Treasure fever (La Trinité)

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Done it (with the help of the admin).

Hey, I wrote this piece and I spent 18 months on it. I'm really glad you posted it, Alexandre, but I would request that you reproduce only the first few paragraphs and then link to Hakai. Magazines can't survive financially--nor pay authors--without traffic to their site, which convinces foundations to continue funding, or advertisers to pay for ads. Thanks!

Maybe you should ask that to the US Navy...

"[FONT=&quot]As to other artifacts removed from the [/FONT]Yorktown site without the Navy's permission, as well as to those artifacts removed without permission from other sunken U.S. Naval vessels or aircraft, the U.S. Navy has a strong policy against paying money for the return of its own property. It will not abandon its claims, and at any time it may renew its efforts to obtain such property, even after the passage of many years."

I find it funny how at the time of a "loss" of ship / cargo... no claims were made...

And "after" (like after a war) ... no claims were made...

And subsequent years even decades upon decades passing... and yet still no claims are made...

Then when someone finds it.

Claims are made.

Maybe you should ask that to the US Navy...

"[FONT="]As to other artifacts removed from the [/FONT]Yorktown site without the Navy's permission, as well as to those artifacts removed without permission from other sunken U.S. Naval vessels or aircraft, the U.S. Navy has a strong policy against paying money for the return of its own property. It will not abandon its claims, and at any time it may renew its efforts to obtain such property, even after the passage of many years."

I did.

They tackled me and threw me overboard.


Thanks! If you are on twitter tag Hakai and let them know :icon_thumleft:

I really liked it...
Also... Tell Chad I liked his artwork.
I will link it for you.

I saw another member post a another thread... cant remember if a link was included or not.

You'll find... in writing more about this / these subjects...
you will always have an audience.

Keep it up. :)

Thanks! If you are on twitter tag Hakai and let them know :icon_thumleft:

What is twitter ?


Nah no twitter for me... I am too cool for that :P

Meide’s first reaction when he heard La Trinité had likely been discovered was joy, but his second reaction was horror. “The worst thing that could happen to a shipwreck is to be found by a treasure hunter. Better that it not be found at all,” he says, rocking back in his desk chair on the day in late August that I visit him at the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum. He was worried about the worst-case scenario—Pritchett going out at night, diving to the wreck, and stealing artifacts.

I've never met either man, Pritchett or Meide.

As I read the article, I noticed how similar their background motivation is; fascination with treasure hunting, history, and/or the thrill of discovery. Indeed, that's why most of us are here. And "here" isn't only on TNet, "here" is the world population of people interested in this issue and can be viewed as the legitimate audience of the story. “They’re like children who just got finished reading Treasure Island”. Aren't we all?

Who isn't fascinated by the Tale of 1565, Menendez and Ribault?

Here's the difference, as I see it: Pritchett found the wreck and Meide didn't. It's hard not to read jealousy into Miede's rather harsh statement. I was frankly shocked that he said, "Better that it not be found at all". and“Bobby Pritchett went rogue.”

I've not heard that from a decade of reading TNet posts from treasure hunters speaking about other treasure hunters, supposed competitors.

When I hear that mouse toenails, spider jaws, rat bones, and cockroach shells are really interesting, pardon moi for being a skeptic. All of those pests, and fleas too, were on board every ship that ever sailed. If that's fascinating, then here is a whole fresh line of study that I don't think jealousy will be a factor in a lifetime of it. So I call BS.

Bobby Pritchet: congratulations on your find and for funding it on your own. You are living our dreams, and thanks for wanting to bring those to the present and sharing them with us.

Whether it will prove to be the La Trinité or the Spanish ship of Menendez (or whether that will even be allowed to be questioned now that it's the judicial and archaeological dogma) remains to be seen. And now to be examined honestly.

I just hope it will remain to be seen in our lifetime, and all of us "children" don't have to wait until the last DNA study of the ship's cockroach population is complete.

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“The worst thing that could happen to a shipwreck is to be found by a treasure hunter. Better that it not be found at all”

I've read some stupid stuff in my life, but this ranks right up there near the top.

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well old chuckie was a contact pointman at the state of Florida when I found out my info on the vessel in Nassau sound * --the Spotswood letter to Lord Stanhope written Oct 24th ,1715 in its the end --stated that a barcolonga was sent from Havana to pick up VIP'S and royal treasure from the wrecksites of the 1715 fleet --and that it wrecked about 15 leagues ( 39 miles at 2.6 miles per league) to the north of this port ( St Augustine) which places it in Nassau sound between Amelia island and Talbot island -- the letter was written by Spotswood in hopes of gaining royal approval to loot the wreck but the king was leery of giving royal approval for doing it fearing it could restart the war that was just settled (1701 - 1714) -- of course chucks boss at the time Wheeler was famously anti treasure hunter as is most if not all of the state archies -- I once attended undercover a archie confab at the St Augustine lighthouse to see what they were up to -- the florida state archies actually got up on stage and bragged about how another year has gone by with NO NEW SALVAGE PERMITS BEING ISSUED … in simple terms they were blocking the issuing of permits … the exact thing that was barred by the judge in the mel fisher settlement ...the judge knowing that the feds and state govt were pissed at losing said --YOU WILL set up a system for ISSUING PERMITS .. the state has since made it into a system to issue all permits EXCEPT ACTUAL SALVAGE PERMITS --so treasure hunters do all the free research for the state with no "pay off" in the end … very crooked operators there

they even praised my "research" saying it was "solid" but then said since wreck was in a "aquatic preserve zone" that no permit could be issued since I might "disturb the bottom" while looking for the treasure ...never mind the fact that the army corp of enginners had dredged the area and pumped the sand off the bottom to "rebuild the shoreline" on the southern tip of Amelia Island if that isn't "disturbing the bottom" what is?---but ok for them to do it but not you cuz your a "treasure hunter" OH DID I FAIL TO SAY THE SEA CHARTS OF THE AREA SAY -- SHIFTING BOTTOM DO NOT RELY ON DEPTHS ON CHART /so there is really no set bottom to "disturb" since the seabed in the area in content flux)---then they offered me the "deal"--if I signed off all rights as the finder of the wreck site as far as treasure and artifact went --they would get govt funding to fund the recovery ala "lead clean up" and use college students and get colleges to apply for permits -- I would get the right to say "I found it" and any book or movie rights --but no artifacts or treasure --I told them exactly were to stick that "deal"

I am happy that neither wheeler nor chuck work for the state of florida archie dept but the new crop is just as bad as they were in my view..know that when dealing with the state of florida archie dept --that you have a crooked jockey riding the horse..who will issued all permits to you to have you gather info for them ...but that WILL NOT ISSUE NEW SALVAGE / RECOVERY PERMITS



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Great post Ivan.

That is a wealth of info on how these guys' operate.

What we always have to come back to is they suck up public money and never have much to show for it. But no one seems to care.

Article Smithsonian magazine "A shipwreck off Floridas coast pits Archaeologists against Treasure Hunters"

Attn: Bobby Pritchett
Lets hope that you have taken the folder with all the GPS locations out of your house and hidden it somewhere so that if the state-feds-France thought up a reason for a search warrant that they would get NOTHING.
You have created a new folder with fake GPS locations of artifacts.
You have created a new folder with fake GPS locations of artifacts in the location where Meide and France Archies tried to find the wrecksite on their own using government money.
You have dumped a lot of contemporary metal at various sites in the general location of the artifacts you have located. Remember you still have the REAL GPS locations so you can go back to find them any time you want after Florida-France has compensated you for your years of work.


the "ALLEGED" discovery of the La Trinite...

I have seen nothing that confirms the shipwreck.

in reference to the publications and cartoons referenced this thread....amusing at best.

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As I said:

Whether it will prove to be La Trinité or the Spanish ship of Menendez (or whether that will even be allowed to be questioned now that it's the judicial and archaeological dogma) remains to be seen.

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