Transporting Goods

By all means continue bigscoop. Bowl of ice cream in hand.

That just isn't going to be it ain't a 100% local thing or purely southern thing then it simply ain't going to be allowed here. :laughing7: But that's ok, this final attempt was nothing more then a test with the fully anticipated outcome already factored in. If they don't even want to entertain what they clearly don't yet know then I'm good with that. :icon_thumright:

If it takes you 30,000 words to explain whether the story is true or not forget it and just keep it to yourself. It most likely would sound like a politician talking around in circles, you know, if this if that could have been this could have been that. We don't need it only the facts will do.
You add only facts that have a direct connection to the story in the Beale Papers- that would probably shorten the amount of words needed.

You add only facts that have a direct connection to the story in the Beale Papers- that would probably shorten the amount of words needed.

The Adams Onis Treaty.
Galveston Island.
Andrew Jackson,
Chief Justice Marshall.
Henry Clay.
Issac Coles.
St. Louis.
The dates of deposit.
The Laffites.
The correct Thomas Beale.
Robert Morriss.
Thomas J. Beale.
New Orleans.
Santa Fe.
41st & 42nd & 43rd Parallels.
Numerous records/documents/communications.

This is just the short list of facts. Hey, you're right. That was far easier, simpler. :thumbsup:

You have listed several names and location that ARE NOT mentioned in the 1885 Beale Papers.
Are they included to support a pet theory?

That just isn't going to be it ain't a 100% local thing or purely southern thing then it simply ain't going to be allowed here. :laughing7: But that's ok, this final attempt was nothing more then a test with the fully anticipated outcome already factored in. If they don't even want to entertain what they clearly don't yet know then I'm good with that. :icon_thumright:
If you say so...

The Adams Onis Treaty.
Galveston Island.
Andrew Jackson,
Chief Justice Marshall.
Henry Clay.
Issac Coles.
St. Louis.
The dates of deposit.
The Laffites.
The correct Thomas Beale.
Robert Morriss.
Thomas J. Beale.
New Orleans.
Santa Fe.
41st & 42nd & 43rd Parallels.
Numerous records/documents/communications.

This is just the short list of facts. Hey, you're right. That was far easier, simpler. :thumbsup:

We already have heard all of that before so what's new. As far as whether what you say is excepted or not any and all thoughts are acceptable on this forum except what the moderators do not allow. You can post anything you wish only don't expect us to agree with you before all the facts are known or given in your case. You seem to think that we are all in disagreement with you that is probably true but it is your job posting to convince us otherwise and as of now you have not convinced me of anything. Just like Jean all talk and no facts to back it up.

The Adams Onis Treaty.
Galveston Island.
Henry Clay.
The Laffites.
New Orleans.
41st & 42nd & 43rd Parallels.
Numerous records/documents/communications.
This is just the short list of facts...
The above "facts" list are not mentioned or referenced in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.
The Clay mentioned in the narrative test as having been entertained by Morriss, is not Henry Clay, Rev Charles Green Clay (12/24/1745-2/8/1820) who also knew and associated with Col Issac Coles and Major William Witcher, all well known names in Lynchburg.
Did you include Henry Clay on this list in another attempt to connect the Beale story with the AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY, a theory you once proposed in connection to Jackson Ward Alderman Thomas J Beale of 1884 Richmond?
Remember, either the 1885 Beale Papers are true as written, or are a work of fiction, be it a "cover" story for another event entirely, FICTION, nonetheless.

We already have heard all of that before so what's new...Just like Jean all talk and no facts to back it up.
It does have that appearance. :thumbsup:
Another journey down the rabbit hole to the yellow brick road leading to the lost highway and returning to the rabbit hole in a never ending Mobius trip.

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The above "facts" list are not mentioned or referenced in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.
The Clay mentioned in the narrative test as having been entertained by Morriss, is not Henry Clay, Rev Charles Green Clay (12/24/1745-2/8/1820) who also knew and associated with Col Issac Coles and Major William Witcher, all well known names in Lynchburg.
Did you include Henry Clay on this list in another attempt to connect the Beale story with the AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY, a theory you once proposed in connection to Jackson Ward Alderman Thomas J Beale of 1884 Richmond?
Remember, either the 1885 Beale Papers are true as written, or are a work of fiction, be it a "cover" story for another event entirely, FICTION, nonetheless.

You keep holding and clinging to all of that. :laughing7: And for the sake of clarity, for those who wish to entertain the subject, I am going to keep my replies confined to just one thread instead of jumping back and forth to many which only adds to the confusion or this already complex subject matter. :icon_thumright:

The complexity is in your creation of all these alternative theories of the real story behind the Beale tale in the 1885 Beale Papers .
You have turned a simple straight forward dime novel job pamphlet sold for profit into this secret communique of spies, secret wealth transfers, and conspiracies within conspiracies, that end with a 1823 born freeman of color who became a Jackson Ward Alderman in Richmond, all based on his name being Thomas J Beale, and the mention of "business in Richmond" in the job pamphlet'
As I have stated many times over:
The 1885 Beale Papers is either true as written, or it is a work of fiction.
Not "complex" after all, Bigscoop.

Now some of this is based on speculation...
Aboard one of the ships that transferred the refugees to Galveston Island there was a man named, you guessed it, Thomas Beale. Ironically, during this same period there is a Beale who is also a runner for another influential man involved at Galveston Island and South America, this last Beale even securing the delivery Brazilian hardwood from south America for this man. Now I can't positively identify these two Beale's as being the same man but I can, however, directly connect the influential person as holding investment in both “shipments.” But in getting a better feel for things you have to understand the activities of the Corporation, which was actually a shelled privateering and smuggling operation of grand proportions...
Going Ian Fleming on the Beale story? Was this 1820's corporation the beginning of SPECTRE?

Some day ,the amply proportioned dame will warble an epilogue .... (?).

Going Ian Fleming on the Beale story? Was this 1820's corporation the beginning of SPECTRE?

Fleming was heavily involved in the pursuit of German enigma(?) code machine.......
Interesting idea of attempting recovery of code almost panned out.

...until then, there be dancin', they're dancin' in the streets!

Fleming was heavily involved in the pursuit of German enigma(?) code machine.......
Interesting idea of attempting recovery of code almost panned out.
It was Fleming that suggested having Alistair Crowley interrogate Rudolf Hess.

C,mon memory...
Ian proposed using a recovered downed German aircraft ,dressing American soldiers in German uniforms with bandages ,put the craft in the channel ,I think, then send out a distress call to assault the responding craft to get a code book for the enigma machine. They fixed up a craft ,but must be the Hess interview or a similar event put the plane /distress decoy plan out.

Edit ,nope ,securing code was from elsewhere than anything from Hess.
Looked it up..."operation ruthless" ,but did not find out if complete code was secured elsewhere.
Seems it was ,rendering it's use ineffective.?

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The Hess interviews are sealed as "TOP SECRET-FOR YOUR EYES ONLY" by MI6.
I don't believe Hess revealed a German connection to Adams-Onis , Lafitte, or Thomas Beale.

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The Hess interviews are sealed as "TOP SECRET-FOR YOUR EYES ONLY" by MI6.
I don't believe Hess revealed a German connection to Adams-Onis , Lafitte, or Thomas Beale.
Not likely , but he may have spoke with them during mental state evaluations when trying to "play possum" ,despite his other "symptoms" that kept him anxious enough to not need to go to greater extreme.
Had Hess not packed what he did in his flight to Britain , those symptoms could have been suspected as bogus, without knowing more background.

The above "facts" list are not mentioned or referenced in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.
The Clay mentioned in the narrative test as having been entertained by Morriss, is not Henry Clay, Rev Charles Green Clay (12/24/1745-2/8/1820) who also knew and associated with Col Issac Coles and Major William Witcher, all well known names in Lynchburg.
Did you include Henry Clay on this list in another attempt to connect the Beale story with the AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY, a theory you once proposed in connection to Jackson Ward Alderman Thomas J Beale of 1884 Richmond?
Remember, either the 1885 Beale Papers are true as written, or are a work of fiction, be it a "cover" story for another event entirely, FICTION, nonetheless.
...and Rev Charles Green Clay delivered the invocation at the 1815 Lynchburg Banquet for Andrew Jackson, co-sponsored by James Beverly Risqué, and attended by Thomas Jefferson at whose home Jackson stayed, and also attended by Pascal Buford, owner of the Tavern mentioned in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.
The banquet occurred 2 1/2 years before Jackson's adventure in Florida of which Risqué took part, which brought about the Adams-Onis Treaty.

... Rev Charles Green Clay delivered the invocation at the 1815 Lynchburg Banquet for Andrew Jackson, co-sponsored by James Beverly Risqué, and attended by Thomas Jefferson at whose home Jackson stayed, and also attended by Pascal Buford, owner of the Tavern mentioned in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.
The banquet occurred 2 1/2 years before Jackson's adventure in Florida of which Risqué took part, which brought about the Adams-Onis Treaty.
This one reason why the names Clay and Jackson were mentioned as guests of Robert Morriss at the Washington Hotel, their names would have been recognized by 1885 Lynchburg residents, as well as Coles and Witcher.
Then there ia the mention of Max Guggenheimer, a contemporary of the job pamphlet's publication, AND he sold copies at his store.

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