Treasure hunting on the beaches?

I agree with Cornelius, One set of rakes set shallow to collect the seaweed, and one set of rakes that go deep to collect the other debris (and goodies). I think you will have a big problem though with the sorting size and being able to find small items. If your rakes are too small you will pick up evey shell and rock on the beach and I dont think that will go over too well!

PegLeg, I like your idea, but if its for the treasure coast, I also think you will have a big uproar from the Locals and Metal Detectorist.

Robert in SC

The machine would not go all that deep-at the most maybe 6 inches.
I can not see where it would upset the locals because this would pickup the bottles. plastic and aluminum cans and MAYBE some of the Man O Wars that are blown ashore.
It will also pickup food that is not picked up and left to rot and think of the PULL TABS that will be removed along with all the paper plates and cups that litter the beach all the time.
A lot of people got upset when they brought in that crappy sand from Orlando that was mixed with all sort of trash and crap and speaking of crap it also picks up Dog Crap.
When the facts are explained to the locals I do not think there would be many objections.
Of course the MDer would not care for this all that much until it was explained that there would not be many Pull Tabs left around.
In fact I see not reason to clean the beachs more than once a week unless of course there was a storm ::) ::).
Now what do you think that you can see the whole picture?
Peg Leg.

I just talked with the Brevard County Clerks office and they had NO idea who I have to talk to concerningthe cleaning of the beaches.
Anyone out there has any idea who I must get in touch with?
Peg Leg

Well my friends I found who was responsible for the beachs.
State of Florida DEP, the County and maybe even the city where the beach is located.
There is more:
ALL beaches in the State of Florida cannot be cleaned with anything other than by hand from May 1 to Oct 31.
This is Turtle Nesting time.
You cannot go any deeper than 2 inches.
You cannot get within 10 feet of the High Tide line.
It is also recommended that the seaweed stay in place-is kelp considered seaweed?
The turtle area starts in Brevard county and covers every county even through the Gulf of Mexico beaches and includes EVERY beach in and around the Keys.
This sure gives me time to construct my machine ;D ;D :-\.
Believe it or not I would not harm a single turtle if at all possible.
Check this out:
I am still thinking this over.
Peg Leg

Ya Peg, this idea is over. Unless you can get 5' under the sand you won't find anything but trash. When do you want to go over to the other site? Are you healthy now?

Yes Pete I am almost back to 100%.
I have plans for next week starting this Monday
The area of interest we were discussing is very shallow and I don't think your boat will get there. I am thinking about buying a JON boat USED of course.
Of course if you can get a flat bottom boat we WILL go this weekend.
As far as the beach cleaning project goes I'm allowed to go into the tide line to no more than 2 inches of water. There are several ways I can operate this cleaner and still be LEGAL???.
I am thinking about having blades that go 6" into the sand. This is what can be classed as AERIATING THE SAND. I can show the DEP that this is a good thing. The piece of equipment that I am considering also has a spray bar that sprays disinfectant onto the sand to kiil harmfull bacteria. I have a list of the bacteria.
I was also thinking about having someone riding with me with a MD-JUST IN CASE.
GONNA TAKE SOME SERIOUS PLANNING and a few bucks to do this right.
Peg Leg

Check out this site.
I just received a price list from one of the manufacture of Beach Cleaning equipment.
It starts at $12,000.00 and goes up to $75,000.00 WITHOUT the towing vehicle.
It is not cheap by anymeans.
I believe that I can built a better one for under $10,000.00 minus the towing vehicle.
I am thinking about buying a friends 4x4 pickup truck and cutting it down into a Special towing vehicle similar to a SHORT DOG used for towing house trailers.
PM to me and I will provide the contacts if you are serious.
Peg Leg

Pegleg, can you refresh my memory about what you are trying to accomplish and why you would want to take all this on? I re-read the thread but am not sure if you are truly wanting to clean the beaches for a living (hobby) or just hoping you may scrape up a few grand in modern jewelry?

To be honest I am not really sure why I am interested.
A job I do not need nor want.
I hope that no one minds if I post my feelings on this open forum.
I want to create a few jobs for people who are disabled like myself and make a few dollars in doing this at the same time.
If I recover anything then that would be great but if not so what.
When this Beach Cleaning idea first came up YES I was thinking about recovering a few artifacts.
But the more I got involved the more serious I became and this past weekend really brought this to a head. My 4 year old grandson went to the beach with his mom. He was playing in the sand when he cut his hand pretty bad. It seems that there was a broken beer bottle under the sand and he reached down and it cut his hand open.He had to go to the ER. Nothing serious is fine today.
Yes I know about the TURTLE NESTING and all that but I checked with the County people and then the State of Florida DEP and found there are NO beach cleaning permits issued from Sebastian Inlet to Jupiter Inlet and as their records NO ONE has ever applied for any
I am converting my company AUDIA RESOURCES LLC into a non profit company. By doing this I can apply for GRANTS to be able to purchase the equipment it will take to clean the beaches. With Grants I could afford to acquire what is needed to get the job done.
Yes I expect to recover some artifacts along the way and maybe some modern items as well and if I do then FINE and if I do not thats fine also.
Well there is a little more involved but that will come later.
What I need to find is someone to write the Grant paper for me.
Any one out there want to help let me know by PM.
As you can see there is a little more to me than most expected ;D ;D.
Have a great day everyone.
Peg Leg

I thought about the fun of running a smaller homemade machine up and down the beaches. After looking at the other machines and links, this would be a REGULAR job. What’s worse, I can only imagine the permits involved, waiting on the city government bidding process, and reporting for work on a schedule… ~whew~ got control of my emotions and I’ll be swinging in the surf tomorrow afternoon.

St.Pete Beach is full of golden spring breakers donating to my church and favorite charity; ‘Our Lady of the Permanent Tan Line’.


forget about beach cleaning machines.just bring a garbage bag with you when you md the beach.fill it with trash an put it in a nearby trash can.fill in your holes so no one breaks a leg or foot.after the hurricanes from a few yrs ago,our beaches were flooded from MD'ers from up north.i cant remember how many holes i filled in after i picked the metal trash out of them,dam near broke my foot in one hole i stepped in when out at night.beach patrol an lifeguards and cops will like you more if you help cleanup the beach while looking for treasure.respect the beach,it belongs to everyone.


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The problems are many but as we all know when the SNOBIRDS flock to the beaches most could care less what trash they leave behind. I recall one time while MD near New Smyrna Beach I started walking through OIL patches and it stuck to my shoes. I had to leave the beach.
Except where tourist go the State could care less UNLESS it is brought to their attention then MAYBE just maybe something would be done-doubt it though.
How many of you have ever been to the Sabastian beach area? Not very many I would say except for those MDing. For those that have been there did you notice that the walkways are gone and have been for a few years. Does this tell you something?
The State has a book filled with Laws about what you can and cannot do but it is the Public that has to push what the State should be doing about the UPKEEP of ALL Public beaches.
I am applying for a GRANT from the State and the Federal Government to help me secure the funds to purchase the proper equipment to see that THESE beaches are clean and kept clean-after the Turtle Nesting season has ended on Nov 1. This gives only 4 months to clean the public beachs. With this equipment I can clean these areas very very good.
I do not MD the beaches but I am concerned.
The State spent MILLIONS bringing trash dirt from Orlando and I am talking about TRASH DIRT.
During my research I fvound that a few places this dirt came from were CONDEMED as unfit for humans BUT the State allowed this CRAP to be dumped where humans would be using this DIRT. In fact one BORROW PIT was used as a TRSH DUMP SITE for construction material a few years ago and poluted the water.
More Later

Going to look at a 14' jon boat this evening.
It has a small electric trolling motor(can't use)
I am looking for a small hp gas motor.
Just tired to asking other people for the use of their boat when it is convent for them and most of the time they have full time jobs and can't get away.
Does anyone know where I can find one CHEAP?
Yes this is about Treasure Hunting but NOT in the ocean. I have a few places of interest on the water that I think it is time to check out. Would prefer one in my general area that I can go and pick up.
Peg Leg

Get a copy of the Boat Trader Magazine at any 7-11. New edition every Friday.

A friend of a friend told me of a jon boat, trailer and trolling motor for under $600.
Is this a good deal?
Peg Leg

Looked at the jon boat last night it had a hole in the bottom.
Forget this deal.
Peg Leg


What I want is a boat for few specific projects.
There is TREASURE available and its not all in the ocean.
Gonna be a Great Summer.
Peg leg

Well my friends,
I think that I will go one step further.
I am thinking about putting plastic 50 gallon drums about every 500 feet in beach sections where the public really goes-of course there are sections where only seagulls go so no trash cans here.
I will do this OUT OF POCKET.
It would sure look good in my application to the State for Beach cleaning permits.
Here is a little information also that I find interesting.
There is a eastimated 10 pounds of aluminum cans on the beach to be picked up every monday for every 1/4 mile of beach.
There are an estimated 15 pounds of glass and plastice containers that can be recovered in this same distance.
There is also over 2 tons of seaweed that can also be recovered in this same area. Of course the seaweed is wet.
The area consist of 1320 feet x 150 feet.
Of course there are areas where the tide goes right up to the sand dunes as shown by SEAHUNTER and a few others in the photos that have been posted.
I noticed in the photos of Jupiter Inlet there appears to be steps created by the wave action. This might create a problem but will have to check it out to see how big of a problem this will be. But the high tide will change all this and a few storms will also change everything.
The area that I will bid on consist of over 45 miles of beach.
One hell of a LARGE area DON'T YOU THINK?
Just thinking out loud. BUT just think what is laying in the sand to be recovered.
Peg Leg

Now this really TICKS me off.
Check out the Photos of the JUPITER INLET TODAY. enlarge the photo and see what is taking place on the North side of the Inlet. I see Heavy Construction equipment being used and a big pile of sand. Of course I do not have any idea what is going on BUT the State DEP plainly states that NO mechincial equipment can be used on the beaches between March 1 to Oct 31 because of the TURTLS NESTING.
Are they adding sand to the Jetty or sifting the sand for other reasons. If they are adding sand to the Jetty then this can be done by pushing the sand into place. They do not have to pile the sand into a large mond.
By the way there IS a wreck just to the East of where this work is taking place.
When you look at the picture you will also notice ATV tracks on the beach on the south side of this Inlet.
It appears that there is a buildup of sand caused by wave action and low and high tide.
BE CAREFUL if you are going to the beachs this week-the MAN O WARS are really being washed ashore.
Peg Leg

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