Too many guns.....!

There's quite a few my wish list. Off the top of my head:

Rifles 1903A3, 1903, P1917, 1861 Springfield, Kar 98, Martini Henry, No 1 Enfield, etc.

Pistols M9 Beretta Commercial, S&W M15-3 or 4 (K9 Combat Masterpiece), P38, P07, East German Makarov (For my EG Grenztruppen der DDR display), etc.

Never ending wish list, mark one off and add 4 more to list at the same time.
Yup! Sounds like my kind of mathematics!

Now are you going to show off all the boxes of stuff you bought "for spares & parts? Gotta have spares & trading material!

Do you have a Swiss K31 in your collection of weapons? I may have missed it. Your opinion of it?

Not as of yet, the only Swiss I currently have is a 1879 Vetterli Model 69/71.

I've found a few K31s and M1889s, M1886s and M1911s variations rifles local. But they were/are asking way too much. They're taking advantage of the pandemic, rioting scares, possible gun bans, etc.

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Yup! Sounds like my kind of mathematics!

Now are you going to show off all the boxes of stuff you bought "for spares & parts? Gotta have spares & trading material!

My gun room was a small room upstairs pre hurricane. Now we are going to convert the garage into the gunroom. We have cameras, alarms and such installed on/in the house.

All the guns will be on open racks, I'll have my helmet collection displayed, along with all my other militaria. Which is an eclectic collection of stuff. Signed shell casings, artwork, chunk of the Berlin Wall, piece of marble from one of Saddam's palaces. East German border guard uniform. It goes on and on. My wife calls the decor "Vintage Military Surplus Store/Military Museum" style.

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Not as of yet, the only Swiss I currently have is a 1879 Vetterli Model 69/71.

I've found a few K31s and M1889s, M1886s and M1911s variations rifles local. But they were/are asking way too much. They're taking advantage of the pandemic, rioting scares, possible gun bans, etc.
I saw good reviews on K31. And yes prices went sky high.

I saw good reviews on K31. And yes prices went sky high.

The Swiss make some mighty fine rifles and in the right hands they are highly accurate.

Right now, I'm just concentrating on completing the guns I have. Need to find 2 bayonets, 1 cleaning rod, a couple slings, and two firing pins.

Oh and finding an example of a couple rounds for display. My wife wants me to find an example of ammo for each gun. Because she wants to make a display so people can see what round each weapon takes. The hardest to find so far are.....

8X57J (Early round nose 8mm) Which was what the Gew 88 was originally chambered in.

8X50R (Round nose) Original Mannlicher round before they converted them to 8X56R.

11.43X50R aka 43 Egyptian.

Plus I need to find a 22 short and 22 long cartridge. Don't want to buy a box of ammo, that I won't shoot, just to get one round. My Marlin 22 takes 22 S, L and LR, but I only shoot LR in it.

The Swiss make some mighty fine rifles and in the right hands they are highly accurate.

Right now, I'm just concentrating on completing the guns I have. Need to find 2 bayonets, 1 cleaning rod, a couple slings, and two firing pins.

Oh and finding an example of a couple rounds for display. My wife wants me to find an example of ammo for each gun. Because she wants to make a display so people can see what round each weapon takes. The hardest to find so far are.....

8X57J (Early round nose 8mm) Which was what the Gew 88 was originally chambered in.

8X50R (Round nose) Original Mannlicher round before they converted them to 8X56R.

11.43X50R aka 43 Egyptian.

Plus I need to find a 22 short and 22 long cartridge. Don't want to buy a box of ammo, that I won't shoot, just to get one round. My Marlin 22 takes 22 S, L and LR, but I only shoot LR in it.
Good luck in your search my friend. That sounds like a good idea on display.

I've been quiet and sort of MIA from the forums lately, been busy as heck!

Good part, after a 3 1/2 year battle, the final Hurricane Michael repairs are going to be completed on our house.

Bad part, we have to vacate the house during this period. So over the last 30 days my wife and one of our sons have been packing up the entire house for storage in pods. Our last night in the house will be tonight, Saturday night, and on Monday we'll hand the keys over to the contractors.

Trying to find a place to stay, short time, with 3 adults, a Husky, Husky-Malamute mix and an Evil Bobbed Tailed black cat isn't easy. Then our next door neighbor, says "Hey why don't yall stay with me, I've got two vacant rooms and will love the company. Besides it will make it easier to watch over the work." You have to love your neighbors when you have a relationship like that with them!

Thursday night my job, was to get my firearms ready for transport to another location for secure storage. We loaded the vehicle in the garage, and unloaded the vehicle in the garage at the other location. So not to draw too much attention.

This is the result of emptying the racks, and doing an SN check and inventory of the ones in this room. They were then wiped down and received another coating of oil. Thursday was a long and hard day that is for sure.

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That is an absolute beautiful collection of firearms.

The Swiss make some mighty fine rifles and in the right hands they are highly accurate.

Right now, I'm just concentrating on completing the guns I have. Need to find 2 bayonets, 1 cleaning rod, a couple slings, and two firing pins.

Oh and finding an example of a couple rounds for display. My wife wants me to find an example of ammo for each gun. Because she wants to make a display so people can see what round each weapon takes. The hardest to find so far are.....

8X57J (Early round nose 8mm) Which was what the Gew 88 was originally chambered in.

8X50R (Round nose) Original Mannlicher round before they converted them to 8X56R.

11.43X50R aka 43 Egyptian.

Plus I need to find a 22 short and 22 long cartridge. Don't want to buy a box of ammo, that I won't shoot, just to get one round. My Marlin 22 takes 22 S, L and LR, but I only shoot LR in it.
There are some dummy rounds of 8X57j on gunbroker if you just want for display.

The Swiss make some mighty fine rifles and in the right hands they are highly accurate.

Right now, I'm just concentrating on completing the guns I have. Need to find 2 bayonets, 1 cleaning rod, a couple slings, and two firing pins.

Oh and finding an example of a couple rounds for display. My wife wants me to find an example of ammo for each gun. Because she wants to make a display so people can see what round each weapon takes. The hardest to find so far are.....

8X57J (Early round nose 8mm) Which was what the Gew 88 was originally chambered in.

8X50R (Round nose) Original Mannlicher round before they converted them to 8X56R.

11.43X50R aka 43 Egyptian.

Plus I need to find a 22 short and 22 long cartridge. Don't want to buy a box of ammo, that I won't shoot, just to get one round. My Marlin 22 takes 22 S, L and LR, but I only shoot LR in it.
Check on gunbroker, sarge. I think they may have some other ammo you want. At least for display.

Check on gunbroker, sarge. I think they may have some other ammo you want. At least for display.

I keep looking at GB, but I get distracted by the guns....LOL.

Thought of doing the dummy rounds, but so far I've managed to find originals of all the others including.

577 Minnie Round
577 Snider-Enfield
10.4X38 Swiss

Picture one Original 577 Snider Enfield cartridge and 577 Minie round.
Picture two Original Swiss 10.4X38 and 577 Snider Enfield cartridge.


And as stated in many replies before me, NO SUCH THING AS TOO MANY.

There are way more on my wish list, so as I find them the numbers will grow even higher......I will still be on the hunt when I kick the bucket.

My gun room was a small room upstairs pre hurricane. Now we are going to convert the garage into the gunroom. We have cameras, alarms and such installed on/in the house.

All the guns will be on open racks, I'll have my helmet collection displayed, along with all my other militaria. Which is an eclectic collection of stuff. Signed shell casings, artwork, chunk of the Berlin Wall, piece of marble from one of Saddam's palaces. East German border guard uniform. It goes on and on. My wife calls the decor "Vintage Military Surplus Store/Military Museum" style.
You may want to "harden" your garage. Thieves can overcome alarms & cameras. Some will just smash & grab and go quick. That's a fine collection, some dirt bag will want to steal it. Years ago I got to shoot what's referred to as a "grease gun". Funny looking thing with a wire stock. Lot's of fun.

"Need" has nothing to do with it Claire; the man collects military firearms.

I know someone that collects salt and pepper hundreds
of pairs of 'em..still there's only 2 that sit on the table. Does she "need" them all?

Your perceptions are based on your life experiences (or lack thereof); the Sarge's are based on his life experience, which I suspect are two entirely different worlds.

No disrespect intended, but who are you to question whether he
needs them, or not? Your "over compensate" comment falls under the
passive-aggressive banner, and not worthy of a response.

That's the beauty of living in America. Providing a person stays within
the boundaries of the laws, they have FREEDOM, meaning they can live
their lives in the manner of their own choosing, and it's nobody else's
damn business.
Very well said Thank you sarge for all that you have done for all of us even the gun hatters

I've been quiet and sort of MIA from the forums lately, been busy as heck!

Good part, after a 3 1/2 year battle, the final Hurricane Michael repairs are going to be completed on our house.

Bad part, we have to vacate the house during this period. So over the last 30 days my wife and one of our sons have been packing up the entire house for storage in pods. Our last night in the house will be tonight, Saturday night, and on Monday we'll hand the keys over to the contractors.

Trying to find a place to stay, short time, with 3 adults, a Husky, Husky-Malamute mix and an Evil Bobbed Tailed black cat isn't easy. Then our next door neighbor, says "Hey why don't yall stay with me, I've got two vacant rooms and will love the company. Besides it will make it easier to watch over the work." You have to love your neighbors when you have a relationship like that with them!

Thursday night my job, was to get my firearms ready for transport to another location for secure storage. We loaded the vehicle in the garage, and unloaded the vehicle in the garage at the other location. So not to draw too much attention.

This is the result of emptying the racks, and doing an SN check and inventory of the ones in this room. They were then wiped down and received another coating of oil. Thursday was a long and hard day that is for sure.

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Nice collection! My rule is, when the gun safe is too full, buy another safe!

I've been quiet and sort of MIA from the forums lately, been busy as heck!

Good part, after a 3 1/2 year battle, the final Hurricane Michael repairs are going to be completed on our house.

Bad part, we have to vacate the house during this period. So over the last 30 days my wife and one of our sons have been packing up the entire house for storage in pods. Our last night in the house will be tonight, Saturday night, and on Monday we'll hand the keys over to the contractors.

Trying to find a place to stay, short time, with 3 adults, a Husky, Husky-Malamute mix and an Evil Bobbed Tailed black cat isn't easy. Then our next door neighbor, says "Hey why don't yall stay with me, I've got two vacant rooms and will love the company. Besides it will make it easier to watch over the work." You have to love your neighbors when you have a relationship like that with them!

Thursday night my job, was to get my firearms ready for transport to another location for secure storage. We loaded the vehicle in the garage, and unloaded the vehicle in the garage at the other location. So not to draw too much attention.

This is the result of emptying the racks, and doing an SN check and inventory of the ones in this room. They were then wiped down and received another coating of oil. Thursday was a long and hard day that is for sure.

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View attachment 2012615
Nice collection.
And to the person who said, "Too many guns..." there is no such thing as too many guns.
I hope the reconstruction goes well for you and your family. Stay safe.
God bless.

I've been quiet and sort of MIA from the forums lately, been busy as heck!

Good part, after a 3 1/2 year battle, the final Hurricane Michael repairs are going to be completed on our house.

Bad part, we have to vacate the house during this period. So over the last 30 days my wife and one of our sons have been packing up the entire house for storage in pods. Our last night in the house will be tonight, Saturday night, and on Monday we'll hand the keys over to the contractors.

Trying to find a place to stay, short time, with 3 adults, a Husky, Husky-Malamute mix and an Evil Bobbed Tailed black cat isn't easy. Then our next door neighbor, says "Hey why don't yall stay with me, I've got two vacant rooms and will love the company. Besides it will make it easier to watch over the work." You have to love your neighbors when you have a relationship like that with them!

Thursday night my job, was to get my firearms ready for transport to another location for secure storage. We loaded the vehicle in the garage, and unloaded the vehicle in the garage at the other location. So not to draw too much attention.

This is the result of emptying the racks, and doing an SN check and inventory of the ones in this room. They were then wiped down and received another coating of oil. Thursday was a long and hard day that is for sure.

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Hmmm... I see some bare spots on the floor. Better get a few more to complete the collection! :)

My wife caught me earlier today looking at guns.....Oh the horror.....She told me, NO more guns until we move back in the house. Period dot end of the discussion.

To give you a better idea at the numbers. Take the pile you see on the floor, and add about 12 more that were stored downstairs. So we are going to store 42 off site and keeping 4 with us.
Wow! The only thing I have that many of is books.

And earrings.

And screwdrivers.

And knives
and..... oh, well. Never mind 8-)

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