In all honesty Tom is the only one that has provided an argument I can accept...
"Does anybody really care?"
Although it's a bad idea to be guided by that theory alone, there is legitimacy behind it. It's not uncommon for laws to be overlooked, many places choose to just not enforce a law versus rewriting the book.
What it comes down to is good judgment... Three things to keep in mine before a hunt...
1. Will I get in trouble?
2. Will it give a bad image?
3. Is it worth the effort?
Tom before you even say a word about number two... there is always some busybody like that archeologist complaining about removing modern items.
Number one is self explanatory...
Number three... Well I have had a blast collecting pull tabs and rusty nails... I'm on to bigger better things! If there no chance of finding much more than clad or occasional trinket then I usually don't waste my time. I do admire my extensive pull tab collection... I have original zip tops, vintage 70's retro 80's and a bunch of those ones that "stayed on the can" lol well were supposed to anyway.
I'm making an old school chain with them for Kemper's hovercraft... I hope it makes up for getting peanut butter on the seat covers he knitted. Those were the rage back in the 70's along with the door beads... they are making a comeback...
On second thought, I may try to instigate a bidding war on E-Bay over that pull tab chain... new age hippies can't get enough of 70's culture!
Here are a few jokes I thought up while writing up this post, I'm feely lazy so I will just post them outright instead of working them into the convo.
California's State Motto should be
"Hey There Should Be a Law Against That!"
Cali will not fall into the Pacific from a major earthquake... But if leans any farther left it just might topple over!

Check out the little guy... leaning to your left!