Toad meetings, got this from the USFS today


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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is planning to hold two public meetings on the proposals to list and designate critical habitat for the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog, the northern distinct population segment of the mountain yellow-legged frog, and the Yosemite toad.

The public meetings are planned to be held in Bridgeport on Wednesday January 8, 2014 from 1 – 3 p.m. and in Fresno on Monday, January 13, 2014 from 1 – 3 p.m. A public notice with more details is attached and pasted below. For further information, please visit: Public Advisory December 27, 2013

Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you.

[FONT=garamond, serif]********[/FONT] [FONT=garamond, serif]Robert Moler
[/FONT][FONT=garamond, serif]External Affairs - Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office[/FONT]
[FONT=garamond, serif]U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Interior[/FONT]
[FONT=garamond, serif][email protected], 916.414.6606[/FONT]

Public Notice: For Immediate Release - 27 December 2013

Service Announces Public Meetings for Sierra Amphibian Proposals
Sacramento - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has scheduled two public meetings in January 2014 on the proposals to list and designate critical habitat for the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog, the northern distinct population segment of the mountain yellow-legged frog, and the Yosemite toad.

The first public meeting is planned to be held in Mono County on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Mono County Board of Supervisors Chambers at the Mono County Courthouse (upstairs); State Highway 395 North; Bridgeport, CA 93517. This meeting is planned to be broadcasted to the Mono County Board of Supervisors Meeting Room on the 3rd Floor of the Sierra Center Mall; 452 Old Mammoth Road; Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. After the meeting, there will be informal breakout sessions held in Bridgeport.

The second public meeting is planned to be held in Fresno County on Monday, January 13, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Fresno County Board of Supervisors Chambers; Hall of Records, Room 301; 2281 Tulare Street; Fresno, CA 93721. Service personnel will be available after the meeting for further discussion.

The Service will present information and address questions and concerns at the public meetings about the proposals and, if it is available, the draft economic analysis for the proposed critical habitat rule. The draft economic analysis is expected to be available to the public early January 2014. A public hearing on the proposals and draft economic analysis is planned to be held in Sacramento in January 2014. The date, time and venue for the public hearing will be announced when the draft economic analysis is available to the public.

On April 25, 2014, the Service proposed to list the two frogs as Endangered Species and the toad as a Threatened Species. At the same time, the Service proposed to designate 1,831,820 acres critical habitat for the three amphibians in California; 97% of the proposed designation is located on federal lands.

The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. We are both a leader and trusted partner in fish and wildlife conservation, known for our scientific excellence, stewardship of lands and natural resources, dedicated professionals, and commitment to public service. For more information on our work and the people who make it happen, visit Connect with our Facebook page at, follow our tweets at, watch our YouTube Channel at USFWS - YouTube and download photos from our Flickr page at Flickr: USFWS Pacific Southwest Region's Photostream.

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DRA made a good point today about these meetings. The board of supervisors of each effected county should be screaming for their own meetings in their respective counties.

They already fried all the frogs in this area between the Aspen and Rim fires, there ain't a frog to be had...

Bridgeport In January.....that is gonna be a packed house??????? who the hell sets these meetings?

They are set with little notice so that they will not meet with any resistance. I got news for them, there will be plenty of pissed off miners and outdoorsman in Fresno. We need to let these guys know we are mad as HELL and we are not going to take it any more.

From Wikipedia: - Bridgeport pop. 575 (2010 census); elev. 6500 ft. Yes, big crowds expected there 1st week in January - wtf.

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These are the tactics that we should be exposing and getting out to the general population. Average Joe may not care about a frog or toad but might care and get involved when he realizes how his government conducts business.

They are set with little notice so that they will not meet with any resistance. I got news for them, there will be plenty of pissed off miners and outdoorsman in Fresno. We need to let these guys know we are mad as HELL and we are not going to take it any more.

Hope you and the guys down there in Fresno have started the production line to making the protest signs, and notified S.F. newspapers of possible riots, lol.
P.S. - Don't forget the videos !

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I don't know about that, but there are some huge trees in the courthouse park, and I will bring enough rope
to accomdate all that show:laughing7:

Hope you and the guys down there in Fresno have started the production line to making the protest signs, and notified S.F. newspapers of possible riots, lol.
P.S. - Don't forget the videos !

I urge everyone to call and e-mail, [email protected], 916.414.6606, why they would even consider critical habitat when they know that the demise of the frogs are from non native fish that the DFG planted, and the virus from African frogFs that was unleashed when they imported this f rog for medical research, and allowed them to escape. Obviously north american frogs have no immunities to this virus. Furthermore, in a state of over 30 million they are only 2 meetings in the whole state, one in a town of less than 600 people and the other in a large enough city, but is being held a 1-3 pm in the afternoon, when most working people would find it impossible to attend. More bullshirt.

BUMP - We could use some help in Bridgeport, if you can please attend. We need to show them hiding the meetings won't work. Then we need to expose them as publicly as possible for trying to hide the meetings and making them as inconvenient as they could. We the People had better start reminding them who they work for.

BUMP - We could use some help in Bridgeport, if you can please attend. We need to show them hiding the meetings won't work. Then we need to expose them as publicly as possible for trying to hide the meetings and making them as inconvenient as they could. We the People had better start reminding them who they work for.

There are some volunteers who are going down from Reno on Wednesday. I have made a few phone calls and found some takers. Here are some sample questions to ask if you go to either Fresno or Bridgeport (and make up your own):

Rule #1: Don’t just read the questions as written ask them in your own words.

Rule#2: Be polite and not aggressive

Rule #3: Hand them in as a letter

#1 Since this critical habitat ruling affects all of Northern California rural areas, what criteria lead you to choose to hold the meetings in Bridgeport, Ca population 500, in the middle of the winter? Aren’t there other, easier-to-get-to and populated locations where the feedback would be more varied? (not if you want to hold a meeting and didn't want anyone to show up)

#2 Has an Environmental Impact Statement been done about your critical habitat listing? (it hasn't) 10th Circuit court states it needs to be.

#3 The Spotted Owl closed down 9 million acres to logging, and decimated small family owned timber industries. This listing will cause over 2 million acres to be affected. How many more industries will also be destroyed?

#4 The “critical habitat” listing states that the particular habitat will be appropriate for the species, if the species actually resides there. Have you done any studies in any of the proposed critical habitat areas determining population densities? What if my property is within the habitat area, but yet there are no endangered species within miles around? Have you done any studies on species within the last 3 years? (they don't)

#5 What authority gives the USFWS jurisdiction over the frogs on private land? What exactly are the limitations you will be proposing for private properties within the critical habitat areas? Are you going to shut down roads on private land?

#6 How does the critical habitat listing effect hunting and fishing within those areas?

#7 Roughly 50% of the rural geographical areas of California and Oregon is currently designated as critical habitat area for something. This designation disproportionately affects the rural areas of the west and specifically focused on rivers and watersheds, which is effectively seizing water rights and other benefits afforded by private property rights. What are you doing to ensure the private property owners will still be able to use their private properties without oversight?

#8 If the critical habitat is implemented how is the USFWS going to mitigate non-native fish predation, eliminated the BD fungus, airborne acid rain/fukashima radiation and prevent pesticide drift from the central valley?

#9 Are you going to prohibit California DFW from stocking trout in lakes, since that is a major source of predation of the frog populations?

#10 How many Mountain Yellow Legged Frogs or Yosemite Toads have you counted in Mono county in the last 3 years? (they haven't counted any)

I don't know about that, but there are some huge trees in the courthouse park, and I will bring enough rope
to accomdate all that show:laughing7:

I live here in Fresno and the trees are for hangin but not for signs8-)

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