Hi Bigcypresshunter. Here's my theory......the family of Joanne Hall make the momentous decision to take a business trip to some Caribbean locale, perhaps some trading venture. My guess, given the very strylish english engraving on the medallion, is a British port, such as Port Royal.
Mr. Hall could have been from Norfolk, or Newport, Virginia, or wherever. In the course of this romantic and adventurous journey, Mrs. Hall, although 41 years of age, becomes with child. In this caribbean port, they find conditions are primitive, and the rate of infant mortality is high, especially for women beyond their ideal childbirth age, and when Mrs. has her baby, she tragically dies three days after birth. They give her the old English name "Joanne" which means "God is gracious".
The Halls decide to return to Virginia, and to have Joanne buried there. Mr. Hall has the local silversmith engrave a medallion showing Joanne's critical dates of birth and death. She is embalmed? and placed in a coffin, and the Halls book passage on a ship sailing early in January. Two or three weeks into their journey a violent storm wrecks the ship, depositing Joanne's tiny coffin and her remains on shore. 160 years later the very purpose of the medallion placed around her neck, a remembrance of her all too brief little life, is wonderfully fulfilled, and, thanks to your search the circle is finally closed. That's my theory.