Meanwhile something different.
Cleaning of an 18 dynasty royal or noble sarcophagus mask. All this traces of stucco and the stuff Termites leaves after eating wood was too disturbing and hiding a real piece of art. So the owner wanted this stuff to be removed, so the piece will show its fantastic facial impressions.
Restoration of a queens Ushabti figure. All her shabtis that was found before 1900 was broken in many parts and completely mixed up when they gone to museums and collections. Also this 3 parts was from 3 different figures and was put together in an early restoration to one piece. Unfortunately it was made very ugly and they also has grind down all parts to make them more or less "fit". The photo shows this pieces after removing the old glue and how I put is together, reconstructed the missing areas and painted it include the missing glyphs. The restoration is not recognizable now.
A Flail of a huge egyptian Kings figure.
Made of Silver, Gold and stones
The massive cast silver base was cleaned and put together with black colored epoxy which was later not to see because most of the silver was changed into black oxyde. Most of the gold wire was still there at the crack and just also covered with silver oxyde, so it was only neded to bent them back into position after cleaning. The missing stones was carved out of original used stone and glued in to cover the crack and to make visible how it has looked when it was an intact piece.