Great job Mike, I went up to the Sultan Sunday, it was one of those day's, was trying to test an area I have never mined on that river and I know it is virgin ground. First I should say only use google earth as a reference not fact when analyzing access to an area. Arrived at the gated road, raining, still I was determined, got the bike out and started down the road, I have been there several times so I know the way, 2 mile ride and walk in, well when I finally got to the critical turnoff it wasn't there, all burmed up. Went around the burm and then more burms and more and as I went further in the once nice road started to get narrower from all the vegetation encroaching on it, then I noticed something interesting on the narrowing trail, " Bear Poop and really big Poop". No steaming poop but I did start making a lot of noise, it was about this time I started getting a blister on my right heel " hipwadders are not the best to hike in " still I trudged on, soaking wet but still determined. For those who would think carrying a gun would have been a good idea, not in this situation, imagine a trail that is only 1ft. wide and the vegetation is 4ft. tall and taller as it progresses out from the trail, this is dense foliage and you cannot see more that 2 ft. on each side so no time to react if attacked. Finally made it to the place, 2 hrs. later and checked on access down to this new place, all I can say is what google earth showed it was not a to difficult 300ft. slide down to the river turned out to be an almost vertical drop down. After all that I was still determined to find gold so I went a little further up river to an old hydraulic gold mine I have been to several times, spent an hour there and found some gold and then tried to find another way out and did, 2 hrs. more walking and biking to get back to the car. Interesting thing happened when I was loading up the car, I heard a truck coming up the gated road I just came up on my bike, it stopped at the gate and a guy came out to unlock it, I yelled out " How do rate to have a key to that gate and be able to drive in the area " Response was it is Spring Bear season and they got one, took a look and the bear was 5ft. head to tail, said good bye and went home very tired. Spent 7 hrs. total on this trip, was it worth it ? Yes. What did I learn, first the place that I suspect is untouched, confirmed, did I find another way in, yes. Making a new plan to get to that bar, prospectors never give up !!!!! Ed