Todays take


Jr. Member
Dec 22, 2014
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Golden Thread
Everett WA.
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All Treasure Hunting


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Here some utah gold my son and i got our last outing running a51. Time was a factor we were only able to run i think it was 5 buckets of about 3/4 full. I didnt want to cross fast moveing creek with full bucket of classified material and risk takeing a swim. Sorry about pic my phone i took it with is 4 years old(how have i not broke this thing yet). Bazooka on the way see how it runs next week.

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Here some utah gold my son and i got our last outing running a51. Time was a factor we were only able to run i think it was 5 buckets of about 3/4 full. I didnt want to cross fast moveing creek with full bucket of classified material and risk takeing a swim. Sorry about pic my phone i took it with is 4 years old(how have i not broke this thing yet). Bazooka on the way see how it runs next week.
Some Utah gold? Heck yea! Nice!

My take from a few weeks ago from the Wenatchee. I wanted to weigh it up but my scale still hasn't come. I think the gray pieces might be platinum but I'm not sure. It bends and leaves a gray streak when rubbed across the bottom of the pan.

My take from a few weeks ago from the Wenatchee. I wanted to weigh it up but my scale still hasn't come. I think the gray pieces might be platinum but I'm not sure. It bends and leaves a gray streak when rubbed across the bottom of the pan.
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I been through WA, but did not pan or sluice cause I could not find the regulations. Is it right that a power recirculating sluice can be used? Sorry for the off topic question.

My take from a few weeks ago from the Wenatchee. I wanted to weigh it up but my scale still hasn't come. I think the gray pieces might be platinum but I'm not sure. It bends and leaves a gray streak when rubbed across the bottom of the pan.
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Bends and leaves a streak? That's lead. Platinum is VERY hard.

Oh, good to know. It sure doesn't seem like lead, it's never oxidized or anything and always is in nice natural looking flakes. Natural lead flakes aren't a thing are they?

Oh, good to know. It sure doesn't seem like lead, it's never oxidized or anything and always is in nice natural looking flakes. Natural lead flakes aren't a thing are they?

Not likely. More likely it's a splattered bullet. I've found lots of that sort of lead. My fav creek is on what used to be a big ranch. Lots of bird shot and bullets in the creekbed from hunting and random target shooting I suppose.

Hi OwenT, lead it is , don't forget fishermen , they loose a lot of lead weights while fishing in the rivers. The lead found while mining will come in different forms, fine flakes to larger flakes plus whole pieces like bullets and shot or fishing weights. The flakes are made during flooding, ever go down to a river during a big flood , it's like a giant rock tumbler. Changing subject, Has your river been flooding lately, with all the rain we've been getting up here, one of my favorite rivers the Skykomish is flooding right now, last week it reached 60000cfs and yesterday it reached over 68000cfs. After the river goes down I will be down there mining, easiest mining ever, behind every rock will be a layer of garnets and black sand with fine gold mixed in it, I just scoop up the top layer into my bucket and when full run it threw the sluice. This also the best time to learn how a big flood will reconcentrate the heavy's on the gravel bar and also find the pay line " flood lining". Don't wait to long after a big flood ends to check it out, as a big flood will do certain things to a gravel bar the same is true to a smaller flood, on the sky smaller floods tend to bring down a lot of sand and cover up all the good places to mine. I've seen this happen several times on this river but because I had been down there after a big flood I knew where to dig. Ed

Thanks for the tips, your advice is always helpful. When I went by about a week ago the water at my spot was close to 2.5 feet higher and just covering the spot I was working. I'm excited to get back down there though and I think the water should probably be a little lower.
behind every rock will be a layer of garnets and black sand with fine gold mixed in it
How big of rocks are you talking? Maybe it will be obvious when I go look. I don't see many big rocks on the river round here though, everything is pretty uniform.

Haha, just checked the river level on USGS, it went down, bu now it's even higher! Last time I was there it was at about 500 cfs, then it jumped up ti about 11000 and fell quickly to about 3000 until yesterday and now its at about 12000 cfs. I'm excited to get back there when the waters recede!

Have fun, I'll be at my river too checking it out.

Yes, but it depends on when and where I think. This is pretty much the rules, depending on who you ask,

Man! I was looking for that! Thanks!

Heck, last time I was out that way Fred Myers had fishing licences, but no regulation books. How's a man supposed to relax and fish, worrying about getting pinched for violating laws and regulations that aren't available?

I saw how some at the WDFW say one thing and do another when it comes to miners FIRST HAND! there was only ONE WDFW agent that id trust and they fired or forced her into retirement!

I saw how some at the WDFW say one thing and do another when it comes to miners FIRST HAND! there was only ONE WDFW agent that id trust and they fired or forced her into retirement!

Oh, I trust wardens with guns, its that filthy state issued jewelry that's dishonest.:laughing7:

Is there a thread about it Russau? I love stories.

View attachment 1169296Hi guy's , today I went to a very secret place on the S river, I call it the Bat cave. It is a bench 30ft. higher than the present river level and 60ft. in and it is only about 200ft. long. Checking on Topo maps it is shown and it is very distinctive, at both ends it drops off, no continuation, I am assuming this an ancient remnant of an old inside bend of the river and that explains why there is so much gold there. So the lesson today is to use all resources possible to when analyzing an area you want to mine, Google Earth is great but a good Topo Map will show you more regarding the terrains hidden potentials. It was hands and knees to get in the mine and out and all mining was done buy hand, no shovel because at present from all the stuff that has fallen down over the years I only have a 3ft. floor to ceiling space to work in, it's fun to have the ceiling come down on your head. Let you know I wasted a lot time on another spot hopeing I would find good gold but not the case, actually I was trying find the courage to crawl into the mine, got it. The gold you see in pic is from only 2 buckets, what I had to do is go in with a bucket and fill it up and crawl it out and classify it and go back in and do the same and the climb down to the river to run it threw my sluice. The next pic is of the wall I was mining, you can see the layers of deposition between the rocks, great way to see how floods deposit gold. Right now trying to figure out how mine this place efficiently, not going to be easy but I think there are many ounces in this place, between 5 to 10. I pulled 3Tr. on the other side of the river and that is from more recent flooding. EdView attachment 1169295

That’s a rich deposit! I can see the gold in the wall!!

Ed. Your adventure is hardcore. I am amazed at your tenacity. I hope your Sunday was successful. Thought about calling you. If you want some help, it looks like we could drag some of those bottom boulders out to give you more room. I had limited time this Sunday or I would have asked you if I could come with you. Instead I spent a good 4 hours at the train bridge spot. Got there early enough that it wasn't sweltering hot. Sluiced 7 semi full buckets. Here is my Sunday take.
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Only 7 semi-full buckets!
Man...I’m REALLY doin something wrong!!!!
I know pictures can be deceiving but that looks like more than I’ve found in the last 20 years combined!!

Looks like I need to seriously reevaluate just about everything I know about mining in Washington!!!

You've heard the term, "They (Chinese / 49ers) got it all." And I say to this,,, no they didn't. I am still working the old bench area which by the way, is near an old tailing pile. I call yesterday's work, "A cut above the rest." What pond water that does remain in this area has made working the bedrock a tremendous task. A problem I'll gladly accept knowing that there is a potential find for gold.

*For every great pan that is credited with a photo, there are a dozen or so average to mediocre pans that have been perhaps over shadowed. It is because of these pans that keeps the "dream" alive.

I'd like to show you an example of such a gold pan - yesterday's find. Note the two pockets of bedrock that where worked with low water.

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That’s not “mediocre” in my book!
I’d be doin a happy dance for a week with a pan like that!!

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