to walk on up and get a closer look. on two of the omegas that iv come across, i reverse engineered the directions just for the fun of it and both were pretty simple working in reverse. may not have been so easy going the right way, but it sometimes seems as though people way overcomplicate things, when the answer is right in front of your face.

in a nutshell, try to think as the people whose footsteps you are following, and dont overcomplicate the situation. Sometimes things are easier than they appear.

You are correct Rigmover

I have several sites that I have found and only one was from Alpha to Omega, most like you
were intercepted in the middle , and then did the reverse engineering to get the rest of the
Putting yourself in their shoes gives you huge insights to the terrain and their thinking, logic
and common sense are two good hiking partners!
Intuition IS the key component to take you from hobby to pro! They used it and if you do too
you take leaps of giant steps forward

Rangler: Your last pic a couple posts up entitled "this pic shows an omega monument with 3-4 confirmation marks, can you find them?" has me stumped.

Obviously something there caught OD's attention due to his follow up post "This one is worthy of a ride to the top". I'm not sure if he's offering a clue or not, or if he just knows where to go based on what he sees.

But me, I'm totally stumped dude. Help?

Sure, remember these marks -for the most part are not Michelangelo sculptures,
I know you know that but for the students of basic training we need to set the tone.

The marks are subtle and meant to be hidden, in fact you will have to RE-focus your
vision to see these items.. I suggest you down load the pic as a screen saver, it is copyrighted
by me, but I know your not going to publish it anywhere, the reason is, it makes the pic big
and available all the time, and this might take some time. And its how I found my first marks.
an awesome eagle sun sign
ⓒ2009 all rights reserved-rangler

Here is what to look for..

1. The overall shape is of a head and neck, snake? or turtle? or?
doesnt matter what as much as it makes it stand out from the
surrounding landscape

2. Now you must look in the middle of the rock, about halfway
your notice the darker color, and some shadows.. here is an
Indian face? Looking to the right in profile. On his cheek is the
number 7. Under the 7, lying on its side is a 3.

3. Just up from this to the right the next small shadow is a tiny
owl shadow. Very close to this almost morphing it, because of
the time of day, later it will separate out to stand alone - is a X
4. Over more to the right is a shadow of an arrow, the critters eyes
this means 'go where he is looking pretty plain. Under this
is the letter Y on its side, with the Left leg darker. Telling you the
trail spits, ( the robber Y)
These items alone even without a hoyo, tell you that this is a verifiable Monument but there is more.. I will leave the others for a good test, once you see the ones I pointed out, look for the others!

A word of caution, once your eyes refocus or your brain really, you will start to see signs
and patterns of signs everywhere! Even in pic of foliage! This is normal, your brain once you
teach it something new, is well trained, and wants to find these in everything. I have
seen this happen to myself and every single person I have taught to see these signs.

The secret is to pull back, and once your mind sees what you think is a sign, stop and
look for the confirmation marks, the Codemakers knew of this fact too and that is the
reason for the confirmation marks! That and the back ground camo can fool even the
most experienced pros. The balance is the key, oh it is rare to see these with the naked
eye, the camera is your only friend here.

Oh here is one for you students of the Arcane, Is this an Alpha or Omega? and why?

Hope this helps CT - I appreciate the question!
let me know when you tork your brain over and SEE the light...ah er I mean the

" Ars est celere artem"
" the ART is in the concealing of the ART" .... old Latin Proverb
now that I have Two latin tutors, I am safe to resume Latin quotes! lol :tongue3:

rangler said:
...... A word of caution, once your eyes refocus or your brain really, you will start to see signs
and patterns of signs everywhere! Even in pic of foliage! This is normal, your brain once you
teach it something new, is well trained, and wants to find these in everything. I have
seen this happen to myself and every single person I have taught to see these signs.

The secret is to pull back, and once your mind sees what you think is a sign, stop and
look for the confirmation marks, the Codemakers knew of this fact too and that is the
reason for the confirmation marks! That and the back ground camo can fool even the
most experienced pros. The balance is the key, oh it is rare to see these with the naked
eye, the camera is your only friend here
. .....

Really? Did the "Spanish" use photography too to "confirm" the hidden marks?

Really? Did the "Spanish" use photography too to "confirm" the hidden marks?

I know you have always had a smart ass attitude about my posts, but you continue
to want to avail yourself to what knowledge I do have, I just wish you would act more
like a civil person and a man about it..your negative snide remarks only thinly disguised
your obvious attempts at 'fishing'.
"where there is honey, there is bees"...old latin saying
That term is only used by people who pretend NOT to want the information.,for the most part the rest of the members of this forum, simply ask the questions straight out..simple, easy..but I guess your ego just wouldn't allow it.
You seem to need to condescend! This one leg up attitude gets you no where with me..
no one needs that..I truly think you know a lot, but you never write any posts where
you actually help others, I think because you fear being attacked like you have attacked
me and others, I am not looking for a pissing contest.
What I am looking for is cooperation
with you and others, to lay down a series of posts, that teach and reveal information and
data, not trying to impeach what truth is laid out for folks. /rant over/

In the greater interest of others gaining this information , I will answer your question this time..
Please in the future, just ask the question , if I know anything about it, I will simply answer
with no further editorial content.
Really? Did the "Spanish" use photography too to "confirm" the hidden marks?

Yes actually, well kinda..I have written about this in the past a couple of times..but it is
the Concept of Compression! The Codemakers understood and received this concept
for Galileo's telescope a timely invention, that was very expensive and NO ordinary
person could afford. This gave them tremendous security in the hiding and concealing
of there signs.
When you look thru binoculars or monocular the field of veiw is greatly compressed in order
to magnify the area of concern. When that happens the elements of the sign or symbols that
purposely spread out as to NOT conform the normal focus and understanding , are by that
nature are HIDDEN...then once you view the area , thru the magnification the area becomes
foreshortened and magnified and COMPRESSED.

Once the image is compressed the shadows and sunlight planes are squeezed back together and NOW can be seen with the normal focus that we are born with..Perfect camouflage, little known, the lenses to uncover these items at the Codemakers time was rare and expensive. Again perfect security..
They just didn't know about the future and camera's and computers..try this for you self..take a
cheap disposable camera in the field, to a known site, that you known the signs are there..but cant see them with the naked eye. When you look thru the camera lens , you will see the >compressed< image and see for your self what was invented by the Codemakers 300 years ago!
So there is your honest answer to a smart ass question

:nothing new under the verse

Yes!! And my guess is the Codebreakers in the Expeditions,, were trained from a young age to read these signs,, and too what time of the year they were best visible,, and also the time of day!! The Codebreakers were Professionals of their day,, they not only knew what signs to look for,, but where on the trail, these signs would be!! They at the very least worked 6 days a week,, and only the very worst of weather would keep them in camp! TD

PS. They Did not have Easy Chairs in Camp!

" Accepting This Reality Without Questions,, Makes Possible Their Deceptions " td

CanadianTrout said:
Obviously something there caught OD's attention due to his follow up post "This one is worthy of a ride to the top". I'm not sure if he's offering a clue or not, or if he just knows where to go based on what he sees.

If you practice this long enough It can seem that way. You just naturally follow the trail. Can't say it is instinctive, I can see where these guys walked. Maybe it is that 6th sense you guys speak of.
It could also be more than 35 years of experience. Just do it long enough it becomes a natural thing.

Old Dog said:
I can see where these guys walked. Maybe it is that 6th sense you guys speak of.
I know exactly what you are talking about. i can walk up on a campsite/ruins look around and almost see the aincient people walking around me. to me its a very peaceful feeling of confidence.

Greetings Argonauts
Please try to understand that the normal everyday focus of our eyes and brain
is to see what the sun lights up, and ignore the shadows. This sounds like a simple
sentence, but I assure you that normal focus you are missing half of what is displayed
by the Monument builders and the code makers~!
A good exercise to do download a known monument and save it as your screen saver
and look at it everyday, and I will tell you that, one day, your eyes will refocus and you
will see the shadows and the signs as they are meant to be seen, by the makers.

Practice this and soon you will be able to see what is hidden in plain site!

Yes Rangler, you once again are right. I have all my photos saved on three different flash drives. Every now and then instead of flipping channels on T.V. I study my pictures. You will see things that were there the whole time and missed because of lack of experience. Yes you will always have the once that will say it is just natural but I have found as many as 10 signs in one given area all confirming one another. " JUST LIKE YOU SAY ".

Thanks Victorio
and you might try reversing them as well, once you have gleaned
what you can in the regular format, as Old Dog has shown here
when you reverse the image other things pop out that where hidden
the Jesuits were BIG or GIB on reverse images~~Left most people
out of the loop, not to mention backward letters or numbers as well!

Yes sir,
I have said a few things about reversed letters and numbers as well
the most important part of the trail is to see the signs. ALL OF THEM.
if you miss a few you will find your self on the trail to who knows where.

Pay attention to detail and you will stay on the true trail through history.

Greetings Argonauts
Please try to understand that the normal everyday focus of our eyes and brain
is to see what the sun lights up, and ignore the shadows. This sounds like a simple
sentence, but I assure you that normal focus you are missing half of what is displayed
by the Monument builders and the code makers~!

I agree with that statement
Here is a Photo of a Site I am currently working on
Which soon will be Posted on my thread

Here is a good example of one out cropping having so many messages
Depending on the Direction your coming from
And also the Time of Day is a big factor

If you don't take your time you will surly miss out
on some of the most incredible works of Rock Art
that was left behind in secret

Lost Horse

Bear Claw 01.webp

Bear Claw 02.webp

Face 01.webp

Face 01 a.webp

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