Not the best idea was it !! That thing was a custom built beer can death trap !! It dosent take a degree in engineering to look at the thing and go.....OH HELL NO !! and it's not always the case with billionaires that they have the brains to match there earnings. I have worked for billionaires most of my career, and I often wonder how they made any money at all !! I can't tell you how much money I have personally wasted for some real bad decisions that have been made by people that are considered wise, successful, and rich. My current boss is a lighting ✨️ mogul and billionaire.....he finally looked at me one day and you really think I know anything about how led lights actually work ? I don't, but I do know how to hire and manage the best people in the industry, and make lots of money. I have seen some real bad decisions made by these type people, and it was a bad decision to be talked into a death ride on a home made untested submarine for those billionaires on board that P.O.S. !! Just a bad decision......250,000$ to plunge to your death !!