Traveled 4 1/2 hours to find.....


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Feb 3, 2005
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OK...Am on vacation this week....having a great time on the beach!!! After doing all the fun stuff one might do while on vacation, I finally got to go out and hunt last night! You have probably already guessed what the first thing I found was! Yea.....more of the same! How could this be possible! Is someone playing a cruel joke on me?! LOL!'s really really big!!! Don't know why it would be on the beach??? Don't have a clue as to what caliber....Any guesses and or condolances?!? :D

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Nana n Florida? ?;)


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The fifty caliber bullet is quite common around my neck of the woods. ?My gun club has several members who shoot 50 caliber Barrett rifles on our 600 yard range. ?I am a shooter, gun collector and reloader and I have several of those same type bullets somewhere out in my equipment. ?I don't shoot or reload for that caliber but I have carried around a bullet or two at times just to show to my friends. ?It is completely harmless unless you happen to swallow it! ?Then you could probably recover it intact in a couple of days! ?;D ?The fifty caliber machine gun has been our military's standard heavy machine gun since just after WWI. ?It is usually vehicle mounted like on a tank, light armored vehicles or even a Hummer. ?It was the standard armament for our aircraft from just before WWII until just after the Korean Conflict. ?Notably it was used on the P51 Mustang, the WWII bombers and the F86 Sabre jet. ?Modern ?aircraft are usually now armed with an even bigger 20 mm or 30 mm cannon, but that's off the subject. ?That taped segment we all saw of the Iraqui vehicle trying to attack our troops and was shot to pieces was a victim of the 50 cal. machine gun mounted on a Bradly light armored troop carrier. ?Well, I could go on but that's probably more than you ever wanted to know about the 50 cal. machine gun round. ?What I am getting at is , it is a neat find, but nothing to get alarmed about. ?JIM

I can't believe you traveled off that mountain....all the way to Florida....from find another bullet. You're the Queen of Ammo.

Check out the tide charts and hunt during low tide. I found all of my rings between the low tide line and the dry sand. You can do it, nana! Get yourself a diamond ring!! Good luck.

Hey!! Thanks for all the replies, prayers and information!! I need all I can get!!! I just really thought you all would get a really good laugh....compliments of Nana! ;D
Low tide is nearing so....

Let's go and see what I can dig up!

Nana ;)

50 cal boattail spitzer flatpoint best shape for long range and velocity :o

There must be a lot of people still playing guns... I find a bullet just about every time I go out...
My cousin has found a few of that caliber still with the casing. Not sure what there doing in a city park, but there out there...
Good luck, & Happy hunting~

When I was in the Air Force, I was stationed on an island called Shemya in the Aluetian Islands in Alaska. This island was the base used to drive the japanese from our soil during WWII. The japanese had their base several islands down the line. After the war, the base commander was told they could leave the island as soon as everything was buried. There was a beach we called Ammo Beach. The GI's dug big pits and buried thousands upon thousands of rounds. They also dumped them on the beach. The wave action over the years washed the bullets, gunpowder, and the primer material out of the cartridges. I have a picture of a buddy holding an old land mine over his head the size of a dinner plate.

LOL, Nana you sound like you would really clean up on a Civil War site. There you could dig up bullets all day long along with boot nails. ;)
Seriously, I hope the surf will yield at least a few of it's good treasures. HH

Civil War story Nana, not my typical nonsense. My Grandmother said her grandfather was killed in the Civil War. He was a son of the south. The battle was fought somewhere close to their home. The bodies were left on the field where they lay and the families would go out after dark and search for their missing loved ones. They couldn't use a lantern to risk being shot at so they would feel their feet to identify them. Her Grandfather wore homemade shoes and that's how they found him. I can't imagine anything as horrible as the civil war in spite of modern warfare weapons and the way war is conducted now compared to then. They would just line up and march to point blank range and shoot each other. If not that they would march directly into the muzzle fire of cannons and be mowed down by the hundreds! There were no antibiotics or miracle drugs like now and a wound meant sure death unless it was a limb that could be amputated, without anesthesia most of the time! Many lingered for days in terrible agony from horrible wounds. So, when we go about recovering fragments of those battles , let's remember what sacrifices were made by both sides. Let's bow our heads in a moment of silent reverence for all those who sacrificed the utmostfor those of us who live today. Let's do so not just for the civil war heros but for all our armed forces, both those of yore and their contemporaries who are willing to risk it all so that we may live in peace and comfort. JIM

So tue jim....Every time you hold an old bullet or grapeshot you have to wonder if it actaully took someones life, kinda a strange feeling holding it....

Wow yall....I am in awe at the great replies on this one!!!!

I have just returned home and am going to have dinner......will show you my results of 4 hours total digging this week on the beach in just a bit.... ;)

Looks like someone lost their souvenir from their tour in the military. It's from an M-2 50 Cal. machine gun. It's the bullet without the shell.

Back from Florida..... ? :-\

Really had a GREAT time and didn't want to return home.... :'( ?but as usual all good things must come to an end and so it did....
Was really busy doing all one could possibly do in five days in Florida. Walking the never ending beach, sunning, swimming, snorkeling, playing golf, going to all the amusement parks and eating great seafood. Loved the snorkeling but stayed out TOO long!
Forgot to put sunscreen on the backside! LOL! ?:D I had to squeeze in the hunting but did manage a few hours....both times at about midnight but hunting just the same. Of course you know the first thing I found and added three more the next night! In total with MXT I found---

4 bullets
2 cars--gave one away
1 1/2 tent stakes
1 battery
24 1/2 pulltabs
34 bottle tops
1 wine top
1 washer
$0.59 in coins
My opinion of this site: Everyone spent all their money on drinks! ?:D

Although I didn't find any gold or silver this week.......I did find serenity.....and I am counting on it to last till the next trip! ?::)

Oh....and thanks for all the great stories and information!!! ?;)

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Nana ?;)


  • floridafinds.webp
    53 KB · Views: 274
AWW!....... Thanks Jake! :)



Great stuff none the less ;D I love the display. Moved to Florida from Michigan. It almost seems unfair to live here but I love it.



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