This one a bit worrisome


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Jul 27, 2016
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Ends are brass ceramic tube string coming from top approx 3 and 1/2 by 1/2 in 0107191337_Film4.webp

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pipe bomb,If the ends come flying off when it goes off, would hurt like heck if they ripped into you.Call cops to dispose of it.

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When I was about 10 I blew up a cow pie with an M-80 firecracker. They were legal back then, and are now legal again. Thing smoked! It was fun. Yours, however, not to be messed with.

It's still illegal here to blow up cow pie's . Now goose season:laughing7:

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When I was at one of my Virginia sites last week, I had to side step bear doodie.

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I found it on my property I do make things but not bombs I make soap dispensers and mosaics Mosley I don't like violence or guns I read about quarter sticks but they're made with cardboard and this is definitely glass or ceramic I put it way out in the woods and I'm not going to mess with it until I figure out what it is

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My older brother had a friend in high school that gave him a homemade firecracker, aka pipe bomb. We lit it on a 2x4 in the back yard, with mom watching, haha. It destroyed the 2x4 and shook windows all over the neighborhood. Some neighbors called the power company thinking a transformer had blown. Looking back, had this happened nowadays, I'm sure we'd be locked up in Guantanamo right now! God bless naive moms!

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Just an update I have not called the police because I don't want my whole street being evacuated I really don't think it's a blowing up object the ends are not threaded they look like top to a salt and pepper shaker lids just smaller anywho I put it in the woods far from my house until I figure it out

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Back about a hundred years ago, when I was a kid, we would fill Co2 capsules with paper match heads, then tape the Co2 capsule to a straightened piece of coat hanger wire and ad a fuse. They made great bottle rockets but sometimes exploded instead when lit. I had a friend have one explode and sent shrapnel through his kneecap. Better safe than sorry. Call the cops!

kid from my school packed one with black powder and blew off parts of his thumb and fingers. That being said I made stuff like this all the time, just gotta do it safely.

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Just an update I have not called the police because I don't want my whole street being evacuated I really don't think it's a blowing up object the ends are not threaded they look like top to a salt and pepper shaker lids just smaller anywho I put it in the woods far from my house until I figure it out

UXO is not your friend, and even when MDing if you are not a trained tech then you leave it there.

Last thing you need to worry about for a 200 gram stick is your entire street being cleared; you have already destabilized the suspected UXO and who ever responds and reports back will be asked this, and his or her response will be the caller moved it, appears to have cleaned it and handled it in lord knows how many other ways. Then a tech will be deployed, it will be picked up, they will investigated the area it was recovered in and likely tell you if you find another, then just leave it and call 911.

Or worse case, something odd goes wrong at your house, could be anything from someone needing medical assistance or police respond to a call either at your place or to a place near you, anything can happen but someone sees this in would is called Line of Sight; well now your screwed. Then when charges are brought against you they will be federal, in this day and age all your social media accounts will be checked, they will even see that you came here posted picks, asked for advice where in turn got solid advice, and suddenly this thread becomes one of your primary witnesses against you. Like others you may attempt to fight it, likely have to sell your house too pay legal fees unless the feds want to freeze the property until it can be cleared and that can take a few years when it is all said and done.

But seriously, its only 2 years max for that, but you likely have at least one person on your street that is verse in FOIA and wants to know full details. Worse case really that might cost them about 18 bucks to get them details, in which they will post all over the net.

Could be worse though, in regards to someone else getting their hands on it like a child or simple minded fool that thinks it a fire cracker and they injure them self, others, cause private or public property damage. Man then those charges really add up.

In regards to what people make this stuff out of; could be made of anything, could have been for a test hit, some crazy wanted to make something to get in a court house. The sky is the limited on improvised explosives; the one that retired me out of the Army was made inside of what appeared to be cement waste.

ever heard of a Potassium fuse, used in very low tech home made casings and dipped in wax. Totally not stable.

Best of luck to you, many users here have provided you with some really sound advice, sure hope it does not come back to bite you.

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I can't believe this thread is going on for this long, call the LEO's and let them deal with it before someone gets hurt.

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UXO is not your friend, and even when MDing if you are not a trained tech then you leave it there.

Last thing you need to worry about for a 200 gram stick is your entire street being cleared; you have already destabilized the suspected UXO and who ever responds and reports back will be asked this, and his or her response will be the caller moved it, appears to have cleaned it and handled it in lord knows how many other ways. Then a tech will be deployed, it will be picked up, they will investigated the area it was recovered in and likely tell you if you find another, then just leave it and call 911.

Or worse case, something odd goes wrong at your house, could be anything from someone needing medical assistance or police respond to a call either at your place or to a place near you, anything can happen but someone sees this in would is called Line of Sight; well now your screwed. Then when charges are brought against you they will be federal, in this day and age all your social media accounts will be checked, they will even see that you came here posted picks, asked for advice where in turn got solid advice, and suddenly this thread becomes one of your primary witnesses against you. Like others you may attempt to fight it, likely have to sell your house too pay legal fees unless the feds want to freeze the property until it can be cleared and that can take a few years when it is all said and done.

But seriously, its only 2 years max for that, but you likely have at least one person on your street that is verse in FOIA and wants to know full details. Worse case really that might cost them about 18 bucks to get them details, in which they will post all over the net.

Could be worse though, in regards to someone else getting their hands on it like a child or simple minded fool that thinks it a fire cracker and they injure them self, others, cause private or public property damage. Man then those charges really add up.

In regards to what people make this stuff out of; could be made of anything, could have been for a test hit, some crazy wanted to make something to get in a court house. The sky is the limited on improvised explosives; the one that retired me out of the Army was made inside of what appeared to be cement waste.

ever heard of a Potassium fuse, used in very low tech home made casings and dipped in wax. Totally not stable.

Best of luck to you, many users here have provided you with some really sound advice, sure hope it does not come back to bite you.

Although I'm retired Air Force, I've lost friends due to IED's........Oddjob has made a ton of valid points and I agree with him 100%. Knowing and not reporting, is just as guilty as making it nowadays.

Years ago we would take the MRE heaters, break them up, put them in a water bottle, screw the cap down, shake the concoction, drop it and run like hell. Talk about a noise.......Now days it would get us brought up on Federal charges. Only GIs can dream up stuff like that for excitement during deployments.

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Should not have touched that and you surely shouldn't have transported it.

But, with the epoxy or clay on the ends the dope that made it might have left some fine evidence. You need to remember that, just in case somebody else finds and does report it to government, cause now you had final possession of the object.

If it come down to that, honestly, as always, is the best policy.

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I found it on my property I do make things but not bombs I make soap dispensers and mosaics Mosley I don't like violence or guns I read about quarter sticks but they're made with cardboard and this is definitely glass or ceramic I put it way out in the woods and I'm not going to mess with it until I figure out what it is

You have to consider that whoever made this may have made or is still making more of them. Depending on the contents, it could still be extremely explosive. If it's something like C-4 (plastique) it's more than enough to do some serious damage. I mean, how much explosive does a hand grenade hold? About that much, or less. Make the call before any evidence is destroyed, or some kid finds it.

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Just an update I have not called the police because I don't want my whole street being evacuated I really don't think it's a blowing up object the ends are not threaded they look like top to a salt and pepper shaker lids just smaller anywho I put it in the woods far from my house until I figure it out

I hope some dumb trespassing kid doesn't find it and blows his fingers off or worse. That would make you legally libel. Do the right thing, call the cops.

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Bates, if some kid finds it and gets hurt, if it is explosive, just expect to get arrested on terrorism charges. Call the police.

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Although I'm retired Air Force, I've lost friends due to IED's........Oddjob has made a ton of valid points and I agree with him 100%. Knowing and not reporting, is just as guilty as making it nowadays.

Years ago we would take the MRE heaters, break them up, put them in a water bottle, screw the cap down, shake the concoction, drop it and run like hell. Talk about a noise.......Now days it would get us brought up on Federal charges. Only GIs can dream up stuff like that for excitement during deployments.

Man from 07-08 it was Air Force EOD guys clearing the way around KAF, even picked up the Brits duties in the surrounding areas due to their lack of personnel, and they still managed EOD Ops inside of KAF. I was not in the military then, been out already for a few years, but was the Interpol AOD for that area of the world by then, it was Air Force EOD techs that discovered the signature of a certain prick I will not name who was responsible for 86 mortar and IED attacks against NATO forces, they worked it out with OSI who tasked us with locating the Terry because they suspected he flew out for an Islamic event.

We got word he was flying back and was even dumb enough to fly into KAF on the civilian side. OSI was not very happy with me because I had also informed the AF EOD Commander that had the techs who identified the signatures and invited them to come along and just hang out in the airport terminal and watch. Man OSI was not happy.

Point is Air Force has plenty of folks on the tip of the spear, not everyone is support, just like not every Marine is a door kicker, not every Navy guy embellishes their actions in a book, not every Army guy cant read (but we are a minority).

Them Air Force medic birds picked me up, spent 9 hours on ground all sorts of messed, the Tach P assigned to my Team seemed to have the only life line that worked. Them boys showed up with the Thunder, remained awake for another 14 hours before one of them really nice hospital birds the AF has showed up to take me to Landstuhl. Knew I was in good hands once we had wheels up on that bird and passed out. 42 days later I woke up. That AF E6 on that bird told me "Chief, I hear you have been awake the entire time, we can not give you anything to put you out but you are safe now". Man, that and wheels up was all I needed. LOL

Thanks for your service mate.

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To me it looks like an old Ceramic or Porcelain Fuse that Someone Has Messed With!

These guys are right....Call LE and Have Them Deal With It.

That thing could be a real explosive or a prototype for one... or nothing. But it's going to be a bad deal if some nut is out there that blows people up and there's evidence on what you have that could of prevented it.

These guys are right, you've put pics and measurements out there, it's been discussed with flag words and at some point it could or will come back to you if you do not notify LE.


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My older brother had a friend in high school that gave him a homemade firecracker, aka pipe bomb. We lit it on a 2x4 in the back yard, with mom watching, haha. It destroyed the 2x4 and shook windows all over the neighborhood. Some neighbors called the power company thinking a transformer had blown. Looking back, had this happened nowadays, I'm sure we'd be locked up in Guantanamo right now! God bless naive moms!


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