Treasure Hunt Investors - TV Pilot

I have a great lead about pirate treasures in Connecticut, but, I am not interesting in giving my information to people that I do not know. I agree with # 10 for sure.

Ho Hum ! Wake me when the show is cancelled.

I have a great lead about pirate treasures in Connecticut, but, I am not interesting in giving my information to people that I do not know. I agree with # 10 for sure.
Goes back to "You can have the Fame or have the money." Not both. If they film you doing a recovery then Treasure Trove act comes in and then the Antiquities Act comes in. They get the show and you end up with Zip. IMO

I can see it now pitch the location of your treasure ,Like if you had one you wouldnt have pillaged and plundered it all ready. Like pawn stars or American pickers lets see 5 million in gold ok Ill give you 200 dollars not a penny more. ok dahhhhh Ill take it those pawn star people are plain nut bags. So if the investers like my treasure map they will send in thier pirates and take my Booty,. k Anything for ratings

I can see it now pitch the location of your treasure ,Like if you had one you wouldnt have pillaged and plundered it all ready. Like pawn stars or American pickers lets see 5 million in gold ok Ill give you 200 dollars not a penny more. ok dahhhhh Ill take it those pawn star people are plain nut bags. So if the investers like my treasure map they will send in thier pirates and take my Booty,. k Anything for ratings

Maybe we should take a page from old Pegleg, and sell them some maps. Or maybe some for the LDM. We wouldn't be the first ones to do that either.

Maybe we should take a page from old Pegleg, and sell them some maps. Or maybe some for the LDM. We wouldn't be the first ones to do that either.

interesting idea, more than enough clever, informed, and inventive posters here to assemble the 'clues' to show a pattern
"The Hopeful Treasure Map"

interesting idea, more than enough clever, informed, and inventive posters here to assemble the 'clues' to show a pattern
"The Hopeful Treasure Map"

I could give them one that was cleaned out in 1912. LOL But is just across the line from Lukeville, AZ into Mexico. Put 4 different stories together and ended up on this side looking with 10X50's at the site. Found out later it had been Excavated in 1912. I've noticed that all the stories never tell you that it has been found, except for Fisher of course. And the Gov still took most of it from him.

I would cut it from whole cloth, for the treasure a cu ft of chocolates in gold foil (with some old lead in the bottom)
a clue . . .

edit: so essential elements could include . . .
(picture the constellations of treasure tales as you look up at them - what are the linkages ?)
should/could include pre-clovis, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Moslems, Olmec, Maya, Aztec of course, what else ?
Confederate gold, FBI, what ? ?

edit2: the Mississippian Smelters and Artifacts ?

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Goes back to "You can have the Fame or have the money." Not both. If they film you doing a recovery then Treasure Trove act comes in and then the Antiquities Act comes in. They get the show and you end up with Zip. IMO
I believe that the great Karl van Muller said that first and many times. Great advice that I agree with.

Would rather see it as a documentary outlining how a successful search and hunt was accomplished.

Too many hyped-up non-events on the networks as it is.
I total agree with you, my friend. Good hunting and good luck.

Treasure Hunter Seeks Investors for Discovery

To Whom It May Concern;

Well damn I hope that this isn't too late. For eight years I have been working at uncovering the mystery of the lost gold bars of Camp McKinney in southern BC. The Cariboo-Amelia Gold Mine was bought and developed by a group from Spokane, WA led by James Monaghan. His mansion still stands proudly as the music department for the Gonzaga University in Spokane.

In August of 1896, a gold shipment was robbed of three bricks weighing over 55 pounds. The thief was eventually identified and tracked down. He had hidden the two larger bars as they were too heavy to smuggle out of the area. When he returned to retrieve them, he was shot dead in a bungled attempt to recover them at all costs. By using the facts contained in the BC Provincial Police files, I found the probable robbery site and his hiding spot. Over subsequent summers of searching, I found over twenty pieces of hardware directly related to the thief and thus learned how he pulled off the heist - he merely camped and waited for the gold shipment to come to him on the only eastern mine route to the rail head. The hardware had been purposefully buried in three sites close to each other.

But two of the best, modern detectors cannot accurately penetrate the depth needed to confirm their location. I am now in need of investors for better equipment. I just might be a suitable fit to your needs assuming this project has gone forward. You can review my efforts to date at and

Looking forward to answering any questions that you may have.
James Elliott
aka jimiboy

Guys, it's legit. The company is developing a show where you pitch your story to investors.

For now they need to shoot a pilot or sizzle reel: an example short to display what the show will look like and how it operates. They are looking for someone here who wants to be in this pilot short as if they are doing the show.

They will then take the short and promote it to a channel who may or may not commission a series of the show.

If the channel does green light it, the show will go into full production and later (successful) applicants can then pitch to investors.

Yes, if you keep your message to them on subject, you sound normal, have something to offer and think you might want to do the pilot you will get a reply.

Good day,
My name is Renerio Cenabre, a treasure hunter from Philippines. We have various good treasure sites that requires good detectors and locators that you have. Can you assist us recovering the Japanese Treasure during World War 2.

Best regards,
Renerio Cenabre

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Good day,
My name is Renerio Cenabre, a treasure hunter from Philippines. We have various good treasure sites that requires good detectors and locators that you have. Can you assist us recovering the Japanese Treasure during World War 2. If you want to hear stories of my treasure sites please email me @

Best regards,
Renerio Cenabre

Renerio Cenabre, sorry, you can not use TreasureNet to generate funding or backing, it violates our rules.

"You may not... use the forums for any fundraising purposes.

You may not... request the donation of money or material goods, either to yourself or to any other person or organization."

Wow, old thread resurrected.

If anyone was wondering, no the show never got sold/commissioned/greenlit whatever.

I’d like to be on a show like this, on some else’s treasure goal, though. I just don’t have any hunts of my own currently. I’m not a known TV personality, but think I would be good, possibly along with others, to be on a show like this

I’d like to be on a show like this, on some else’s treasure goal, though. I just don’t have any hunts of my own currently. I’m not a known TV personality, but think I would be good, possibly along with others, to be on a show like this
Good day Sir, good to hear that but they said it is not allowed here on looking partners

Taking investor money without any film production is a crime.

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